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"кто тут про оракл & bigmem спрашивал ?"
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"кто тут про оракл & bigmem спрашивал ?"
Сообщение от Z0termaNN Искать по авторуВ закладки on 31-Янв-03, 14:59  (MSK)
d into the kernel the OS can address a maximum of 4GB of RAM.
With 2.4 kernels (with a large memory configuration) a single process can
address up to the total amount of RAM in the machine minus 1GB
(reserved for the kernel), to a maximum 3GB.
By default the kernel reserves 1GB for it's own use, however I think that
this is a tunable parameter so if we have 4GB of RAM in a box we can tune it
so that most of that should be available to the processes (?).

Some of the URL's whence I dragged this infomation from:

Responses from my post to the Linux Kernel mailing list:

From: Albert D. Cahalan
Subject: Re: What is the truth about Linux 2.4's RAM limitations?

> we had problems with processes dying right around 2.3GB (according to top).

Out of 3 GB, you had 2.3 GB used and 0.7 GB of tiny chunks of
memory that were smaller than what you tried to allocate.

>  * What is the maximum amount of RAM that a *single* process can address
>    under a 2.4 kernel, with PAE enabled?  Without?

Just the same: 3 GB.

>  * What (if any) parameters can effect this (recompiling the app etc)?

There is a kernel patch that will get you to 2.0 or 3.5 GB.
The limit is 4 GB minus a power of two big enough for the kernel.

> Linux 2.4 does support greater then 4GB of RAM with these caveats ...
>  * It does this by supporting Intel's PAE (Physical Address Extension)
>    features which are in all Pentium Pro and newer CPU's.
>  * The PAE extensions allow up to a maximum of 64GB of RAM that the OS
>    (not a process) can address.
>  * It does this via indirect pointers to the higher memory locations, so
>    there is a CPU and RAM hit for using this.

Sort of. It maps and unmaps memory to access it.
You suffer this with the 4 GB option as well.

>  * Benchmarks seem to indicated around 3-6% CPU hit just for using the PAE
>    extensions (ie. it applies regardless of whether you are actually
>    accessing memory locations greater then 4GB).
>  * If the kernel is compiled to use PAE, Linux will not boot on a computer
>    whose hardware doesn't support PAE.
>  * PAE does not increase Linux's ability for *single* processes to see
>    greater then 3GB of RAM (see below).
> So what are the limits without using PAE? Here I'm still having a little
> problem finding definitive answers but ...
>  * Without PAE compiled into the kernel the OS can address a maximum of 4GB
>    of RAM.

The 4 GB limit is really less, depending on your hardware and BIOS.
Your BIOS will create a memory hole below 4 GB large enough for all
your PCI devices. This hole might be 1 or 2 GB.

>  * With 2.4 kernels (with a large memory configuration) a single process
>    can address up to the total amount of RAM in the machine minus 1GB
>    (reserved for the kernel), to a maximum 3GB.
>  * By default the kernel reserves 1GB for it's own use, however I think
>    that this is a tunable parameter so if we have 4GB of RAM in a box we
>    can tune it so that most of that should be available to the processes (?).

Yes. Then you suffer more map/unmap overhead.

From: Jonathan Lundell
Subject: Re: What is the truth about Linux 2.4's RAM limitations?

At 1:01 PM -0700 2001-07-09, Adam Shand wrote:

>So what are the limits without using PAE? Here I'm still having a little
>problem finding definitive answers but ...
>  * With 2.4 kernels (with a large memory configuration) a single process
>    can address up to the total amount of RAM in the machine minus 1GB
>    (reserved for the kernel), to a maximum 3GB.
>  * By default the kernel reserves 1GB for it's own use, however I think
>    that this is a tunable parameter so if we have 4GB of RAM in a box we
>    can tune it so that most of that should be available to the processes (?).

include/asm-i386/page.h has the key to this partitioning:

  * This handles the memory map.  We could make this a config
  * option, but too many people screw it up, and too few need it.
  * A __PAGE_OFFSET of 0xC0000000 means that the kernel has
  * a virtual address space of one gigabyte, which limits the
  * amount of physical memory you can use to about 950MB.
  * If you want more physical memory than this then see the CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G
  * and CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G options in the kernel configuration.

