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Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 09:08  (MSK)

/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile

sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
*default  base=/usr
*default  prefix=/usr
*default  release=cvs
*default  tag=RELENG_4
*default  delete use-rel-suffix

*default tag=.

после make buildworld
Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
segmentation fault - core dumped
*** Error code 139
и т.д.

как с этим бороться?

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  • CVS, lavr, 09:29 , 01-Июл-03, (1)
    • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 12:09 , 01-Июл-03, (2)
      • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 12:17 , 01-Июл-03, (3)
      • CVS, lavr, 13:31 , 01-Июл-03, (4)
        • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 13:49 , 01-Июл-03, (5)
          • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 13:52 , 01-Июл-03, (6)
          • CVS, lavr, 13:59 , 01-Июл-03, (7)
            • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 15:32 , 01-Июл-03, (8)
              • CVS, lavr, 16:09 , 01-Июл-03, (9)
                • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 20:42 , 01-Июл-03, (11)
                  • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 08:16 , 02-Июл-03, (12)
                    • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 08:48 , 02-Июл-03, (13)
                      • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 09:10 , 02-Июл-03, (14)
                        • CVS, Nikolaev D., 10:22 , 02-Июл-03, (15)
                        • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 10:44 , 02-Июл-03, (16)
              • CVS, Nikolaev D., 16:23 , 01-Июл-03, (10)
                • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 13:45 , 02-Июл-03, (17)
                  • CVS, lavr, 14:24 , 02-Июл-03, (18)
                    • CVS, A Clockwork Orange, 14:52 , 02-Июл-03, (19)
                      • CVS, lavr, 14:53 , 02-Июл-03, (20)
                        • CVS, Nikolaev D., 15:30 , 02-Июл-03, (21)
                        • CVS, lavr, 16:12 , 02-Июл-03, (22)
                        • CVS, Nikolaev D., 16:21 , 02-Июл-03, (23)
                        • CVS, lavr, 16:43 , 02-Июл-03, (24)

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Сообщения по теме

1. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 09:29  (MSK)
>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>*default  base=/usr
>*default  prefix=/usr
>*default  release=cvs
>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>*default tag=.
>после make buildworld
>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>segmentation fault - core dumped
>*** Error code 139
>и т.д.
>как с этим бороться?

если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:

NOUUCP=        true    # do not build uucp related programs

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2. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 12:09  (MSK)
>>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>>*default  base=/usr
>>*default  prefix=/usr
>>*default  release=cvs
>>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>>*default tag=.
>>после make buildworld
>>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>>segmentation fault - core dumped
>>*** Error code 139
>>и т.д.
>>как с этим бороться?
>если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:
>NOUUCP=        true    
># do not build uucp related programs

ну это же не совсем правильно, почему по умолчанию не собирается?

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3. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 12:17  (MSK)
даже ошибка вылетила
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4. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 13:31  (MSK)
>>>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>>>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>>>*default  base=/usr
>>>*default  prefix=/usr
>>>*default  release=cvs
>>>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>>>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>>>*default tag=.
>>>после make buildworld
>>>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>>>segmentation fault - core dumped
>>>*** Error code 139
>>>и т.д.
>>>как с этим бороться?
>>если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:
>>NOUUCP=        true    
>># do not build uucp related programs
>ну это же не совсем правильно, почему по умолчанию не собирается?

о-о-о, бог мой, теги смотри, надо ж наворотить, сперва tag=RELENG_4 -
это текущая 4.8-Stable и тут же ниже src-all переопределение тега
на Current (5-Current), что ж ты хочешь, можешь дикие грабли огрести

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5. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 13:49  (MSK)
>>>>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>*default  base=/usr
>>>>*default  prefix=/usr
>>>>*default  release=cvs
>>>>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>>>>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>>>>*default tag=.
>>>>после make buildworld
>>>>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>>>>segmentation fault - core dumped
>>>>*** Error code 139
>>>>и т.д.
>>>>как с этим бороться?
>>>если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:
>>>NOUUCP=        true    
>>># do not build uucp related programs
>>ну это же не совсем правильно, почему по умолчанию не собирается?
>о-о-о, бог мой, теги смотри, надо ж наворотить, сперва tag=RELENG_4 -
>это текущая 4.8-Stable и тут же ниже src-all переопределение тега
>на Current (5-Current), что ж ты хочешь, можешь дикие грабли огрести

