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wcadmin (1)
  • >> wcadmin (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    wcadmin - manage the configuration of the Sun Java Web Console


    /usr/sbin/wcadmin  subcommand options

    /usr/sbin/wcadmin  [-h| --help] 

    /usr/sbin/wcadmin  [-V | --version] 



    wcadmin is a Command Line Interface (CLI) --- based tool for managing the configuration of the Sun Java Web Console.  


    The following subcommands are supported:


    The wcadmin add subcommand adds a new shared jar file, a new JAAS login module, or a new shared service property to the console configuration. An optional identifier may be specified; if omitted, the identifier is derived from the resource name. The resource is added when the console is next started.

    The format of the add subcommand is:

    add -l -a appname [-n id] jarpath

    add -m -a appname [-n id] -b behavior -s service [-o name=value] classname

    add -p -a appname name=value [... name=value]


    The wcadmin deploy subcommand deploys the specified web application into the console's web server instance. Applications are deployed directly from their installation directories.

    The format of the deploy subcommand is:

    deploy [-D] -a appname -x context app_path


    The wcadmin disable subcommand disables access to the specified web application in the console's web server instance.

    The format of the disable subcommand is:

    disable -x context


    The wcadmin enable subcommand enables access to the specified web application in the console's web server instance.

    The format of the enable subcommand is:

    enable -x context


    The wcadmin list subcommand lists the resources currently configured for the console; including deployed web applications, shared jar files, login modules, and shared service properties. If no option is specified, all resources are listed.

    The format of the list subcommand is:

    list [-a] [-d] [-l] [-m] [-p]


    The wcadmin password subcommand manages the administrator and security keystore passwords for the console. Keystore passwords should not be changed while the console is running.

    The format of the password subcommand is:

    password [-a] [-k] [-t]

    password -f password_file


    The wcadmin reload subcommand unloads the specified web application from the console's web server instance and reloads the application from its original installation directory.

    The format of the reload subcommand is:

    reload -x context


    The wcadmin remove subcommand removes a shared jar file, a login module, or a shared service property from the console configuration. The resource may be specified by its identifier or by its full jarpath or classname. The resource is removed when the console is next started.

    The format of the remove subcommand is:

    remove -l -a appname [-n id] jarpath

    remove -m -a appname [-n id] classname

    remove -p -a appname property [...]


    The wcadmin undeploy subcommand undeploys the specified web application from the console's web server instance.

    The format of the undeploy subcommand is:

    undeploy [-D] -a appname -x context



    The following options are supported:

    -h | --help | -?

    Display runtime help.

    -V | --version

    Display console version information.

    -D | --defer

    When used with the deploy and undeploy subcommands, defers the deployment or undeployment until the next console restart. The operation is deferred by simply adding or removing the corresponding resource registration notification file. If defer is not specified, a runtime deployment or undeployment is performed, so that the application becomes available or unavailable in the running console. If the console instance is not currently running, the operation is automatically deferred.

    -a | --adminpassword

    Specify that the administrator password should be changed, when used with password subcommand. You are prompted for a new password, which must be 8 to 32 characters.

    -a | --application

    Specify the application name, when used with subcommands other than password subcommand.

    -d | --detail

    Specify that configuration details of each resource should be displayed.


    Specify the fully qualified path name to a file containing one or more password property values. See the description of the password_file argument.

    -k | --keypassword

    Specify that the keystore password should be changed. You are prompted for a new password, which must be 8 to 32 characters.

    -l | --library

    Specify that the resource is a shared jar file.

    -m | --module

    Specify that the resource is a JAAS login module.

    -n | --name

    Specify the short-hand identifier name for the resource. If omitted, the identifier name is derived from the full resource name.

    -o | --option

    Specify the name and value of a login module option property, separated by the equals character.

    -p | --property

    Specify that the resource is one or more shared service properties.

    -s | --service

    Specify the name of the JAAS login service definition. If omitted, the default console login service definition is assumed.

    -t | --trustpassword

    Specify that the truststore password should be changed. You are prompted for a new password, which must be 8 to 32 characters.

    -x | --context

    Specify the web application context path name under which the application is deployed.




    The fully qualified file system path to the web application installation directory.


    The application name. The name must be unique among all web applications registered with the console. It is also used as the name of the subdirectory under the console's pre-registration directory which contains all the resource registration notification files for that application. Typically, the application package name, plugin identifier, or context path name is specified for the application name.


    The JAAS login module control flag behavior. Must be one of "optional", "required", "requisite", or "sufficient".


    The fully qualified Java package class name of the JAAS login module. The specified class must be included in a shared jar file added to the console.


    The web application context path name under which the application is deployed. With the .reg suffix, the context forms the file name of the registration notification file for that application.


    The short-hand identifier name for a jar file or login module resource to be added or removed. The identifier name must be unique among the resources shared for a given application name. With the .reg suffix, it forms the file name of the registration notfication file for that resource.


    The fully qualified file system path to the jar file resource. When the resource is added to the console, its path is included in the classpath of the console's shared class loader.


    The JAAS login module option property name.


    The shared service property name.


    The fully qualified path to a password text file that contains the new administrator, keystore, and truststore passwords in property file format. The administrator password is specified using the "adminpassword" property. The keystore password is specified using the "keypassword" property. The truststore password is specified using the "trustpasswd" property. At least one password property must be contained in the password file.


    The login module option or shared service property value. If the value contains white space, it must be quoted.



    The following command adds a jar file to be shared in the console:

    wcadmin add -l -a myapp_1.0 -n wbem /usr/sadm/lib/wbem.jar

    The following command deploys a new web application:

    wcadmin deploy -a myapp_1.0 -x myapp /opt/SUNWmyapp/myapp

    The following command reloads an existing web application:

    wcadmin reload -x myapp

    The following command undeploys a web application at the next server restart:

    wcadmin undeploy -D -a myapp_1.0 -x myapp

    The following command lists all the deployed web applications in the console. If the status field is "running", the web application is available. If the status field is "stopped", the web application is disabled and is not available. If all web applications are "stopped", this typically indicates the console web server instance is not running.

    wcadmin list -a

    The following command removes a shared jar file:

    wcadmin remove -l -a myapp_1.0 -n wbem

    The following command changes passwords that are specified in a file:

    wcadmin password -f /home/mydir/console-passwords



    The following exit values are returned:


    Subcommand succeeded without error


    Usage error: missing or malformed arguments


    Fatal error: subcommand failed with one or more errors



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:



    Interface Stability



    smcwebserver(1M), smreg(1M), attributes(5), environ(5)




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    Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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