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"После инстала нового ядра затыкается на: Pre-seeding PRMG: "
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"После инстала нового ядра затыкается на: Pre-seeding PRMG: " 
Сообщение от pLINTUS Искать по авторуВ закладки(ok) on 09-Окт-05, 22:04  (MSK)
Фря 5.4
Ядро собирается без ошибок.
подставляю ядро , перегружаю
и тут всё начинается.
при загрузке затыкается на
Pre-seeding PRMG:

Вот кофиг моего ядра, укажите на ошибку:

# MYKERNEL -- kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/i386

machine i386
cpu I586_CPU
cpu I686_CPU

maxusers          10

# To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
#hints "GENERIC.hints" # Default places to look for devices.

options SCHED_4BSD # 4BSD scheduler
options INET # InterNETworking
options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support
options UFS_ACL # Support for access control lists
options UFS_DIRHASH # Improve performance on big directories
options MD_ROOT # MD is a potential root device
options PROCFS # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework
options GEOM_GPT # GUID Partition Tables.
options COMPAT_43 # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options COMPAT_FREEBSD4 # Compatible with FreeBSD4
options KTRACE # ktrace(1) support
options SYSVSHM # SYSV-style shared memory
options SYSVMSG # SYSV-style message queues
options SYSVSEM # SYSV-style semaphores
options _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time extensions
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev
options AHC_REG_PRETTY_PRINT # Print register bitfields in debug
# output.  Adds ~128k to driver.
options AHD_REG_PRETTY_PRINT # Print register bitfields in debug
# output.  Adds ~215k to driver.
options ADAPTIVE_GIANT # Giant mutex is adaptive.

device apic # I/O APIC

# Bus support.  Do not remove isa, even if you have no isa slots
device isa
device pci

# ATA and ATAPI devices
device ata
device atadisk # ATA disk drives

device sym # NCR/Symbios Logic (newer chipsets + those of `ncr')

# SCSI peripherals
device scbus # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)

device aacp # SCSI passthrough for aac (requires CAM)

# atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
device atkbdc # AT keyboard controller
device atkbd # AT keyboard
device psm # PS/2 mouse

device vga # VGA video card driver

device splash # Splash screen and screen saver support

# syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
device sc

device agp # support several AGP chipsets

# Floating point support - do not disable.
device npx

# Add suspend/resume support for the i8254.
device pmtimer

device sio # 8250, 16[45]50 based serial ports
device ppbus # Parallel port bus (required)

device miibus # MII bus support
device rl # RealTek 8129/8139
device xl # 3Com 3c90x (``Boomerang'', ``Cyclone'')

# ISA Ethernet NICs.  pccard NICs included.
device cs # Crystal Semiconductor CS89x0 NIC
device ed # NE[12]000, SMC Ultra, 3c503, DS8390 cards

# Pseudo devices.
device loop # Network loopback
device mem # Memory and kernel memory devices
device io # I/O device
device random # Entropy device
device ether # Ethernet support
device sl # Kernel SLIP
device ppp # Kernel PPP
device tun # Packet tunnel.
device pty # Pseudo-ttys (telnet etc)

device bpf # Berkeley packet filter

options         IPFIREWALL               #firewall
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE       #enable logging to syslogd(8)
options         IPFIREWALL_FORWARD       #enable transparent proxy support
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=0   #limit verbosity
options         IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT    #allow everything by default
options         IPDIVERT                 #divert sockets
options         IPFILTER                 #ipfilter support
options         IPFILTER_LOG           #ipfilter logging
options         IPSTEALTH               #support for stealth forwarding
options         TCPDEBUG

# Statically link in accept filters
options                ACCEPT_FILTER_DATA
options                ACCEPT_FILTER_HTTP

options         TCP_DROP_SYNFIN         #drop TCP packets with SYN+FIN

options         DUMMYNET

Заранее спасибо.