Ну так у тебя тоже такое
# Defaults that apply to all the collections
# IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites
# listed at
# RELEASE-4.7 Supfile
*default base=/var/log/cvsup
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress


сначала тэг RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE, а потом src-all

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6. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 13:52  (MSK)
к тому же
## Main Source Tree.
# The easiest way to get the main source tree is to use the "src-all"
# mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "src-*" collections.
# Please note:  If you want to track -STABLE, leave this uncommented.
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7. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 13:59  (MSK)
>>>>>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>>*default  base=/usr
>>>>>*default  prefix=/usr
>>>>>*default  release=cvs
>>>>>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>>>>>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>>>>>*default tag=.
>>>>>после make buildworld
>>>>>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>>>>>segmentation fault - core dumped
>>>>>*** Error code 139
>>>>>и т.д.
>>>>>как с этим бороться?
>>>>если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:
>>>>NOUUCP=        true    
>>>># do not build uucp related programs
>>>ну это же не совсем правильно, почему по умолчанию не собирается?
>>о-о-о, бог мой, теги смотри, надо ж наворотить, сперва tag=RELENG_4 -
>>это текущая 4.8-Stable и тут же ниже src-all переопределение тега
>>на Current (5-Current), что ж ты хочешь, можешь дикие грабли огрести
>Ну так у тебя тоже такое
># Defaults that apply to all the collections
># IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup
>mirror sites
># listed at
># RELEASE-4.7 Supfile
>*default base=/var/log/cvsup
>*default prefix=/usr
>*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE
>*default delete use-rel-suffix
>*default compress
>сначала тэг RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE, а потом src-all

стоп, извини, виноват, теги все верно были указаны, второй шел после src-all, замени tag=RELENG_4 на RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE и сделай cvsup
sources, порты можешь не обновлять
потом попробуй собрать

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8. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 15:32  (MSK)
>>>>>>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>>>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>>>*default  base=/usr
>>>>>>*default  prefix=/usr
>>>>>>*default  release=cvs
>>>>>>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>>>>>>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>>>>>>*default tag=.
>>>>>>после make buildworld
>>>>>>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>>>>>>segmentation fault - core dumped
>>>>>>*** Error code 139
>>>>>>и т.д.
>>>>>>как с этим бороться?
>>>>>если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:
>>>>>NOUUCP=        true    
>>>>># do not build uucp related programs
>>>>ну это же не совсем правильно, почему по умолчанию не собирается?
>>>о-о-о, бог мой, теги смотри, надо ж наворотить, сперва tag=RELENG_4 -
>>>это текущая 4.8-Stable и тут же ниже src-all переопределение тега
>>>на Current (5-Current), что ж ты хочешь, можешь дикие грабли огрести
>>Ну так у тебя тоже такое
>># Defaults that apply to all the collections
>># IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup
>>mirror sites
>># listed at
>># RELEASE-4.7 Supfile
>>*default base=/var/log/cvsup
>>*default prefix=/usr
>>*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE
>>*default delete use-rel-suffix
>>*default compress
>>сначала тэг RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE, а потом src-all
>стоп, извини, виноват, теги все верно были указаны, второй шел после src-all,
>замени tag=RELENG_4 на RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE и сделай cvsup
>sources, порты можешь не обновлять
>потом попробуй собрать

/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile

sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
*default  base=/usr
*default  prefix=/usr
*default  release=cvs
*default  tag=RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE
#*default  tag=RELENG_4
*default  delete use-rel-suffix

#*default tag=.