#define __PAGE_OFFSET           (0xC0000000)

Whether you could simply bump __PAGE_OFFSET up to (say) 0xE0000000  
and get 3.5GB of user-addressable memory I have no idea, but this is  
where you'd have to start.

Also keep in mind the distinction between virtual and physical  
addresses. A process has virtual addresses that must fit into 32  
bits, so 4GB is the most that can be addressed without remapping part  
of virtual space to some other physical space.

Also of interest is Chapter 3 of "IA-32 Intel Architecture Software  
Developer's Manual Volume 3: System Programming Guide", which you can  
find at

Keep in mind that Linux uses the flat (unsegmented) model.

PAE extends physical addresses only (to 36 bits), and does nothing  
for virtual space.

From: Andi Kleen
Subject: Re: What is the truth about Linux 2.4's RAM limitations?

>  * What (if any) parameters can effect this (recompiling the app etc)?

The kernel parameter is a constant called __PAGE_OFFSET which you can set.
You also need to edit arch/i386/

The reason why your simulation stopped at 2.3GB is likely that the malloc
allocation hit the shared libraries (check with /proc/<pid>/maps). Ways
around that are telling malloc to use mmap more aggressively (see the
malloc documentation in info libc) or moving the shared libraries up  
by changing a kernel constant called TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE.
"Processor type and features", "High Memory Support" can be set to
one of the following: "off", "4GB", "64GB" which changes CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM.

Linux kernel configuration help for CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM in 2.4.4 is as follows:

Linux can use up to 64 Gigabytes of physical memory on x86 systems.
However, the address space of 32-bit x86 processors is only 4
Gigabytes large. This means that, if you have a large amount of
physical memory, not all of it can be "permanently mapped" by the
kernel. The physical memory that's not permanently mapped is called
"high memory".

If you are compiling a kernel which will never run on a machine with
more than 1 Gigabyte total physical RAM, answer "off" here (default
choice and suitable for most users). This will result in a "3GB/1GB"
split: 3GB are mapped so that each process sees a 3GB virtual memory
space and the remaining part of the 4GB virtual memory space is used
by the kernel to permanently map as much physical memory as

If the machine has between 1 and 4 Gigabytes physical RAM, then
answer "4GB" here.

If more than 4 Gigabytes is used then answer "64GB" here. This
selection turns Intel PAE (Physical Address Extension) mode on.
PAE implements 3-level paging on IA32 processors. PAE is fully
supported by Linux, PAE mode is implemented on all recent Intel
processors (Pentium Pro and better). NOTE: If you say "64GB" here,
then the kernel will not boot on CPUs that don't support PAE!

The actual amount of total physical memory will either be
auto detected or can be forced by using a kernel command line option
such as "mem=256M". (Try "man bootparam" or see the documentation of
your boot loader (lilo or loadlin) about how to pass options to the
kernel at boot time.)

If unsure, say "off".
Re: "3.5GB user address space" option.

From: Rik van Riel (
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 17:27:26 EST
In reply to: Oleg A. Yurlov: ""3.5GB user address space" option."

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Oleg A. Yurlov wrote:

> How I can use 3.5GB in my apps ? I try malloc() and get
> error on 2G bounce... :-(

You may want to use the 'hoard' memory allocation library,
it seems a bit smarter than glibc's malloc in getting all
the address space your program wants.

1) install libhoard
2) export
3) run the program



Re: "3.5GB user address space" option.

From: Andrea Arcangeli (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 04:09:14 EST
In reply to: H. Peter Anvin: "Re: "3.5GB user address space" option."

Actually 3.5G per-process is theoretically possible using a careful
userspace as Rik suggested with -aa after enabling the proper
compile time configuration option. So for apps that needs say 3G
per-process it should work just fine. But of course for anything that
needs more than that 64-bit is the right way to go :)

On Firday Mar 22 2002, Wim Coekaerts <> wrote:

Linux with PAE support linked into the kernel provides a pagecache of up
to 64GB. It doesn't help alleviate in any way whatsoever the 32-bit
x86 architecture's 4GB process space limitation.

