Конфиг + дебаг смотрите может где то я туплю ! скажыте где ! ;) Current configuration : 6195 bytes
! No configuration change since last restart
upgrade fpd auto
version 12.2
service exec-callback
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname c7201-core1-1
enable secret *****************
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius SERVER_GROUP1
server xx.xx.152.43 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login AUTHEN_LIST1 group SERVER_GROUP1
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa authorization network default group SERVER_GROUP1
aaa authorization network AUTHOR_LIST1 group SERVER_GROUP1
aaa authorization subscriber-service default group SERVER_GROUP1
aaa accounting delay-start all
aaa accounting update periodic 1
aaa accounting network default start-stop group SERVER_GROUP1
aaa accounting network BH_ACCNT_LIST1 start-stop group SERVER_GROUP1
aaa server radius dynamic-author
client xx.yy.152.43
server-key cisco555
aaa session-id common
ip subnet-zero
no ip rcmd domain-lookup
ip dhcp smart-relay
ip dhcp relay information option
ip dhcp relay information policy keep
no ip dhcp relay information check
ip dhcp relay information trust-all
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool yy.xx.96.0
import all
network yy.xx.96.0
default-router yy.xx.96.1
dns-server yy.xx.152.9
lease 0 0 30
class yy.xx.96.0
ip dhcp class xx.yy.96.0
ip cef
ip name-server yy.xx.152.9
subscriber service password servicecisco
redirect server-group REDIRECT_SERVER_GROUP1
server ip ss.xx.152.43 port 9443
multilink bundle-name authenticated
call rsvp-sync
username sysadmin secret *******************
class-map type control match-all IP_UNAUTH_COND
match timer IP_UNAUTH_TIMER
match authen-status unauthenticated
policy-map type control RULE_406a
class type control IP_UNAUTH_COND event timed-policy-expiry
1 service disconnect
class type control always event session-start
10 service-policy type service name PBHK_SERVICE
20 authorize aaa list AUTHOR_LIST1 password cisco123 identifier mac-address
30 service-policy type service name SERVICE_406_L4R
40 set-timer IP_UNAUTH_TIMER 5
class type control always event session-restart
10 service-policy type service name PBHK_SERVICE
20 service-policy type service name SERVICE_406_L4R
30 set-timer IP_UNAUTH_TIMER 5
class type control always event account-logon
10 authenticate aaa list AUTHEN_LIST1
20 service-policy type service unapply name SERVICE_406_L4R
class type control always event account-logoff
10 service disconnect delay 10
interface FastEthernet0/0
no ip address
speed auto
duplex auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
media-type rj45
speed auto
duplex auto
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.5
encapsulation dot1Q 5
ip address yy.xx.152.66
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
media-type rj45
speed auto
duplex auto
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.1789
encapsulation dot1Q 1789
ip dhcp relay information trusted
ip dhcp relay information option-insert
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
speed auto
duplex auto
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.39
encapsulation dot1Q 39
ip address yy.xx.96.1
service-policy type control RULE_406a
ip subscriber routed
initiator dhcp class-aware
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.40
encapsulation dot1Q 40
ip address xx.yy.97.1
ip subscriber interface
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.41
encapsulation dot1Q 41
ip address yy.xx.98.1
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.42
encapsulation dot1Q 42
ip address xx.yy.99.1
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.43
encapsulation dot1Q 43
ip address yy.xx.100.1
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.300
encapsulation dot1Q 300
ip dhcp relay information trusted
ip dhcp relay information option-insert
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
no ip address
speed auto
duplex auto
negotiation auto
router ospf 1
network yy.xx.152.64 area
network yy.xx.96.0 area
network area
network area
ip classless
ip route xx.yy.152.65
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_BOD1M_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_INTERNET_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_VPN_406_1001
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_BOD1M_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_INTERNET_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_VPN_406_1001
permit ip any any
logging trap debugging
logging facility local2
logging xx.yy.152.43
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_BOD1M_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_INTERNET_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_VPN_406_1001
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_BOD1M_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_INTERNET_406
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_VPN_406_1001
permit ip any any
logging trap debugging
logging facility local2
access-list 199 deny ip any host xx.yy.152.43
access-list 199 permit tcp any any eq www
access-list 199 permit tcp any any eq 9443
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req vrf default
radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth
radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-accounting-req
radius-server attribute 55 include-in-acct-req
radius-server attribute 55 access-request include
radius-server attribute 25 access-request include
radius-server host xx.xx.152.43 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key aaacisco
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication
dial-peer cor custom
line con 0
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
ntp clock-period 17180279
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server
+ дебаг
c7201-core1-1#term mon
.Jul 22 15:30:17.596: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.596: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.596: DHCPD: Seeing if there is an internally specified pool class:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D):Orig. component type = IEDGE_IP_SIP
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D): acct_session_id: 3
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS(0000000D): sending
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address xx.xx.152.66 for Radius-Server xx.xx.152.43
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS(0000000D): Send Access-Request to xx.xx.152.43:1812 id 1645/1, len 117
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: authenticator 1B 4B F7 69 AA CC 5E F1 - ED 8E F9 AC B4 1F CC 28
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 14 "PBHK_SERVICE"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 *
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Virtual [5]
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Id [87] 10 "0/0/2/39"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Outbound [5]
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 xx.xx.152.66
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000003"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Nas-Identifier [32] 15 "c7201-core1-1"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Event-Timestamp [55] 6 1216740617
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Received from id 1645/1 xx.xx.152.43:1812, Access-Accept, len 48
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: authenticator 5A 98 47 9E FE BF 81 4B - 7E E2 25 72 41 07 B9 86
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 28
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 22 "ip:portbundle=enable"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.604: RADIUS(0000000D): Received from id 1645/1
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D):Orig. component type = IEDGE_IP_SIP
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D): acct_session_id: 3
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS(0000000D): sending
