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Интерактивная система просмотра системных руководств (man-ов)

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bswap32 (9)
  • >> bswap32 (9) ( FreeBSD man: Ядро )

  • BSD mandoc


    bswap16 , bswap32 , bswap64
    be16toh , be32toh , be64toh , htobe16 , htobe32 , htobe64
    htole16 , htole32 , htole64 , le16toh , le32toh , le64toh
    be16enc , be16dec , be32enc , be32dec , be64enc , be64dec
    le16enc , le16dec , le32enc , le32dec , le64enc , le64dec
     - byte order operations


       #include <sys/endian.h>
    uint16_t bswap16 (uint16_t int16);
    uint32_t bswap32 (uint32_t int32);
    uint64_t bswap64 (uint64_t int64);
    uint16_t be16toh (uint16_t big16);
    uint32_t be32toh (uint32_t big32);
    uint64_t be64toh (uint64_t big64);
    uint16_t htobe16 (uint16_t host16);
    uint32_t htobe32 (uint32_t host32);
    uint64_t htobe64 (uint64_t host64);
    uint16_t htole16 (uint16_t host16);
    uint32_t htole32 (uint32_t host32);
    uint64_t htole64 (uint64_t host64);
    uint16_t le16toh (uint16_t little16);
    uint32_t le32toh (uint32_t little32);
    uint64_t le64toh (uint64_t little64);
    uint16_t be16dec (const void *);
    uint32_t be32dec (const void *);
    uint64_t be64dec (const void *);
    uint16_t le16dec (const void *);
    uint32_t le32dec (const void *);
    uint64_t le64dec (const void *);
    void be16enc (void * uint16_t);
    void be32enc (void * uint32_t);
    void be64enc (void * uint64_t);
    void le16enc (void * uint16_t);
    void le32enc (void * uint32_t);
    void le64enc (void * uint64_t);


    The bswap16 (,);
    bswap32 (,);
    and bswap64 ();
    functions return a byte order swapped integer. On big endian systems, the number is converted to little endian byte order. On little endian systems, the number is converted to big endian byte order.

    The be16toh (,);
    be32toh (,);
    and be64toh ();
    functions return a big endian byte ordered integer converted to the system's native byte order. The return value will be the same as the argument on big endian systems.

    The le16toh (,);
    le32toh (,);
    and le64toh ();
    functions return a little endian byte ordered integer converted to the system's native byte order. The return value will be the same as the argument on little endian systems.

    The htobe16 (,);
    htobe32 (,);
    and htobe64 ();
    functions return a integer in the system's native byte order converted to big endian byte order. The return value will be the same as the argument on big endian systems.

    The htole16 (,);
    htole32 (,);
    and htole64 ();
    functions return a integer in the system's native byte order converted to little endian byte order. The return value will be the same as the argument on little endian systems.

    The be16enc (,);
    be16dec (,);
    be32enc (,);
    be32dec (,);
    be64enc (,);
    be64dec (,);
    le16enc (,);
    le16dec (,);
    le32enc (,);
    le32dec (,);
    le64enc (,);
    and le64dec ();
    functions encode and decode integers to/from byte strings on any alignment in big/little endian format.  




    The hto (*);
    and toh (*);
    functions first appeared in Fx 5.0 , and were originally developed by the Nx project.

    The encode/decode functions first appeared in Fx 5.1 .




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