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DtTerm (3)
  • >> DtTerm (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
  • DtTerm (5) ( Solaris man: Форматы файлов )
         DtTerm - DtTerm widget class
         #include <Dt/Term.h>
         The DtTerm widget provides the  core  set  of  functionality
         needed  to emulate an ANSI X3.64-1979- and ISO 6429:1992(E)-
         style terminal, such as the DEC VT220.   This  functionality
         includes  text rendering, scrolling, margin and tab support,
         escape sequence parsing and the low-level OS-specific inter-
         face  required  to  allocate  and configure a pty or STREAMS
         pseudo-terminal device and write the system's utmp device.
         The DtTerm widget inherits behavior and resources  from  the
         Core and XmPrimitive classes.
         The class pointer is dtTermWidgetClass .
         The class name is DtTerm.
      New Resources
         The following table defines a set of widget  resources  used
         by  the  application  to  specify data.  The application can
         also set the resource values for the  inherited  classes  to
         set  attributes for this widget.  To reference a resource by
         name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, the application  must
         remove  the DtN or DtC prefix and use the remaining letters.
         To specify one of the defined values for  a  resource  in  a
         .Xdefaults  file,  the application must remove the Dt prefix
         and use the remaining letters (in either lower case or upper
         case,  but  including  any  underscores between words).  The
         codes in the access column indicate if  the  given  resource
         can  be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues()
         (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues() (G), or is not  appli-
         cable (N/A).
                                     DtTerm Resource Set, Part 1 of 2
         Name                      Class                   Type           Default          Access
         DtNallowSendEvents        DtCAllowSendEvents      Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNappCursorDefault       DtCAppCursorDefault     Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNappKeypadDefault       DtCAppKeypadDefault     Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNautoWrap               DtCAutoWrap             Boolean        True             CSG
         DtNbackgroundIsSelect     DtCBackgroundIsSelect   Boolean        False            CG
         DtNbaseHeight             DtCBaseHeight           int            0                G
         DtNbaseWidth              DtCBaseWidth            int            0                G
         DtNblinkRate              DtCBlinkRate            int            250              CSG
         DtNc132                   DtCC132                 Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNcharCursorStyle        DtCCharCursorStyle      unsigned       DtTERM_CHAR-     CSG
                                                              char           _CURSOR_BOX
         DtNcolumns                DtCColumns              short          80               CSG
         DtNconsoleMode            DtCConsoleMode          Boolean        False            CG
         DtNemulationID            DtCEmulationID          String         ``DtTermWidget'' CSG
         DtNheightInc              DtCHeightInc            int            0                G
         DtNinputVerifyCallback    DtCCallback             XtCallbackList NULL             C
         DtNjumpScroll             DtCJumpScroll           Boolean        True             CSG
         DtNkshMode                DtCKshMode              Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNlogging                DtCLogging              Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNmapOnOutput            DtCMapOnOutput          Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNmapOnOutputDelay       DtCMapOnOutputDelay     int            0                CSG
         DtNmarginBell             DtCMarginBell           Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNmarginHeight           DtCMarginHeight         Dimension      2                CSG
         DtNmarginWidth            DtCMarginWidth          Dimension      2                CSG
         DtNnMarginBell            DtCNMarginBell          int            10               CSG
         DtNoutputLogCallback      DtCCallback             XtCallbackList NULL             C
         DtNpointerBlank           DtCPointerBlank         Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNpointerBlankDelay      DtCPointerBlankDelay    int            2                CSG
         DtNpointerColor           DtCForeground           String         dynamic          CSG
         DtNpointerColorBackground DtCBackground           String         dynamic          CSG
         DtNpointerShape           DtCPointerShape         String         xterm            CSG
         DtNreverseWrap            DtCReverseWrap          Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNrows                   DtCRows                 short          24               CSG
         DtNsaveLines              DtCSaveLines            string         64s              CG
         DtNshadowType             DtCShadowType           unsigned       DtSHADOW_IN      CSG
         DtNstatusChangeCallback   DtCCallback             XtCallbackList NULL             C
         DtNsubprocessArgv         DtCSubprocessArgv       String *       NULL             CG
         DtNsubprocessCmd          DtCSubprocessCmd        String         NULL             CG
         DtNsubprocessExec         DtCSubprocessExec       Boolean        True             CSG
         DtNsubprocessLoginShell   DtCSubprocessLoginShell Boolean        False            CG
         DtNsubprocessPid          DtCSubprocessPid        int            -1               G
         DtNsubprocess-            DtCCallback             XtCallbackList NULL             C
         DtNsubprocess-            DtCSubprocess-          Boolean        True             CSG
            TerminationCatch          TerminationCatch
         DtNsunFunctionKeys        DtCSunFunctionKeys      Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNtermDevice             DtCTermDevice           int            -1               CG
         DtNtermDeviceAllocate     DtCTermDeviceAllocate   Boolean        True             CG
         DtNtermId                 DtCTermId               String         ``vt220''        CSG
         DtNtermName               DtCTermName             String         ``dtterm''       CSG
         DtNtermSlaveName          DtCTermSlaveName        String         NULL             CG
         DtNttyModes               DtCTtyModes             String         NULL             CSG
         DtNuserBoldFont           DtCUserBoldFont         XmFontList     dynamic          CSG
         DtNuserFont               DtCUserFont             XmFontList     dynamic          CSG
         DtNverticalScrollBar      DtCVerticalScrollBar    Widget         NULL             CSG
         DtNvisualBell             DtCVisualBell           Boolean        False            CSG
         DtNwidthInc               DtCWidthInc             int            0                G
                  Specifies  that   the   terminal   emulator   allow
                  synthetic  events  (generated  and  sent by another
                  application).  Enabling this resource  opens  up  a
                  possible security hole.