sun!root:/root# See <URL:> for instructions.
*** Error code 1

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9. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 16:09  (MSK)
>>>>>>>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>>>>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>>>>>>>*default  base=/usr
>>>>>>>*default  prefix=/usr
>>>>>>>*default  release=cvs
>>>>>>>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>>>>>>>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>>>>>>>*default tag=.
>>>>>>>после make buildworld
>>>>>>>Stop /usr/src/gnu/uucp/uustat
>>>>>>>segmentation fault - core dumped
>>>>>>>*** Error code 139
>>>>>>>и т.д.
>>>>>>>как с этим бороться?
>>>>>>если не можешь разобраться, то в /etc/make.conf:
>>>>>>NOUUCP=        true    
>>>>>># do not build uucp related programs
>>>>>ну это же не совсем правильно, почему по умолчанию не собирается?
>>>>о-о-о, бог мой, теги смотри, надо ж наворотить, сперва tag=RELENG_4 -
>>>>это текущая 4.8-Stable и тут же ниже src-all переопределение тега
>>>>на Current (5-Current), что ж ты хочешь, можешь дикие грабли огрести
>>>Ну так у тебя тоже такое
>>># Defaults that apply to all the collections
>>># IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup
>>>mirror sites
>>># listed at
>>># RELEASE-4.7 Supfile
>>>*default base=/var/log/cvsup
>>>*default prefix=/usr
>>>*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE
>>>*default delete use-rel-suffix
>>>*default compress
>>>сначала тэг RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE, а потом src-all
>>стоп, извини, виноват, теги все верно были указаны, второй шел после src-all,
>>замени tag=RELENG_4 на RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE и сделай cvsup
>>sources, порты можешь не обновлять
>>потом попробуй собрать
>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>*default  base=/usr
>*default  prefix=/usr
>*default  release=cvs
>*default  tag=RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE
>#*default  tag=RELENG_4
>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
>#*default tag=.
> See <URL:> for instructions.
>*** Error code 1

и чего, мне нужно погадать?

# cd /usr/src
# make buildworld
кусок где вылетает, что в /etc/make.conf?
как вариант

# cd /usr/src
# rm -rf *
потом cvsup, не понимаю откуда проблемы

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11. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 20:42  (MSK)
make.conf я взял твой с сайта закомментировав несколько строк касательно ftp

йt /etc/make.conf
# CFLAGS controls the compiler settings used when compiling C code.
# Note that optimisation settings above -O (-O2, ...) are not recommended
# or supported for compiling the world or the kernel - please revert any
# nonstandard optimisation settings to "-O" before submitting bug reports
# to the developers.
# Note also that at this time the -O2 setting is known to produce BROKEN
# CODE on the Alpha platform.

CFLAGS= -O -pipe

# CXXFLAGS controls the compiler settings used when compiling C++ code.
# Note that CXXFLAGS is initially set to the value of CFLAGS.  If you wish
# to add to CXXFLAGS value, "+=" must be used rather than "=".  Using "="
# alone will remove the often needed contents of CFLAGS from CXXFLAGS.

CXXFLAGS+= -fmemoize-lookups -fsave-memoized

# Avoid compiling profiled libraries

NOPROFILE=     true

# To avoid building various parts of the base system:
#NO_CVS=        true    # do not build CVS
#NO_BIND=       true    # do not build BIND
#NO_FORTRAN=    true    # do not build g77 and related libraries
#NO_LPR=        true    # do not build lpr and related programs
#NO_MAILWRAPPER=true    # do not build the mailwrapper(8) MTA selector
#NO_OBJC=       true    # do not build Objective C support
#NO_OPENSSH=    true    # do not build OpenSSH
#NO_OPENSSL=    true    # do not build OpenSSL (implies NO_OPENSSH)
#NO_SENDMAIL=   true    # do not build sendmail and related programs
#NO_X=          true    # do not compile in XWindows support (e.g. doscmd)
#NOCRYPT=       true    # do not build any crypto code
#NODESCRYPTLINKS=true   # do not replace libcrypt -> libscrypt links
#NOGAMES=       true    # do not build games (games/ subdir)
#NOINFO=        true    # do not make or install info files
#NOLIBC_R=      true    # do not build libc_r (re-entrant version of libc)
#NOSECURE=      true    # do not build crypto
# To avoid running MAKEDEV all on /dev during install:

NO_MAKEDEV=    true

# To compile just the kernel with special optimisations, you should use
# this instead of CFLAGS (which is not applicable to kernel builds anyway):


#--lavr add RSA International
# Patented in the USA only (due to expire in September 2000).  RSA is
# required for OpenSSH.  Either use this or ports/security/rsaref.

MAKE_RSAINTL=  YES     # RSA (public key exchange)

#--lavr new for OpenSSH, because /usr/ports/secure/librsaintl - OFF :(
MAKE_IDEA=     YES     # IDEA (128 bit symmetric encryption)



# If you want the "compat" shared libraries installed as part of your normal
# builds, uncomment these:

COMPAT1X=      yes
COMPAT20=      yes
COMPAT21=      yes
COMPAT22=      yes
COMPAT3X=      yes

# Default format for system documentation, depends on your printer.
# Set this to "ascii" for simple printers or screen


# How long to wait for a console keypress before booting the default kernel.
# This value is approximately in milliseconds. Keypresses are accepted by the
# BIOS before booting from disk, making it possible to give custom boot
# parameters even when this is set to 0.