PAE support just means you can have 64GB worth of dirty pages in the page cache.

Oracle allocates a SHARED memory segment, so if you have a 2GB shared memory
segment, then that is only allocated ONCE in the page cache (NB: you share
those 2GB worth of pages) so you end up with:

63GB - 2GB = A mere 61GB left over for other private, per-process data.

If the per-process overhead (non shared) is 100MB/process, then that means
61GB / 100MB == 624 processes.

Remember that on NT, the Oracle instance is composed of threads which
share a single processes space.  Processes on NT can't share memory,
at least not efficiently.  The Oracle instance on NT exists as a
bunch of threads within a single process.

On Linux, Oracle allocates a shared memory segment and even though we run
separate processes, they all share the shared memory segment.

The VLM feature is an entirely different way of doing things.
With the VLM feature in Oracle release 9.2, we just mmap a
virtual file  that lives in a virtual filesystem which can be larger than 4GB.
We still have the 4GB userprocess limit.
On NT the situation isn't exactly the same, but somewhat similar conceptually.

So don't confuse PAE support with the VLM feature.


VLM (Very Large Memory) Support in Oracle 9i Release 2 for Linux.
EBC (Extended Buffer Cache) Support in Oracle 9i Release 2 for Linux.
TLA (Three Letter Acronym) Support in Oracle 9i Release 2 for Linux?
Oracle9i can allocate and use more than 4 GB of memory for the database buffer
cache. This section describes the limitations and requirements of the extended
buffer cache support on Linux.

  See Also: Oracle9i Database Concepts for more information on
            the extended cache feature.

In-Memory File System
To use the extended buffer cache support on Linux, an in-memory file
system must be mounted on the /dev/shm mount point. It must be equal in
size or larger than the amount of memory that you intend to use for the
database buffer cache.

For example, for Linux to create an 8 GB shmfs file system on the
/dev/shm mount point, enter the following command as the root user:

$ mount -t shm shmfs -o size=8g /dev/shm

When Oracle9i starts with the extended buffer cache feature enabled,
it creates a file in the /dev/shm directory that corresponds to the
Oracle buffer cache.

  Note: If an in-memory file system is already mounted on the /dev/shm
        mount point, ensure that it is equal to or larger than the amount
        of memory that is used for the database buffer cache.

To enable the extended buffer cache feature, set the USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS
parameter to true in the initSID.ora file. Doing this allows Oracle9i to
specify a larger buffer cache.

Dynamic Cache Parameters
Do not use any of the following dynamic cache parameters while
the extended cache feature is enabled:


If the extended cache feature is enabled, use the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter
to specify the database cache size.

The following limitations apply to the extended buffer cache feature on Linux:
- You cannot change the size of the buffer cache while the instance is running.
- You cannot create or use tablespaces with non-standard block sizes.

  See Also: Oracle9i SQL Reference for information on the standard block
            size used by the CREATE TABLE SPACE command.

VLM_WINDOW_SIZE environment variable:
If you have already "lowered" the SGA address according to the steps in the
Metalink document entitled "Lowering the Oracle SGA address on Linux",
then you can increase the setting for the VLM_WINDOW_SIZE.  

Doing this may slightly increase performance under certain conditions
because a larger indirect window reduces the overhead of mapping an indirect
buffer into Oracle's address space.  

To increase the indirect window size, set the environment
variable VLM_WINDOW_SIZE to the window size in bytes before
starting up the Oracle instance.  For example:
  export VLM_WINDOW_SIZE=1073741824
to set the indirect window size to 1GB.  The default is 512MB.
Any value set should be a multiple of 64KB.

Note:  It doesn't always help to increase the VLM_WINDOW_SIZE.  
       Keep in mind that increasing the VLM_WINDOW_SIZE reduces
       the amount of SGA that can be allocated to other heavily-used
       memory areas that might be needed (e.g. locks on RAC).
Metalink document "Lowering the Oracle SGA address on Linux"
Goal Outline:
To increase the size of the address space that Oracle can use for its
SGA on Linux in a 32-bit environment to allow for more database buffers or a
larger indirect data buffer window.