                  Specifies the initial cursor mode.   If  True,  the
                  cursor  keys are initially in application mode.  If
                  False, the cursor  keys  are  initially  in  cursor
                  Specifies the initial keypad mode.   If  True,  the
                  keypad  keys are initially in application mode.  If
                  False, the keypad keys  are  initially  in  numeric
                  Specifies  whether  or  not  the   DECCOLM   escape
                  sequence that switches between a 132- and 80-column
                  window is honored.
                  Specifies that output directed at  /dev/console  be
                  directed  instead  to  the  terminal window.  It is
                  provided as a way to prevent output that would nor-
                  mally  be displayed on the internal terminal emula-
                  tor (ITE) from overwriting the X server's  display.
                  It is not provided as a general mechanism to direct
                  the output from an arbitrary system's  /dev/console
                  to  an arbitrary X server.  Ownership of, and read-
                  write permission for, /dev/console is  required  to
                  redirect console output.
                  Specifies whether or  not  auto-wrap  is  initially
                  Controls the background  color.   When  False,  the
                  background  color  is  the  color  specified.  When
                  True, the background  color  is  the  select  color
                  corresponding  to  the  background  and is constant
                  with other Motif-based applications.
                  Specifies the terminal window's base height.   With
                  this  resource  the  application  computes its base
                  height for the shell widget, which then allows  the
                  window  manager to provide appropriate sizing feed-
                  back to the user.  The height of the terminal  win-
                  dow is:
                       DtNbaseHeight + DtNrows x DtNheightInc
                  Specifies the terminal window's base  width.   With
                  this  resource  the  application  computes its base
                  width for the shell widget, which then  allows  the
                  window  manager to provide appropriate sizing feed-
                  back to the user.  The width of the terminal window
                       DtNbaseWidth + DtNcolumns x DtNwidthInc
                  Specifies the number of milliseconds the cursor  is
                  in  the  on and off states while blinking.  A value
                  of 250 blinks the cursor two times per  second.   A
                  value of zero turns blinking off.
                  This resource specifies whether or not the  DECCOLM
                  escape sequence should be honored.
                  Specifies    the    text    cursor    shape.      A
                  DtTERM_CHAR_CURSOR_BOX value specifies a cursor the
                  width and height of the base font's  bounding  box.
                  A  DtTERM_CHAR_CURSOR_BAR  value specifies a cursor
                  the width of the base font's bounding box, two pix-
                  els  high,  and drawn with its top on the baseline.
                  The default is DtTERM_CHAR_CURSOR_BOX.
                  Specifies the number of text columns in the  termi-
                  nal   window.    For  additional  information,  see
                  Specifies the string to which the TERMINAL_EMULATOR
                  environment variable is set.
                  Specifies the character cell  height  used  as  the
                  height  increment  when calculating the size of the
                  terminal window.  For additional  information,  see
                  Specifies the list of callbacks called  before  the
                  DtTerm widget sends text to the child process.  The
                  text may be generated either in  response  to  key-
                  board  input,  selection  or  drag  and  drop.  The
                  DtTermInputVerifyCallbackStruct structure's address
                  is passed to this callback.  DtCR_TERM_INPUT_VERIFY
                  is the reason set by the callback.