# If you have Motif on your system, uncomment this.

HAVE_MOTIF=    yes

# Next one will help ports developers to debug


# Port master sites.
# If you want your port fetches to go somewhere else than the default
# (specified below) in case the distfile/patchfile was not found,
# uncomment this and change it to a location nearest you.  (Don't
# remove the "/${DIST_SUBDIR}/" part.)

# If you want your port fetches to check the above site first (before
# the MASTER_SITES specified in the port Makefiles), uncomment the
# line below.  You can also change the right side to point to wherever
# you want.


# CVSup update flags.  Edit SUPFILE settings to reflect whichever distribution
# file(s) you use on your site (see /usr/share/examples/cvsup/README for more
# information on CVSup and these files).  To use, do "make update" in /usr/src.


#SUP_UPDATE=     yes
#SUP=            /usr/local/bin/cvsup
#SUPFLAGS=       -g -L 2
#SUPFILE=        /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile
#SUPFILE1=       /usr/share/examples/cvsup/secure-supfile
#PORTSSUPFILE=   /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
#DOCSUPFILE=     /usr/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile
# top(1) uses a hash table for the user names.  The size of this hash
# can be tuned to match the number of local users.  The table size should
# be a prime number approximately twice as large as the number of lines in
# /etc/passwd.  The default number is 20011.
# Documentation
# The list of languages and encodings to build and install

DOC_LANG=      en_US.ISO_8859-1 ru_RU.KOI8-R


[root@sun:~]# cat /etc/cvsupfile
*default  base=/usr
*default  prefix=/usr
*default  release=cvs
*default  tag=RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE
#*default  tag=RELENG_4
*default  delete use-rel-suffix



делаю makeworld все время вылетаю поразным ошибкам

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12. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 08:16  (MSK)
точнее make buildworld

вот последняя ошибка
Segmentation fault - core dumped
*** Error code 139

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13. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 08:48  (MSK)
cd /usr/src
rm -rf *
mount /cdrom
cd /cdrom/src
cp * /usr/src/
cd /usr/src/
make buildworld
пишет не знаю что это такое!
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14. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 09:10  (MSK)
пардон каюсь надо еще сделать
cd /usr/src/
./ all
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15. "CVS"
Сообщение от Nikolaev D. emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 10:22  (MSK)
>пардон каюсь надо еще сделать
>cd /usr/src/
>./ all

rm -rf /usr/obj/* !!!!

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16. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 10:44  (MSK)
когда запускаешь make buildworld

с rm -rf /usr/obj/* все начинается

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10. "CVS"
Сообщение от Nikolaev D. emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июл-03, 16:23  (MSK)
>/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
Этот файл правильный.
>sun!root:/root# cat /etc/cvsupfile
>*default  base=/usr
>*default  prefix=/usr
>*default  release=cvs
>*default  tag=RELENG_4
>*default  delete use-rel-suffix
1. Снеси директорию /usr/src (mv /usr/src /usr/src_bad)
2. Поставь сорцы с диска или
3. накати cvs до STABLE
4. Самое важное.
cd /usr/obj
rm -rf *
В принципе этот пункт делает необязательным п.1 и п.2

5. make buildwold && make buildkernel KERNCONF=BLA_BLA
6. make installkernel
7. reboot в сингл моду(рекомендуется)
8. make installworld
9. reboot

