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slacon (3)
  • >> slacon (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         slacon - estimate the 1-norm of a square, real matrix A
         INTEGER KASE, N
         REAL EST
         INTEGER ISGN( * )
         REAL V( * ), X( * )
         #include <sunperf.h>
         void slacon(int n, float *v, float  *sx,  int  *isgn,  float
                   *est, int *kase) ;
         SLACON estimates the 1-norm of  a  square,  real  matrix  A.
         Reverse  communication  is used for evaluating matrix-vector
         products.  If the initial call is made with  KASE  equal  to
         -255 and subsequent intermediate calls are made as described
         below then this subroutine is MT-safe, otherwise it  is  not
         N         (input) INTEGER
                   The order of the matrix.  N >= 1.
         V         (workspace) REAL array, dimension (N)
                   On the final  return,  V  =  A*W,   where   EST  =
                   norm(V)/norm(W) (W is not returned).
         X         (input/output) REAL array, dimension (N)
                   On an MT-unsafe intermediate return, X  should  be
                   overwritten  by A * X if KASE=1, A' * X if KASE=2,
                   and SLACON must be re-called with  all  the  other
                   parameters  unchanged.  On an MT-safe intermediate
                   return, X should be overwritten by A * X  if  bits
                   8-11  of  KASE=0001,  A'  *  X  if  bits  8-11  of
                   KASE=0010, and SLACON must be re-called  with  all
                   the  other parameters unchanged.  The MT-safe mode
                   is described below in the description of the  KASE
         ISGN      (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
         EST       (output) REAL
                   An estimate (a lower bound) for norm(A).
         KASE      (input/output) INTEGER
                   On the initial call to SLACON, KASE should be 0 or
                   -255.   If  KASE  was supplied as 0 on the initial
                   call then on an intermediate return, KASE will  be
                   1 or 2, indicating whether X should be overwritten
                   by A * X  or A' * X.  If KASE was supplied as -255
                   on the initial call then on an intermediate return
                   the low 8 bits of KASE will be 0 and  the  next  4
                   bits  will  contain  1  or 2, indicating whether X
                   should be overwritten by A * X  or A' * X.  On the
                   final  return  from  SLACON, KASE will again be 0.
                   If the initial call is made  with  KASE  equal  to
                   -255  then this subroutine is MT-safe but does not
                   conform to the standard LAPACK  calling  sequence.
                   If  the  initial call is made with KASE equal to 0
                   then it is not MT-safe, but  it  conforms  to  the
                   standard LAPACK calling sequence.
         Contributed by Nick Higham, University of Manchester.
         Originally named SONEST, dated 27 Jun 16, 1988.
         Reference: N.J. Higham, "FORTRAN codes  for  estimating  the
         one-norm  of  a real or complex matrix, with applications to
         condition estimation", ACM Trans. Math. Soft., vol. 14,  no.
         4, pp. 381-396, December 1988.

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