                  Specifies that the DtTerm widget uses  jump  scrol-
                  ling.   Under  jump  scrolling,  the  screen may be
                  scrolled more than one line at a time.  This  means
                  faster  screen  updates when multiple lines of text
                  are sent to the terminal.  The  maximum  number  of
                  lines  that  may be jump scrolled is limited to the
                  number of lines in the terminal window.  The DtTerm
                  widget guarantees that all lines are displayed.
                  Enables ksh mode.  With ksh  mode,  a  key  pressed
                  with  the  extend  modifier  bit  set  generates an
                  escape character followed  by  the  character  gen-
                  erated by the unextended keystroke.  This option is
                  provided  for  use  with  emacs(1)  and  the  emacs
                  command-line  editor  mode of ksh(1).  It conflicts
                  with  the  normal  meta  key  use  for   generating
                  extended  single byte characters and for generating
                  multi-byte Asian characters.
                  Indicates that the terminal widget map (de-iconify)
                  itself  upon  subprocess  output  if it is unmapped
                  (iconified).  An  initial  period  of  time  during
                  which  the terminal widget does not map itself upon
                  subprocess output can be specified via the DtNmapO-
                  nOutputDelay resource.
                  Specifies the number of seconds after start-up that
                  the   widget  does  not  honor  the  DtNmapOnOutput
                  resource.  This  allows  for  initial  output  (for
                  example,  shell prompts) to be sent to the terminal
                  without auto-mapping the window.   The  default  is
                  zero (no delay).
                  Specifies whether or not the bell  rings  when  the
                  user  types  near  the  right margin.  The distance
                  from the right margin is specified by the  nMargin-
                  Bell resource.
                  Specifies the height of the margin between the text
                  and  the top and bottom of the DtTerm widget's win-
                  Specifies the width of the margin between the  text
                  and both sides of the DtTerm widget's window.
                  Specifies the number of characters from  the  right
                  margin  at which the margin bell rings when enabled
                  via the DtNmarginBell resource.
                  Specifies the list of  callbacks  called  when  the
                  widget   receives  text  from  the  child  process.
                  DtTermOutputLogCallbackStruct is the structure type
                  whose   address   is   passed   to  this  callback.
                  DtCR_TERM_OUTPUT_LOG is the reason set by the call-
                  Indicates that the pointer cursor  is  in  blanking
                  mode.   In  this mode, the cursor turns on when the
                  pointer is moved, and is  blanked  either  after  a
                  selectable  number  of  seconds  or  after keyboard
                  input.  The delay is set via the DtNpointerBlankDe-
                  lay resource.
                  Specifies the number of seconds to wait  after  the
                  pointer  has  stopped  moving  before  blanking the
                  pointer (see DtNpointerBlank).   A  value  of  zero
                  prevents  the  pointer from blanking until a key is
                  Specifies the foreground color  the  DtTerm  widget
                  uses  for  the  terminal window's pointer (X11 cur-
                  sor).  The default is the terminal  window's  fore-
                  ground color.
                  Specifies the background color  the  DtTerm  widget
                  uses  for  the  terminal window's pointer (X11 cur-
                  sor).  The default is the terminal  window's  back-
                  ground color.
                  Specifies the X cursor font  character  the  DtTerm
                  widget  uses as the pointer cursor.  The font char-
                  acter should be specified  as  a  string  from  the
                  include  file, <X11/cursorfont.h>, with the leading
                  XC_ removed.  The default is xterm(1X).
                  Specifies  whether  or  not  reverse-wraparound  is
                  Specifies the number of rows of text in the  termi-
                  nal   window.    For  additional  information,  see
                  Defines the number of lines in the terminal  buffer
                  beyond  the  length  of  the  window.  The resource
                  value consists of a number followed by an  optional
                  suffix.   If no suffix is included or the suffix is
                  ``l'' (ell),  the  total  length  of  the  terminal
                  buffer  is the number plus the length of the termi-
                  nal window.  If the  suffix  is  ``s,''  the  total
                  length  of  the terminal buffer is (the number plus
                  one) times the length of the terminal window.   The
                  DtTerm  widget  tries  to maintain the same buffer-
                  to-window ratio when the window is resized larger.
                  Specifies the type of shadow drawn around the  ter-
                  minal  window.  See the XmFrame(3X) widget for sup-
                  ported shadow types.
                  Specifies the list of  callbacks  called  when  the
                  DtTerm  widget's  status  changes.   Status changes
                  include changes such as cursor position, caps  lock
                  state   and  insert  char  state.   The  DtTermSta-
                  tusChangeCallbackStruct  structure's   address   is
                  passed  to  this callback.  DtCR_TERM_STATUS_CHANGE
                  is the reason the callback sends.