А вообще-то еще раз перечитай доку и handbook

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17. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 13:45  (MSK)
sun!root:/usr/obj# cat /etc/make.conf
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/defaults/make.conf,v 2001/08/23 20:08:51 knu Exp $
# NOTE:  Please would any committer updating this file also update the
# make.conf(5) manual page, if necessary, which is located in
# src/share/man/man5/make.conf.5.
# This file, if present, will be read by make (see /usr/share/mk/
# It allows you to override macro definitions to make without changing
# your source tree, or anything the source tree installs.
# This file must be in valid Makefile syntax.
# You have to find the things you can put here in the Makefiles and
# documentation of the source tree.
# The CPUTYPE variable controls which processor should be targetted for
# generated code.  This controls processor-specific optimizations in
# certain code (currently only OpenSSL) as well as modifying the value
# of CFLAGS to contain the appropriate optimization directive to gcc.
# The automatic setting of CFLAGS may be overridden using the
# NO_CPU_CFLAGS variable below.
# Currently the following CPU types are recognised:
#   Intel x86 architecture:
#       (AMD CPUs)      k7 k6-2 k6 k5
#       (Intel CPUs)    p4 p3 p2 i686 i586/mmx i586 i486 i386
#   Alpha/AXP architecture: ev6 pca56 ev56 ev5 ev45 ev4
# If you experience any problems after setting this flag, please unset
# it again before submitting a bug report or attempting to modify code.
# It may be that certain types of software will become unstable after being
# compiled with processor-specific (or higher - see below) optimization flags.
# If in doubt, do not set CPUTYPE or CFLAGS to non-default values.
#NO_CPU_CFLAGS= true    # Don't add -march=<cpu> to CFLAGS automatically
#NO_CPU_COPTFLAGS=true  # Don't add -march=<cpu> to COPTFLAGS automatically
# CFLAGS controls the compiler settings used when compiling C code.
# Note that optimization settings above -O (-O2, ...) are not recommended
# or supported for compiling the world or the kernel - please revert any
# nonstandard optimization settings to "-O" before submitting bug reports
# to the developers.
# Note also that at this time the -O2 setting is known to produce BROKEN
# CODE on the Alpha platform.
#CFLAGS= -O -pipe
# CXXFLAGS controls the compiler settings used when compiling C++ code.
# Note that CXXFLAGS is initially set to the value of CFLAGS.  If you wish
# to add to CXXFLAGS value, "+=" must be used rather than "=".  Using "="
# alone will remove the often needed contents of CFLAGS from CXXFLAGS.
#CXXFLAGS+= -fmemoize-lookups -fsave-memoized
# BDECFLAGS are a set of gcc warning settings that Bruce Evans has suggested
# for use in developing FreeBSD and testing changes.  They can be used by
# putting "CFLAGS+=${BDECFLAGS}" in /etc/make.conf.  -Wconversion is not
# included here due to compiler bugs, eg: mkdir()'s mode_t argument.
#BDECFLAGS=     -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align \
#               -Wcast-qual -Wchar-subscripts -Winline \
#               -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith \
#               -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings
# WARNS_WERROR causes -Werror to be added when WARNS is in effect.
# To compile just the kernel with special optimizations, you should use
# this instead of CFLAGS (which is not applicable to kernel builds anyway).
# There is very little to gain by using higher optimization levels, and doing
# so can cause problems.
#COPTFLAGS= -O -pipe
# Compare before install
#INSTALL=install -C
# To enable installing suidperl with the setuid bit turned on
#ENABLE_SUIDPERL=       true
# To build ppp with normal permissions
#PPP_NOSUID=    true
# To enable installing ssh(1) with the setuid bit turned on
#ENABLE_SUID_SSH=       true
# To avoid building various parts of the base system:
#NO_CVS=        true    # do not build CVS
#NO_BIND=       true    # do not build BIND
#NO_FORTRAN=    true    # do not build g77 and related libraries
#NO_I4B=        true    # do not build isdn4bsd package
#NO_LPR=        true    # do not build lpr and related programs
#NO_MAILWRAPPER=true    # do not build the mailwrapper(8) MTA selector
#NO_MODULES=    true    # do not build modules with the kernel
#NO_OBJC=       true    # do not build Objective C support
#NO_OPENSSH=    true    # do not build OpenSSH
#NO_OPENSSL=    true    # do not build OpenSSL (implies NO_OPENSSH)
#NO_SENDMAIL=   true    # do not build sendmail and related programs
#NO_SHAREDOCS=  true    # do not build the 4.4BSD legacy docs
#NO_TCSH=       true    # do not build and install /bin/csh (which is tcsh)
#NO_X=          true    # do not compile in XWindows support (e.g. doscmd)
#NOCRYPT=       true    # do not build any crypto code
#NOGAMES=       true    # do not build games (games/ subdir)
#NOINFO=        true    # do not make or install info files
#NOLIBC_R=      true    # do not build libc_r (re-entrant version of libc)
#NOPERL=        true    # do not build perl. Disables OpenSSL optimizations
#NOPROFILE=     true    # Avoid compiling profiled libraries
#NOSECURE=      true    # do not build crypto code in secure/ subdir