The current shipping version of Oracle is able to
use about (my note: 0xBF000000-0x50000000=0x6F000000)
1.7GB of address space for its SGA.  To increase
this size, Oracle needs to be relinked with a lower
SGA base and Linux needs to have the mapped base lowered
for processes running Oracle.

Solution Description:
Currently, a solution exists only when running Oracle 9iR2 on
Red Hat 7.2 Advanced Server.  Red Hat provides an adjustable parameter
mapped_base in the /proc filesystem under the process ID directory
to allow more useable address space in processes.

First, the SGA base address that Oracle uses must be lowered
by relinking Oracle.  Currently, Oracle ships with this
base address set at 0x50000000 so that it is compatible with
the defaults set by most distributions of Linux.  Lowering
this address allows Oracle to use more of the address space
in the process, but it is important to note that the newly relinked
Oracle binary will no longer work unless a corresponding
modification is also made to Linux (Red Hat 7.2 Advanced Server
provides a way to do this at runtime).  Follow these steps to
complete the first part of the solution:

1.  Shutdown all instances of Oracle
2.  cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib
3.  cp -a libserver9.a (to make a backup copy)
4.  cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
5.  cp -a oracle (to make a backup copy)
6.  cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
7.  genksms -s 0x15000000 >ksms.s (lower SGA base to 0x15000000)
8.  make -f ksms.o (compile in new SGA base address)
9.  make -f ioracle (relink)

The relinked Oracle binary now has a lower SGA base and
is now able to use (my note: 0xBF000000-0x15000000=0xAA000000)
about 2.65GB of address space if Linux is also modified to
support this.

Next, the Linux kernel's mapped base needs to be lowered below
Oracle's new SGA base.  Red Hat 7.2 Advanced Server has a
parameter in /proc that lowers the kernel's mapped base for
each process.  This parameter is not a system-wide parameter.
It is a per-process parameter, but it is inherited by
child processes.  This parameter can only be modified by root.

The following steps document how to lower the mapped base
for 1 bash terminal session.  Once this session has been
modified with the lower mapped base, this session (window)
will need to be used for all Oracle commands so that Oracle
processes use the inherited (lower) mapped base:

  1.  Shutdown the instance of Oracle.
  2.  Open a terminal session (Oracle session).
  3.  Open a second terminal session and su to root (root session).
  4.  Find out the process id for the Oracle session.  For example,
      do "echo $$" in the Oracle session.
  5.  Now lower the mapped base for the Oracle session to 0x10000000.
      From the root session, echo 268435456 >/proc/<pid>/mapped_base,
      where <pid> is the process id determined in step 4.
  6.  Increase the value of shmmax so that Oracle will allocate
      the SGA in one segment.  From the root session,
      echo 3000000000 >/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
  7.  From the Oracle terminal session, startup the Oracle instance.
      The SGA now begins at a lower address, so more of the address
      space can be used by Oracle.

Now you can increase the init.ora values of db_cache_size or
db_block_buffers to increase the size of the database buffer cache.

If you are running with the init.ora parameter
'use_indirect_data_buffers=true' and already have a large buffer
cache, you can use the above solution to increase the indirect
buffer window size.  Doing this may slightly increase performance
under certain conditions because a larger indirect window reduces
the overhead of mapping an indirect buffer into Oracle's address
space.  To increase the indirect window size, set the environment
variable VLM_WINDOW_SIZE to the window size in bytes before
starting up the Oracle instance.  For example:
  export VLM_WINDOW_SIZE=1073741824
to set the indirect window size to 1GB.  The default is 512MB.
Any value set should be a multiple of 64KB.

1.  Increasing the buffer cache size (or the indirect window size)
    too much can cause Oracle attach errors while starting up.

2.  If you try to use an Oracle binary that has a lower SGA base
    but did lower the /proc/<pid>/mapped_base value, you will
    experience unpredictable results ranging from ORA-3113 errors,
    attach errors, etc. while starting up.