                  Specifies the argument list passed to  the  subpro-
                  cess  if  DtNsubprocessExec is True.  If DtNsubpro-
                  cessCmd is NULL, the first string of this  argument
                  is used as the name of the command to execute.
                  Specifies the name of the command to run if DtNsub-
                  processExec is True.  If DtNsubprocessExec is NULL,
                  the first string of the DtNsubprocessArgv  argument
                  is used.
                  This resource specifies whether or not a subprocess
                  is  fork(2)  and exec(2).  If True, a subprocess is
                  launched as  specified  via  the  DtNsubprocessArgv
                  resource, if set, or the DtNsubprocessCmd resource,
                  if set, or the SHELL environment variable, if  set,
                  or the default system shell.
                  Indicates that the starting shell be a login  shell
                  (that  is,  the  first  character  of  argv[0] be a
                  dash), that tells the shell to  read  the  system's
                  profile  and  the user's .profile files (for ksh(1)
                  and sh(1)) or the system's csh.login and the user's
                  .login (for csh(1)).
                  Supplies the process ID of the  subprocess  running
                  in  the  terminal  widget when DtNsubprocessExec is
                  Supplies the list of callbacks called when the sub-
                  process  associated  with  the DtTerm widget exits.
                  The       DtTermSubprocessTerminationCallbackStruct
                  structure's  address  is  passed  to this callback.
                  DtCR_TERM_SUBPROCESS_TERMINATION is the reason  the
                  callback sends.
                  Specifies whether or not the DtTerm widget installs
                  a  signal  handler to catch the subprocess termina-
                  tion.  If the application installs its  own  signal
                  handler,  the application must catch the subprocess
                  termination and inform the DtTerm  widget  via  the
                  DtTermSubprocReap(3) function.
                  Specifies whether or not Sun  Function  Key  escape
                  sequences  are  generated for function keys instead
                  of standard escape sequences.
                  Supplies the file descriptor for the master side of
                  the  pty  or STREAMS pseudo-terminal device associ-
                  ated with the DtTerm widget.
                  Specifies whether or not the  DtTerm  widget  allo-
                  cates  a  pty or STREAMS pseudo-terminal device, or
                  uses the pseudo-terminal device passed  to  it  via
                  the DtNtermDevice resource.
                  Supplies the name the DtTerm widget uses to  select
                  the correct response to terminal ID queries.  Valid
                  values are vt100, vt101, vt102 and vt220.
                  Supplies the name the DtTerm widget uses in setting
                  the  TERM  environment  variable.   The  default is
                  Supplies the name of the slave device of the pty or
                  STREAMS  pseudo-terminal device associated with the
                  DtTerm  widget.   The  DtTerm  widget   uses   this
                  resource  to update the system's utmp entry associ-
                  ated with the subprocess.
                  Specifies a string containing terminal-setting key-
                  words  and  the  characters  to  which  they may be
                  bound.  Allowable keywords  include:   intr,  quit,
                  erase,  kill,  eof,  eol, swtch, start, stop, susp,
                  dsusp, rprnt, flush, werase and lnext.  The  termi-
                  nal  emulator correctly parses and silently ignores
                  keywords that do not apply to a specific  architec-
                  ture.  Control characters can be specified as ^char
                  (for example, ^c or ^u), and  ^?  can  be  used  to
                  indicate delete.  This is useful for overriding the
                  default terminal settings without having to  do  an
                  stty(1) every time a DtTerm widget is created.
                  Supplies the XmFontList the DtTerm widget  uses  to
                  display  bold terminal text.  The terminal emulator
                  supports only character or mono-spaced fonts.  When
                  using  proportional  fonts,  the  behavior is unde-
                  fined.  The terminal emulator generates  a  default
                  bold  font  based on the XLFD name of the userFont.
                  If that font is not available, the terminal  emula-
                  tor generates bold text by overstriking (with a one
                  pixel offset) the userFont.
                  Supplies the XmFontList the DtTerm widget  uses  to
                  display  terminal text.  The terminal emulator sup-
                  ports only character or  mono-spaced  fonts.   When
                  using  proportional  fonts,  the  behavior is unde-
                  fined.  The terminal emulator gets a  default  font
                  via  the  XmNtextFontList  value of the parent bul-
                  letin board (see the XmBulletinBoard(3X) widget) in
                  the same manner as the XmText(3X) widget.
                  Specifies a an application-supplied vertical scroll
                  bar  widget  to  update  as  scrolling occurs.  The
                  DtTerm widget does not create the scroll bar.