#NOSHARE=       true    # do not go into the share subdir
#NOUUCP=        true    # do not build uucp related programs
# To build the OpenSSL manpages, uncomment the following.  These are not
# built by default because they clobber a number of system manpages with
# manpages describing parts of the OpenSSL toolkit, including passwd(1),
# err(3), md5(3), and others.
# To build sys/modules when building the world (our old way of doing things)
#MODULES_WITH_WORLD=true        # do not build modules when building kernel
# The following controls building optional IDEA code in libcrypto and
# certain ports.  Patents are involved - you must not use this unless
# you either have a license or fall within patent 'fair use'
# provisions.
# *** It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to determine if you can use this! ***
# IDEA is patented in the USA and many european countries - thought to
# be OK to use for any non-commercial use.  This is optional.
#MAKE_IDEA=     YES     # IDEA (128 bit symmetric encryption)
# To avoid running MAKEDEV all on /dev during install:
#NO_MAKEDEV=    true
# If you do not want unformatted manual pages to be compressed
# when they are installed:
# If you want the "compat" shared libraries installed as part of your normal
# builds, uncomment these:
#COMPAT1X=      yes
#COMPAT20=      yes
#COMPAT21=      yes
#COMPAT22=      yes
#COMPAT3X=      yes
#COMPAT4X=      yes
# If you do not want additional documentation (some of which are
# a few hundred KB's) for ports to be installed:
#NOPORTDOCS=    true
# Default format for system documentation, depends on your printer.
# Set this to "ascii" for simple printers or screen
# How long to wait for a console keypress before booting the default kernel.
# This value is approximately in milliseconds. Keypresses are accepted by the
# BIOS before booting from disk, making it possible to give custom boot
# parameters even when this is set to 0.
# By default, the system will always use the keyboard/video card as system
# console.  However, the boot blocks may be dynamically configured to use a
# serial port in addition to or instead of the keyboard/video console.
# By default we use COM1 as our serial console port *if* we're going to use
# a serial port as our console at all.  Alter as necessary.
#   COM1: = 0x3F8, COM2: = 0x2F8, COM3: = 0x3E8, COM4: = 0x2E8
# The default serial console speed is 9600.  Set the speed to a larger value
# for better interactive response.
# By default the 'pxeboot' loader retrieves the kernel via NFS.  Defining
# this and recompiling /usr/src/sys/boot will cause it to retrieve the kernel
# via TFTP.  This allows pxeboot to load a custom BOOTP diskless kernel yet
# still mount the server's '/' (i.e. rather then load the server's kernel).
# By default, the ports collection attempts to use XFree86 3.3.X.  If
# you are running XFree86 4.X, uncomment this line.
#XFREE86_VERSION=       4
# By default, this points to /usr/X11R6 for XFree86 releases 3.0 or earlier.
# If you have a XFree86 from before 3.0 that has the X distribution in
# /usr/X386, you want to uncomment this.
#X11BASE=       /usr/X386
# If you have Motif on your system, uncomment this.
#HAVE_MOTIF=    yes
# If the default location of the Motif library (specified below) is NOT
# appropriate for you, uncomment this and change it to the correct value.
# If your motif is in ${X11BASE}/lib, you don't need to touch this line.
#MOTIFLIB=      -L${X11BASE}/lib -lXm
# If you're resident in the USA, this will help various ports to determine
# whether or not they should attempt to comply with the various U.S.
# export regulations on certain types of software which do not apply to
# anyone else in the world.
# Override "don't install a port that's already installed" behavior.
# One might wish to do this for ports debugging or to unconditionally
# reinstall a set of suspect/broken ports.
# If you're behind a firewall and need FTP or HTTP proxy services for
# ports collection fetching to work, the following examples give the
# necessary syntax.  See the fetch(3) man page for details.
# Port master sites.
# If you want your port fetches to go somewhere else than the default
# (specified below) in case the distfile/patchfile was not found,
# uncomment this and change it to a location nearest you.  (Don't
# remove the "/${DIST_SUBDIR}/" part.)
# If you want your port fetches to check the above site first (before
# the MASTER_SITES specified in the port Makefiles), uncomment the
# line below.  You can also change the right side to point to wherever
# you want.
# Some ports use a special variable to point to a collection of
# mirrors of well-known software archives.  If you have a mirror close
# to you, uncomment any of the following lines and change it to that
# address.  (Don't remove the "/%SUBDIR%/" part.)
# Note: the right hand sides of the following lines are only for your
# information.  For a full list of default sites, take a look at
# Also it is highly recommended that you configure MASTER_SORT_REGEX
# to choose better mirror sites for you.  List awk(1)-style regular
# expressions separated by space so MASTER_SITES will be sorted in
# that order.  The following example is for Japanese users; change
# "jp" part to your ccTLD ("de", "ru", "uk", etc.) or the domain names
# of your nearest/upstream networks to meet your needs.
#MASTER_SORT_REGEX?=    ^file: ^ftp://ftp\.FreeBSD\.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/ ://[^/]*\.jp/ ://[^/]*\.jp\.