3.  If you don't increase the shmmax value, you could get
    attach errors while starting up.

4.  If you lower the SGA base and your SGA size is too small,
    you may get attach errors.

5.  It doesn't always help to increase VLM_WINDOW_SIZE.  Also,
    keep in mind that increasing VLM_WINDOW_SIZE reduces the
    amount of SGA that can be allocated for other memory
    areas that might be needed (e.g. locks on RAC).

6   If you get attach errors while starting up, you will probably
    need to clean up the shared memory segments by running 'ipcs'
    and then removing segments via 'ipcrm shm XXX' or 'ipcrm sem XXX'.

@<Note to Author:  DO NOT DELETE the following Disclaimer>

This article is being delivered in Draft form and may contain
errors.  Please use the MetaLink "Feedback" button to advise
Oracle of any issues related to this article.

******** END of Note ********************************************************************

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Сообщение от Z0termaNN Искать по авторуВ закладки on 31-Янв-03, 15:32  (MSK)
Article-ID:         <Note:197044.1>
Circulation:        NEW (EXTERNAL)
Folder:             platform.Unix.Linux
Topic:              Draft Articles
Title:              memory on Linux x86-32 and how oracle buffer cache can use
Document-Type:      FAQ
Impact:             LOW
Skill-Level:        NOVICE
Updated-Date:       28-MAY-2002 11:39:50
Authors:            PKNAGGS.US
Attachments:        NONE
Content-Type:       TEXT/PLAIN
Keywords:           PAE; SGA; VLM;
Products:           5/RDBMS;
Platforms:          GENERIC;  

Address Translation on Intel 32-bit architectures
All IA-32 processors (Intel Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II Xeon
and Pentium III Xeon) support 32 bits of physical address (4 GiB),
allowing applications to address 4 GiB of virtual address when they are running.
The system must translate the 32-bit virtual address that the applications and
operating system use to the 32-bit physical address used by the hardware.
A number of levels of mapping are used to do the translation,
which is facilitated by a set of data structures called page directories
and page tables that the memory manager creates and maintains.

Translation Look-aside Buffer "shoot-down"
Translation Look-aside Buffers are processor registers, or a cache,
that provides a direct logical-to-physical mapping of page table entries.
Once loaded, the processor has to read the page directories very infrequently
(this infrequent occurrence is known as a Translation Look-aside Buffer miss)
unless a task switch occurs.

During a remap operation, it is necessary to ensure that all processors have
valid logical-to-physical mapping on chip. Therefore, remap operations require
what is known as a Translation Look-aside Buffer "shoot-down", because the
logical-to-physical association is invalidated by the remap
(where by "logical", I mean the application/process view of memory).

There is then a performance impact while the processors reload
the Translation Look-aside Buffer.

PAE Mode
PAE is a method to access memory above 4 GiB.
PAE maps up to 64 GiB of physical memory into a 32-bit (4 GiB) virtual
address space using either 4-KiB or 2-MiB pages.
The page directories and the page tables are extended from 4 byte to
8 byte formats, allowing the extension of the base addresses of
page tables and page frames to 24 bits (from 20 bits).
This is where the extra four bits are introduced
to complete the 36-bit physical address.

PAE supports two modes, either 4-KiB pages or 2-MiB pages.
UNIX operating systems usually rely on the 2-MiB-page mode.
The address translation is done without the use of page
tables (the Page Directory Entry supplies the
page frame address directly).

(Pentium Pro was the first processor in the IA-32 family to support PAE,
but chipset support is also required for 36-bit physical addresses,
which was usually lacking.)


From /usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386/pgtable.h:
* The Linux x86 paging architecture is 'compile-time dual-mode', it
* implements both the traditional 2-level x86 page tables and the
* newer 3-level PAE-mode page tables.