                  Specifies whether the DtTerm widget uses a  visible
                  bell (that is, flashing) instead of an audible bell
                  when <control>-G is received.
                  Specifies  the  character  cell  width  the  DtTerm
                  widget uses as the width increment when calculating
                  the size of the terminal  window.   For  additional
                  information, see DtNbaseWidth.
      Inherited Resources
         The DtTerm widget inherits behavior and resources  from  the
         following named superclasses.  For a complete description of
         each resource, see the man page for that superclass.
                                     XmPrimitive Resource Set
         Name                  Class                 Type           Default        Access
         XmNbottomShadowColor  XmCBottomShadowColor  Pixel          dynamic        CSG
         XmNbottom-            XmCBottom-            Pixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED- CSG
            ShadowPixmap          ShadowPixmap                         _PIXMAP
         XmNforeground         XmCForeground         Pixel          dynamic        CSG
         XmNhelpCallback       XmCCallback           XtCallbackList NULL           C
         XmNhighlightColor     XmCHighlightColor     Pixel          dynamic        CSG
         XmNhighlightOnEnter   XmCHighlightOnEnter   Boolean        False          CSG
         XmNhighlightPixmap    XmCHighlightPixmap    Pixmap         dynamic        CSG
         XmNhighlightThickness XmCHighlightThickness Dimension      2              CSG
         XmNnavigationType     XmCNavigationType     XmNavigation-  XmNONE         G
         XmNshadowThickness    XmCShadowThickness    Dimension      2              CSG
         XmNtopShadowColor     XmCTopShadowColor     Pixel          dynamic        CSG
         XmNtopShadowPixmap    XmCTopShadowPixmap    Pixmap         dynamic        CSG
         XmNtraversalOn        XmCTraversalOn        Boolean        True           CSG
         XmNunitType           XmCUnitType           unsigned char  dynamic        CSG
         XmNuserData           XmCUserData           Pointer        NULL           CSG
                                            Core Resource Set
         Name                   Class                  Type           Default             Access
         XmNaccelerators        XmCAccelerators        XtAccelerators NULL                CSG
         XmNancestorSensitive   XmCSensitive           Boolean        dynamic             G
         XmNbackground          XmCBackground          Pixel          dynamic             CSG
         XmNbackgroundPixmap    XmCPixmap              Pixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED-      CSG
         XmNborderColor         XmCBorderColor         Pixel          XtDefaultForeground CSG
         XmNborderPixmap        XmCPixmap              Pixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED-      CSG
         XmNborderWidth         XmCBorderWidth         Dimension      0                   CSG
         XmNcolormap            XmCColormap            Colormap       dynamic             CG
         XmNdepth               XmCDepth               int            dynamic             CG
         XmNdestroyCallback     XmCCallback            XtCallbackList NULL                C
         XmNheight              XmCHeight              Dimension      dynamic             CSG
         XmNinitial-            XmCInitial-            Boolean        True                CG
            ResourcesPersistent    ResourcesPersistent
         XmNmapped-             XmCMapped-             Boolean        True                CSG
         WhenManaged            WhenManaged
         XmNscreen              XmCScreen              Screen *       dynamic             CG
         XmNsensitive           XmCSensitive           Boolean        True                CSG
         XmNtranslations        XmCTranslations        XtTranslations NULL                CSG
         XmNwidth               XmCWidth               Dimension      dynamic             CSG
         XmNx                   XmCPosition            Position       0                   CSG
         XmNy                   XmCPosition            Position       0                   CSG
      Callback Information
         A pointer to the  DtTermStatusChangeCallbackStruct  callback
         structure, which includes at least the following members, is
         passed to callbacks for DtNstatusChangeCallback.
         int                    reason           Indicates why the callback was
         XEvent                 *event           Points to the XEvent, if any,
                                                 that triggered the callback or
         int                    cursorX          The current text cursor X
                                                 (column) position.
         int                    cursorY          The current text cursor Y (row)
         Boolean                capsLock         The current state of the caps
                                                 lock indicator.
         Boolean                stop             The current state subprocess
                                                 output parsing.  Processing out-
                                                 put from the subprocess can be
                                                 turned on and off via the stop()
                                                 action (similar to the XON/XOFF
                                                 handshake invoked via
         DtTermInsertCharMode   insertCharMode   Not used by the DtTerm widget.
         Boolean                locked           The current state of the key-
                                                 board caps lock.