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address xx.xx.152.66 for Radius-Server xx.xx.152.43
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS(0000000D): Send Access-Request to xx.xx.152.43:1812 id 1645/2, len 119
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: authenticator 8E 92 0A 3E 94 4D E2 33 - 78 C6 80 78 94 AA ED 15
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 16 "001b.248e.39a0"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 *
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Virtual [5]
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Id [87] 10 "0/0/2/39"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Outbound [5]
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 xx.xx.152.66
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000003"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: Nas-Identifier [32] 15 "c7201-core1-1"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.608: RADIUS: Event-Timestamp [55] 6 1216740617
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Received from id 1645/2 xx.xx.152.43:1812, Access-Accept, len 236
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: authenticator FA 9C 7E C0 80 FD 3A B9 - 98 97 7A ED E6 4E 3E 4A
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 49
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 43 "subscriber:accounting-list=BH_ACCNT_LIST1"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: ssg-account-info [250] 25 "ABasic_Internet_Service"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: ssg-account-info [250] 21 "NSERVICE_406_BOD1Mc"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: ssg-account-info [250] 24 "NSERVICE_406_VPN_1001c"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Idle-Timeout [28] 6 1800
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 6 "test"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 67
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS: ssg-service-info [251] 61 "Service_0,QU;1024000;128000;256000;D;1024000;128000;256000;"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.868: RADIUS(0000000D): Received from id 1645/2
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D):Orig. component type = IEDGE_IP_SIP
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D): acct_session_id: 3
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS(0000000D): sending
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address xx.xx.152.66 for Radius-Server xx.xx.152.43
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS(0000000D): Send Access-Request to xx.xx.152.43:1812 id 1645/3, len 127
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: authenticator 1C FB E2 AE 43 52 29 6A - 80 16 83 2C 64 54 36 06
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 24 "Basic_Internet_Service"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 *
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Virtual [5]
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Id [87] 10 "0/0/2/39"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Outbound [5]
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 xx.xx.152.66
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000003"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Nas-Identifier [32] 15 "c7201-core1-1"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Event-Timestamp [55] 6 1216740617
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Received from id 1645/3 xx.xx.152.43:1812, Access-Accept, len 395
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: authenticator A1 CA 91 D2 37 BA E8 E9 - 4A 96 23 5B DF A3 C5 20
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 26
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: ssg-service-info [251] 20 "SERVICE_406_BOD1Mc"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 50
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: ssg-service-info [251] 44 "QU;256000;32000;64000;D;256000;32000;64000"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 80
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 74 "ip:traffic-class=input access-group name ACL_IN_INTERNET_406 priority 30"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 82
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 76 "ip:traffic-class=output access-group name ACL_OUT_INTERNET_406 priority 30"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 41
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 35 "ip:traffic-class=out default drop"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 40
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 34 "ip:traffic-class=in default drop"
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Framed-IP-Address [8] 6
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 50
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 44 "subscriber:accounting-list=BH_ACCNT_LIST1 "
.Jul 22 15:30:17.872: RADIUS(0000000D): Received from id 1645/3
.Jul 22 15:30:17.876: DHCPD: Callback for workspace (ID=0x35000001)
.Jul 22 15:30:17.876: DHCPD: Callback: class '' now specified for client 0100.1b24.8e39.a0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.876: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
.Jul 22 15:30:17.876: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:17.876: DHCPD: requested address is not on subnet xx.xx.96.0.
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: Adding binding to radix tree (xx.xx.96.2)
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: Adding binding to hash tree
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: assigned IP address xx.xx.96.2 to client 0100.1b24.8e39.a0. (4 39)
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: DHCPOFFER notify setup address xx.xx.96.2 mask
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D):Orig. component type = IEDGE_IP_SIP
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address xx.xx.152.66 for Radius-Server xx.xx.152.43
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: Callback for workspace (ID=0x35000001)
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: Callback: switching path now setup for client 0100.1b24.8e39.a0
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: DHCPD: unicast BOOTREPLY output i/f override GigabitEthernet0/2.39
.Jul 22 15:30:19.876: RADIUS: Received from id 1646/1 xx.xx.152.43:1813, Accounting-response, len 20
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: input i/f override GigabitEthernet0/2.39 for client
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: Seeing if there is an internally specified pool class:
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: No internally specified class returned
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: DHCPOFFER notify setup address xx.xx.96.2 mask
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: offer notify return with no delay on intf GigabitEthernet0/2.39
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: input i/f override GigabitEthernet0/2.39 for client
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: Sending notification of ASSIGNMENT:
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: address xx.xx.96.2 mask
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 001b.248e.39a0
.Jul 22 15:30:21.596: DHCPD: lease time remaining (secs) = 1800
.Jul 22 15:30:28.460: DHCPD: checking for expired leases.
Jul 22 15:31:13.477: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000D):Orig. component type = IEDGE_IP_SIP
Jul 22 15:31:13.477: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
Jul 22 15:31:13.477: RADIUS(0000000D): Config NAS IP:
Jul 22 15:31:13.477: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address xx.xx.152.66 for Radius-Server xx.xx.152.43
Jul 22 15:31:13.477: RADIUS: Received from id 1646/2 xx.xx.152.43:1813, Accounting-response, len 20
c7201-core1-1#sh ip su
c7201-core1-1#sh ip subscriber
Displaying subscribers in the default service vrf:
Type Subscriber Identifier Display UID Status
--------- ---------------------- ------------ ------
routed xx.xx.96.2/32 [2] up