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1. "После инстала нового ядра затыкается на: Pre-seeding PRMG: " 
Сообщение от lavr emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 10-Окт-05, 11:53  (MSK)
>Фря 5.4
>Ядро собирается без ошибок.
>подставляю ядро , перегружаю
>и тут всё начинается.
>при загрузке затыкается на
> Pre-seeding PRMG:
>Вот кофиг моего ядра, укажите на ошибку:
># MYKERNEL -- kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/i386
>machine i386
>cpu  I586_CPU
>cpu  I686_CPU
>ident  MYKERNEL
>maxusers          10
># To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
>#hints  "GENERIC.hints"  # Default places to look for devices.
>options  SCHED_4BSD  # 4BSD scheduler
>options  INET   # InterNETworking
>options  FFS   # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
>options  SOFTUPDATES  # Enable FFS soft updates support
>options  UFS_ACL   # Support for access control lists
>options  UFS_DIRHASH  # Improve performance on big directories
>options  MD_ROOT   # MD is a potential root device
>options  PROCFS   # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
>options  PSEUDOFS  # Pseudo-filesystem framework
>options  GEOM_GPT  # GUID Partition Tables.
>options  COMPAT_43  # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
>options  COMPAT_FREEBSD4  # Compatible with FreeBSD4
>options  KTRACE   # ktrace(1) support
>options  SYSVSHM   # SYSV-style shared memory
>options  SYSVMSG   # SYSV-style message queues
>options  SYSVSEM   # SYSV-style semaphores
>options  _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time extensions
>options  KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev
>options  AHC_REG_PRETTY_PRINT # Print register bitfields in debug
>     # output.  Adds ~128k to driver.
>options  AHD_REG_PRETTY_PRINT # Print register bitfields in debug
>     # output.  Adds ~215k to driver.
>options  ADAPTIVE_GIANT  # Giant mutex is adaptive.
>device  apic   # I/O APIC
># Bus support.  Do not remove isa, even if you have
>no isa slots
>device  isa
>device  pci
># ATA and ATAPI devices
>device  ata
>device  atadisk  # ATA disk drives
>device  sym  # NCR/Symbios Logic (newer chipsets + those of
># SCSI peripherals
>device  scbus  # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
>device  aacp  # SCSI passthrough for aac (requires CAM)
># atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
>device  atkbdc # AT keyboard controller
>device  atkbd  # AT keyboard
>device  psm  # PS/2 mouse
>device  vga  # VGA video card driver
>device  splash  # Splash screen and screen saver support
># syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
>device  sc
>device  agp  # support several AGP chipsets
># Floating point support - do not disable.
>device  npx
># Add suspend/resume support for the i8254.
>device  pmtimer
>device  sio  # 8250, 16[45]50 based serial ports
>device  ppbus  # Parallel port bus (required)
>device  miibus  # MII bus support
>device  rl  # RealTek 8129/8139
>device  xl  # 3Com 3c90x (``Boomerang'', ``Cyclone'')
># ISA Ethernet NICs.  pccard NICs included.
>device  cs  # Crystal Semiconductor CS89x0 NIC
>device  ed  # NE[12]000, SMC Ultra, 3c503, DS8390 cards
># Pseudo devices.
>device  loop  # Network loopback
>device  mem  # Memory and kernel memory devices
>device  io  # I/O device
>device  random  # Entropy device
>device  ether  # Ethernet support
>device  sl  # Kernel SLIP
>device  ppp  # Kernel PPP
>device  tun  # Packet tunnel.
>device  pty  # Pseudo-ttys (telnet etc)
>device  bpf  # Berkeley packet filter
>options         IPFIREWALL  
>  #firewall
>options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE  
>     #enable logging to syslogd(8)
>options         IPFIREWALL_FORWARD  
>     #enable transparent proxy support
>options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=0  
> #limit verbosity
> #allow everything by default
>options         IPDIVERT  
>    #divert sockets
>options         IPFILTER  
>    #ipfilter support
>options         IPFILTER_LOG  
>          #ipfilter
>options         IPSTEALTH  
>   #support for stealth forwarding
>options         TCPDEBUG
># Statically link in accept filters
>options         TCP_DROP_SYNFIN  
>      #drop TCP packets with SYN+FIN
>options         DUMMYNET
>Заранее спасибо.

слово такое ЭНТРОПИЯ знаете? Для чего нужна генерация случайных
чисел понимаете? (Чем выше энтропия, тем что?)

man 4 random
grep random /etc/defaults/rc.conf

Когда первую перезагрузку делали - читали что было выдано на консоль:
просьба ввести случайную последовательность с клавиатуры: просто
провести пальцем как по роялю.

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