         A pointer to  the  DtTermSubprocessTerminationCallbackStruct
         callback  structure,  which  includes at least the following
         members, is passed to  callbacks  for  DtNsubprocessTermina-
         int      reason   Indicates why the callback was invoked:
         XEvent   *event   Points to the XEvent, if any, that trig-
                           gered the callback or NULL.
         pid_t    pid      The process ID of the terminated subpro-
         int      status   The exit status of the terminated sub-
         A pointer to  the  DtTermInputVerifyCallbackStruct  callback
         structure, which includes at least the following members, is
         passed to callbacks for DtNinputVerifyCallback.
         int             reason   Indicates why the callback was invoked:
         XEvent          *event   Points to the XEvent, if any, that trig-
                                  gered the callback or NULL.
         Boolean         doit     Indicates whether the text should be
                                  sent to the child process.  Setting doit
                                  to False negates the action.
         unsigned char   *text    Points to the text (either single- or
                                  multi-byte depending on the locale) to
                                  be sent to the child process.
         int             length   Specifies the number of bytes to be sent
                                  to the child process.
         A pointer to the  DtTermOutputlogVerifyCallbackStruct  call-
         back  structure,  which  includes  at  least  the  following
         members, is passed to callbacks for DtNoutputLogCallback.
         int             reason   Indicates why the callback was invoked:
         XEvent          *event   Points to the XEvent, if any, that trig-
                                  gered the callback or NULL.
         unsigned char   *text    Points to the text (either single- or
                                  multi-byte depending on the locale)
                                  received from the child process.
         int             length   Specifies the number of bytes received
                                  from the child process.
         The    DtTerm    widget    includes    translations     from
         Altering translations in #override or #augment mode is unde-
             Key Pressed                       Action Routine
     Shift ~Ctrl<Key>KP_Multiply:   XtDisplayInstalledAccelerators()
     ~Shift Ctrl<Key>KP_Multiply:   XtDisplayAccelerators()
     Shift Ctrl<Key>KP_Multiply:    XtDisplayTranslations()
     <Key>osfCancel:                process-cancel()
     <Key>osfCopy:                  copy-clipboard()
     <Key>osfCut:                   copy-clipboard()
     <Key>osfPaste:                 paste-clipboard()
     <Key>osfBeginLine:             beginning-of-buffer()
     <Key>osfEndLine:               end-of-buffer()
     Shift<Key>osfUp:               scroll(1,line)
     Shift<Key>osfDown:             scroll(-1,line)
     <Key>osfUp:                    move-cursor(up)
     <Key>osfDown:                  move-cursor(down)
     <Key>osfLeft:                  move-cursor(backward)
     <Key>osfRight:                 move-cursor(forward)
     <Key>Do:                       vt-edit-key(do)
     <Key>Help:                     vt-edit-key(help)
     <Key>Menu:                     vt-edit-key(menu)
     <Key>Find:                     vt-edit-key(find)
     <Key>Insert:                   vt-edit-key(insert)
     <Key>Select:                   vt-edit-key(select)
     ~Shift<Key>osfPageUp:          vt-edit-key(prior)
     ~Shift<Key>osfPageDown:        vt-edit-key(next)
     <Key>osfPageUp:                scroll(-1,page)
     <Key>osfPageDown:              scroll(1,page)
     Mod1<Key>Break:                soft-reset()
     Shift<Key>Break:               hard-reset()
     ~Shift ~Mod1<Key>Break:        vt-break()
     Ctrl<Key>Cancel:               stop(long)
     ~Ctrl<Key>Cancel:              stop()
     ~Shift<Key>Tab:                tab()
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Space:            keypad-key-execute(space)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Tab:              keypad-key-execute(tab)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Enter:            keypad-key-execute(enter)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_F1:               keypad-key-execute(f1)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_F2:               keypad-key-execute(f2)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_F3:               keypad-key-execute(f3)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_F4:               keypad-key-execute(f4)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Equal:            keypad-key-execute(equal)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Multiply:         keypad-key-execute(multiply)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Add:              keypad-key-execute(add)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Separator:        keypad-key-execute(separator)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Subtract:         keypad-key-execute(subtract)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Decimal:          keypad-key-execute(decimal)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_Divide:           keypad-key-execute(divide)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_0:                keypad-key-execute(0)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_1:                keypad-key-execute(1)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_2:                keypad-key-execute(2)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_3:                keypad-key-execute(3)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_4:                keypad-key-execute(4)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_5:                keypad-key-execute(5)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_6:                keypad-key-execute(6)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_7:                keypad-key-execute(7)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_8:                keypad-key-execute(8)
     ~Mod1<Key>KP_9:                keypad-key-execute(9)
