>А криптомапу на интерфейс повесили?
>Покажите sh crypto ipsec sa да конечно
вот дебаг пикса
ISAKMP: rekeying phase 1 SA, src, dst
crypto_isakmp_process_block:src:, dest: spt:500 dpt:500
OAK_MM exchange
ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 0
ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy
ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC
ISAKMP: hash MD5
ISAKMP: default group 1
ISAKMP: auth pre-share
ISAKMP: life type in seconds
ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x80
ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0
ISAKMP (0): SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR
return status is IKMP_NO_ERRORet
crypto_isakmp_process_block:src:, dest: spt:500 dpt:500
OAK_MM exchange
ISAKMP (0): processing KE payload. message ID = 0
ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 0
ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload
ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload
ISAKMP (0): remote peer supports dead peer detection
ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload
ISAKMP (0): speaking to another IOS box!
ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload
ISAKMP (0): received xauth v6 vendor id
ISAKMP (0): ID payload
next-payload : 8
type : 1
protocol : 17
port : 500
length : 8
ISAKMP (0): Total payload length: 12
return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR
crypto_isakmp_process_block:src:, dest: spt:500 dpt:500
OAK_MM exchange
ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 0
ISAKMP (0): processing HASH payload. message ID = 0
ISAKMP (0): SA has been authenticated
return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR
VPN Peer: ISAKMP: Added new peer: ip: Total VPN Peers:2
VPN Peer: ISAKMP: Peer ip: Ref cnt incremented to:1 Total VPN Peers:2
crypto_isakmp_process_block:src:, dest: spt:500 dpt:500
ISAKMP (0): processing NOTIFY payload 24576 protocol 1
spi 0, message ID = 2995215478
ISAKMP (0): processing responder lifetime
ISAKMP (0): phase 1 responder lifetime of 480s