# Ports can place their working directories somewhere other than under
# /usr/ports.  
#WRKDIRPREFIX=  /var/tmp
# Kerberos IV
# If you want KerberosIV (KTH eBones), define this:
#MAKE_KERBEROS4=        yes
# Kerberos 5
# If you want Kerberos 5 (KTH Heimdal), define this:
#MAKE_KERBEROS5=        yes
# Kerberos5
# If you want to install MIT Kerberos5 port somewhere other than /usr/local,
# define this (this is also used to tell ssh1 that kerberos is needed):
#KRB5_HOME=             /usr/local
# CVSup update flags.  Edit SUPFILE settings to reflect whichever distribution
# file(s) you use on your site (see /usr/share/examples/cvsup/README for more
# information on CVSup and these files).  To use, do "make update" in /usr/src.
SUP_UPDATE=     yes
SUP=            /usr/local/bin/cvsup
SUPFLAGS=       -g -L 2
#PORTSSUPFILE=   /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
#DOCSUPFILE=     /usr/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile
# top(1) uses a hash table for the user names.  The size of this hash
# can be tuned to match the number of local users.  The table size should
# be a prime number approximately twice as large as the number of lines in
# /etc/passwd.  The default number is 20011.
# Documentation
# The list of languages and encodings to build and install
#DOC_LANG=      en_US.ISO8859-1 ru_RU.KOI8-R
# sendmail
# The following sets the default m4 configuration file to use at
# install time.  Use with caution as a make install will overwrite
# any existing /etc/mail/  Note that SENDMAIL_CF is now
# deprecated.  The value should be a fully qualified path name.
# If you need to build additional .cf files during a make buildworld,
# include the full paths to the .mc files in SENDMAIL_ADDITIONAL_MC.
#SENDMAIL_ADDITIONAL_MC=/etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
# Setting the following variable modifies the flags passed to m4 when
# building a .cf file from a .mc file.  It can be used to enable
# features disabled by default.
# Setting the following variables modifies the build environment for
# sendmail and its related utilities. For example, SASL support can be
# added with settings such as:
#       SENDMAIL_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/sasl -DSASL
#       SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
#       SENDMAIL_LDADD=-lsasl
# Note: If you are using Cyrus SASL with other applications which require
#       access to the sasldb file, you should add '-D_FFR_UNSAFE_SASL' to
#       SENDMAIL_CFLAGS.  Also, add the following to your file:
#       define(`confDONT_BLAME_SENDMAIL',`GroupReadableSASLFile')
sun!root:/usr/obj# cat /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile
# $FreeBSD: src/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile,v 2000/08/18 18:50:21 jkh Exp $
# This file contains all of the "CVSup collections" that make up the
# FreeBSD-stable source tree.
# CVSup (CVS Update Protocol) allows you to download the latest CVS
# tree (or any branch of development therefrom) to your system easily
# and efficiently (far more so than with sup, which CVSup is aimed
# at replacing).  If you're running CVSup interactively, and are
# currently using an X display server, you should run CVSup as follows
# to keep your CVS tree up-to-date:
#       cvsup stable-supfile
# If not running X, or invoking cvsup from a non-interactive script, then
# run it as follows:
#       cvsup -g -L 2 stable-supfile
# You may wish to change some of the settings in this file to better
# suit your system:
#               This specifies the server host which will supply the
#               file updates.  You must change it to one of the CVSup
#               mirror sites listed in the FreeBSD Handbook at
#               You can override this setting on the command line
#               with cvsup's "-h host" option.
# base=/usr
#               This specifies the root where CVSup will store information
#               about the collections you have transferred to your system.
#               A setting of "/usr" will generate this information in
#               /usr/sup.  Even if you are CVSupping a large number of
#               collections, you will be hard pressed to generate more than
#               ~1MB of data in this directory.  You can override the
#               "base" setting on the command line with cvsup's "-b base"
#               option.  This directory must exist in order to run CVSup.
# prefix=/usr
#               This specifies where to place the requested files.  A
#               setting of "/usr" will place all of the files requested
#               in "/usr/src" (e.g., "/usr/src/bin", "/usr/src/lib").
#               The prefix directory must exist in order to run CVSup.
# If you add any of the ports collections to this file, be sure to
# specify them like this:
#   ports-all tag=.
# If you leave out the "tag=." portion, CVSup will delete all of
# the files in your ports tree.  That is because the ports collections
# do not use the same tags as the main part of the FreeBSD source tree.