     Shift<Key>F1:                  vt-function-key-execute(1, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F2:                  vt-function-key-execute(2, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F3:                  vt-function-key-execute(3, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F4:                  vt-function-key-execute(4, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F5:                  vt-function-key-execute(5, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F6:                  vt-function-key-execute(6, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F7:                  vt-function-key-execute(7, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F8:                  vt-function-key-execute(8, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F9:                  vt-function-key-execute(9, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F10:                 vt-function-key-execute(10, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F11:                 vt-function-key-execute(11, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F12:                 vt-function-key-execute(12, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F13:                 vt-function-key-execute(13, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F14:                 vt-function-key-execute(14, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F15:                 vt-function-key-execute(15, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F16:                 vt-function-key-execute(16, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F17:                 vt-function-key-execute(17, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F18:                 vt-function-key-execute(18, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F19:                 vt-function-key-execute(19, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F20:                 vt-function-key-execute(20, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F21:                 vt-function-key-execute(21, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F22:                 vt-function-key-execute(22, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F23:                 vt-function-key-execute(23, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F24:                 vt-function-key-execute(24, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F25:                 vt-function-key-execute(25, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F26:                 vt-function-key-execute(26, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F27:                 vt-function-key-execute(27, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F28:                 vt-function-key-execute(28, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F29:                 vt-function-key-execute(29, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F30:                 vt-function-key-execute(30, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F31:                 vt-function-key-execute(31, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F32:                 vt-function-key-execute(32, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F33:                 vt-function-key-execute(33, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F34:                 vt-function-key-execute(34, UDK)
     Shift<Key>F35:                 vt-function-key-execute(35, UDK)
     ~Shift<Key>F1:                 vt-function-key-execute(1, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F2:                 vt-function-key-execute(2, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F3:                 vt-function-key-execute(3, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F4:                 vt-function-key-execute(4, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F5:                 vt-function-key-execute(5, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F6:                 vt-function-key-execute(6, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F7:                 vt-function-key-execute(7, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F8:                 vt-function-key-execute(8, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F9:                 vt-function-key-execute(9, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F10:                vt-function-key-execute(10, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F11:                vt-function-key-execute(11, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F12:                vt-function-key-execute(12, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F13:                vt-function-key-execute(13, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F14:                vt-function-key-execute(14, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F15:                vt-function-key-execute(15, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F16:                vt-function-key-execute(16, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F17:                vt-function-key-execute(17, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F18:                vt-function-key-execute(18, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F19:                vt-function-key-execute(19, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F20:                vt-function-key-execute(20, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F21:                vt-function-key-execute(21, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F22:                vt-function-key-execute(22, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F23:                vt-function-key-execute(23, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F24:                vt-function-key-execute(24, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F25:                vt-function-key-execute(25, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F26:                vt-function-key-execute(26, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F27:                vt-function-key-execute(27, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F28:                vt-function-key-execute(28, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F29:                vt-function-key-execute(29, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F30:                vt-function-key-execute(30, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F31:                vt-function-key-execute(31, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F32:                vt-function-key-execute(32, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F33:                vt-function-key-execute(33, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F34:                vt-function-key-execute(34, function)
     ~Shift<Key>F35:                vt-function-key-execute(35, function)
     <KeyRelease>:                  key-release()
     <KeyPress>:                    insert()
     ~Shift~Ctrl<Btn1Down>:         grab-focus()
     Shift~Ctrl<Btn1Down>:          extend-start()
     ~Ctrl<Btn1Motion>:             select-adjust()
     ~Ctrl<Btn1Up>:                 extend-end()
     ~Shift<Btn2Down>:              process-bdrag()
     ~Shift<Btn2Up>:                copy-to()
     <EnterWindow>:                 enter()
     <LeaveWindow>:                 leave()
     <FocusIn>:                     focus-in()
     <FocusOut>:                    focus-out()
      Action Routines
         The DtTerm widget supports the following action routines:
                  Rings the keyboard bell at the specified percentage
                  above or below the base volume.
                  Sends an RS232 break signal to the child process.
                  Sends a CAN (cancel) character to  the  child  pro-
                  Copies current selection to the clipboard.
                  Sends the primary selection to the subprocess.
            do()  Sends   the   escape   sequence   (see   dtterm(5))
                  associated with the Do key to the child process.