From /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/
if [ "$CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G" = "y" ]; then
   define_bool CONFIG_HIGHMEM y
   define_bool CONFIG_X86_PAE y

From /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/mm/init.c:
extern pmd_t empty_bad_pmd_table[PTRS_PER_PMD];

static pmd_t * get_bad_pmd_table(void)
        pmd_t v;
        int i;

        set_pmd(&v, __pmd(_PAGE_TABLE + __pa(empty_bad_pte_table)));

        for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(pmd_t); i++)
                empty_bad_pmd_table[i] = v;

        return empty_bad_pmd_table;

PSE Mode
PSE (Page Size Extension) mode is a lower-performance method,
which shipped with the Pentium II.  This method offers a compatibility
advantage because it kept the page table entry size of 4 bytes.
However, the only practical implementation of this is through a driver.
This approach suffers from significant performance limitations, due to
a buffer copy operation necessary for reading and writing above
4 GiB.  PSE uses a standard 1K directory and no page tables to
extend the page size 4-MiB (eliminating one level of indirection
for that mode). The Page Directory Entries contain 14 bits of address,
and when combined with the 22-bit byte index, yields the 36 bits of
extended physical address. Both 4-KiB and 4-MiB pages are simultaneously
supported below 4 GiB, with the 4-KiB pages supported in the standard way.
Pages located above 4 GiB then use PSE mode (with 4-MiB page sizes).

Hardware Support
In 2001, the single choice for buses and adapters on the Intel platform was PCI.
In the future, another bus known as InfiniBand, which has 64-bit addressability
as part of the specification and design, may become available.
The PCI standard provides a method whereby adapters may physically address
more than 4 GiB of memory by sending the high 32 bits of address and the low 32
bits of address in two separate sends. This is called Dual Address Cycle (DAC)
and is used, both for 32-bit adapters that understand 64-bit addresses but have only 32 address lines, and for adapters that do have 64 address lines.
This is a backward compatibility feature.

Linux Ram Limits

Adam Shand wrote in "":

Where I just started work we run large processes for simulations and testing
of semi-conductors.  Currently we use Solaris because of past limitations on
the amount of RAM that a single process can address under Linux.
Recently we tried to run some tests on a Dell dual Xeon 1.7GHz with
4GB of RAM running Redhat 7.1 box (with a stock kernel).
Speedwise it kicked the crap out of our Sunblade but we had problems
with process dying right around 2.3GB (according to top).

So I started to investigate, and quickly discovered that there is no good
source for finding this sort of information online. At least not that I
could find. Nearly every piece of information I found conflicted in at
least some small way with another piece of information I found. So I asked the
Linux Kernel mailing list in the hopes of a definitive answer.

Here is a summary of the information I gathered.
While probably not totally accurate it should be a good rule of thumb
and not being a programmer or a hardware hack the details are at the very
fringes of my comprehension and make my head hurt.

Linux 2.4.x does support greater then 4GB of physical memory (ie. RAM)
It does this by supporting Intel's PAE (Physical Address Extension)
features which are in all Pentium Pro and newer CPU's.
Enabling PAE is a compile time option.
The PAE extensions allow up to a maximum of 64GB of physical memory that
the CPU (not a process) can address.
It does this via indirect pointers to the higher memory locations,
so there is a CPU and RAM hit for using this.
Benchmarks seem to indicated around 3-6% CPU hit just for using
the PAE extensions (ie. it applies regardless of whether you are actually
accessing memory locations greater then 4GB).
If a Linux kernel is compiled to use PAE, it will not boot on a computer
whose hardware doesn't support PAE.
PAE does not increase Linux's ability for *single* processes to see
greater then 3GB of RAM (see below).

So what are the limits without using PAE?
Here I'm still having a little problem finding definitive answers but ...
Without PAE compiled into the kernel the OS can address a maximum of 4GB of RAM.
With 2.4 kernels (with a large memory configuration) a single process can
address up to the total amount of RAM in the machine minus 1GB
(reserved for the kernel), to a maximum 3GB.
By default the kernel reserves 1GB for it's own use, however I think that
this is a tunable parameter so if we have 4GB of RAM in a box we can tune it
so that most of that should be available to the processes (?).

Some of the URL's whence I dragged this infomation from:

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