# Defaults that apply to all the collections
# IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites
# listed at
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
# The following line is for 4-stable.  If you want 3-stable or 2.2-stable,
# change "RELENG_4" to "RELENG_3" or "RELENG_2_2" respectively.
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4
#*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE
*default delete use-rel-suffix

# If your network link is a T1 or faster, comment out the following line.
*default compress

## Main Source Tree.
# The easiest way to get the main source tree is to use the "src-all"
# mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "src-*" collections.
# Please note:  If you want to track -STABLE, leave this uncommented.

# These are the individual collections that make up "src-all".  If you
# use these, be sure to comment out "src-all" above.
# These are the individual collections that make up FreeBSD's crypto
# collection. They are no longer export-restricted and are a part of
sun!root:/usr/obj#cd /usr/src
make update проходит нормально

sun!root:/usr/src#make buildworld
===> lib/compat
Segmentation fault - core dumped
*** Error code 139

Данная ошибка возникает в разных местах, раз от раза.
что есть Segmentation fault - core dumped

пробовал RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE

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18. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 14:24  (MSK)

>sun!root:/usr/src#make buildworld
>===> lib/compat
>Segmentation fault - core dumped
>*** Error code 139
>Данная ошибка возникает в разных местах, раз от раза.
>что есть Segmentation fault - core dumped
>пробовал RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE

- make.conf лучше брать из /usr/src/etc/defaults/make.conf и править
под себя

- похоже проблема не в сборке, либо что-то с памятью, либо с процессором,
мб другая железячная проблема, потому как на пустом месте вылетает,
попробуй положить в down памяти-емкие процессы и несколько раз
сделать make buildworld чтобы отследить, на одном или на разных местах
слетает make

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19. "CVS"
Сообщение от A Clockwork Orange Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 14:52  (MSK)
make.conf я брал из /etc/defaults/make.conf

выгрузил все. ничего не осталось.
выетает все время в разных местах.

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20. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 14:53  (MSK)
>make.conf я брал из /etc/defaults/make.conf
>выгрузил все. ничего не осталось.
>выетает все время в разных местах.

ну вот и ответ, см предыдущее предположение

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21. "CVS"
Сообщение от Nikolaev D. emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 15:30  (MSK)
>>make.conf я брал из /etc/defaults/make.conf
>>выгрузил все. ничего не осталось.
>>выетает все время в разных местах.
>ну вот и ответ, см предыдущее предположение

Это даже такой тест есть системы - make buildworld

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22. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 16:12  (MSK)
>>>make.conf я брал из /etc/defaults/make.conf
>>>выгрузил все. ничего не осталось.
>>>выетает все время в разных местах.
>>ну вот и ответ, см предыдущее предположение
>Это даже такой тест есть системы - make buildworld

ты знал ;-)

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23. "CVS"
Сообщение от Nikolaev D. emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 16:21  (MSK)
>>Это даже такой тест есть системы - make buildworld
Попоробуй память поменять на заведомо годную, или собери make buildworld на другой машине, подмонтируй по НФС и make install

>ты знал ;-)
Я же говорил внимательно читать документацию :)

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24. "CVS"
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июл-03, 16:43  (MSK)
>>>Это даже такой тест есть системы - make buildworld
>Попоробуй память поменять на заведомо годную, или собери make buildworld на другой
>машине, подмонтируй по НФС и make install
>>ты знал ;-)
>Я же говорил внимательно читать документацию :)

уел :)

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