                  Sends the escape sequence (see  dtterm(5))  associ-
                  ated  with  the corresponding edit key to the child
                  process.   The  interpretation  of  these  keys  is
                  application-specific.  Valid values for string are:
                  Starts the  extension  of  the  currently  selected
                  text.   The  amount of text selected depends on the
                  number of mouse clicks (see grab-focus()).
                  Extends the current selection.  The amount of  text
                  selected depends on the number of mouse clicks (see
            function-key-execute(num[, type])
                  Sends the escape sequence (see  dtterm(5))  associ-
                  ated with the corresponding function key num to the
                  child process.  Valid values for num are 1  to  35,
                  inclusive.   If type is set to function (or not set
                  at all), the escape sequence (see dtterm(5))  asso-
                  ciated  with  function key num is sent to the child
                  process.  If type is set to UDK,  then  the  string
                  associated with user defined key num is sent to the
                  child process.
                  Performs one of  the  following  depending  on  the
                  number   of   multiple  mouse  clicks.   One  click
                  deselects any selected text and sets the  selection
                  anchor  at the pointer position; two clicks selects
                  a word; three clicks selects a line  of  text;  and
                  four clicks selects all text.
                  Performs a hard reset  on  the  terminal  emulator.
                  See dtterm(5) for a definition of hard reset.
                  Sends the escape sequence (see  dtterm(5))  associ-
                  ated  with the DEC VT220 Help key to the child pro-
                  cess.   The   interpretation   of   this   key   is
                  Defines a new translation table whose resource name
                  is  named  with the suffix Keymap (case is signifi-
                  cant).  The name None restores the original  trans-
                  lation table.
                  Sends the escape sequence (see  dtterm(5))  associ-
                  ated with the corresponding keypad key to the child
                  process.   The  interpretation  of  these  keys  is
                  application-specific.  Valid values for string are:
                       f1 - f4
                       0 - 9
                  Sends the escape sequence (see  dtterm(5))  associ-
                  ated  with  the  corresponding cursor motion to the
                  child process.  The interpretation of these keys is
                  application-specific.   Valid  values for direction
                  Sends the contents of the clipboard to the  subpro-
                  The result of this action is determined by  several
                  factors:   position  of the location cursor, motion
                  of the location cursor and the interval  between  a
                  BTransfer release.
                  This action sends the current selection to the sub-
                  process if text is selected, the location cursor is
                  disjoint from the current selection and  no  motion
                  is detected within a given time interval.
                  The action drags the current selection if the loca-
                  tion  cursor  is  positioned  on the selection, the
                  time interval is exceeded and movement of the loca-
                  tion  cursor  is  detected.   This action creates a
                  DragContext object whose XmNexportTargets  resource
                  value   includes  target  types  of  COMPOUND_TEXT,
                  STRING and TEXT.
                  Redraws the contents of the text window.
            scroll(count[, units])
                  Scrolls the display memory down if count is greater
                  than  zero,  or up if count is less than zero.  The
                  number of lines scrolled  is  based  on  count  and
                  units.   The  default  for  units  is  line.  Valid
                  values for units are:
                  Extends the selection.  The amount of text selected
                  depends  on  the number of mouse clicks.  One click
                  selects characters; two clicks selects words; three
                  clicks  selects  lines; and four clicks selects the
                  entire buffer.
                  Selects all text.
                  Selects all text currently displayed on the screen.
                  Sends the character associated with the key pressed
                  to the child process.
                  Performs a soft  reset  of  the  terminal.   For  a
                  definition  of soft reset see the ``Reset'' section
                  in dtterm(5).
                  Toggles, starts, or stops the  process  of  reading
                  data  from  the  child  process.   Valid values for
                  state are:
                  Inserts the specified text string as if it had been
                  typed.   The  string  must be quoted if it contains
                  white space or  non-alphanumeric  characters.   The
                  string  is  interpreted  as a hexadecimal character
                  constant if it begins with the characters 0x.
            tab() Sends a tab to the child process.
                  Flashes the window quickly.
      Virtual Bindings
         The bindings for virtual keys are vendor-specific.   Virtual
         bindings  do  not  apply  when  the  DtTerm widget has input
         focus.  For information about bindings for  virtual  buttons
         and keys, see VirtualBindings(3X).
         dtterm(1), DtTerm(5), DtTermInitialize(3),
         DtTermDisplaySend(3), DtTermSubprocSend(3), DtTermSubpro-
         cReap(3), dtterm(5), pty(7), XtSetValues(1X),
         XtGetValues(1X), XmFrame(3X), XmPrimitive(3X),
         XmFontList(3X), XmBulletinBoard(3X), XmText(3X),
         VirtualBindings(3X), Core(3X).

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