Всё, вопрос прояснился благодаря crashinfo - памяти начинает не хватать:Jul 22 16:11:17.436: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 840 bytes failed from 0x604BBFF0, alignment 0
Pool: Processor Free: 3240 Cause: Memory fragmentation
Alternate Pool: None Free: 0 Cause: No Alternate pool
-Process= "AFW_application_process", ipl= 4, pid= 245 -Traceback= 0x611B38D8 0x6000F1E0 0x60015CAC 0x604BBFF8 0x600353C4 0x60035438 0x61B18720 0x61B17AB4 0x61B0E870 0x61B19020 0x61B1DED4 0x619B15FC 0x619D8254 0x619FC64C 0x619DA030 0x619DA1EC -Traceback= 0x607848C8 0x607187B4 0x607190E0 -Traceback= 0x607845AC 0x607848F8 0x607187B4 0x607190E0
Jul 22 16:11:19.640: %ISDN-3-ISDN_FATAL: ISDN FATAL ERROR: file lif_common.c, function LIF_GetPkt, message: malloc of Buffer failed
Jul 22 16:11:19.640: %ISDN-3-ISDN_EXIT: malloc of Buffer failed
%Software-forced reload
20:11:19 PCTime Sat Jul 22 2006: Breakpoint exception, CPU signal 23, PC = 0x60AAF2B0
Possible software fault. Upon reccurence, please collect
crashinfo, "show tech" and contact Cisco Technical Support.