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"Cisco 2811 + Dialup"
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Форумы Маршрутизаторы CISCO и др. оборудование. (Dialup, сервер доступа)
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"Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  –1 +/
Сообщение от McS555 (ok) on 07-Апр-10, 19:09 
Помогите разобраться (настроить)
Есть Cisco 2811, к ней прикручен модем (к serial0/1 )
Надо настроить так, чоб с компа подключенному к другому  модему, можно было попасть в локальную сеть!!  - это примерно так, только у меня не вышло по этому конфигу (+ не все даже команды есть, которые в статье указаны).

Если есть у когото рабочий конфиг, поделитесь.

Заранее СПАСИБО!!!

Высказать мнение | Ответить | Правка | Cообщить модератору


  • Cisco 2811 + Dialup, shadow_alone, 20:37 , 07-Апр-10, (1) +1  
    • Cisco 2811 + Dialup, McS5555, 11:41 , 08-Апр-10, (2)  
      • Cisco 2811 + Dialup, McS555, 15:42 , 08-Апр-10, (3)  
        • Cisco 2811 + Dialup, McS555, 15:27 , 09-Апр-10, (4)  
          • Cisco 2811 + Dialup, McS555, 18:26 , 09-Апр-10, (5)  
            • Cisco 2811 + Dialup, McS555, 12:55 , 13-Апр-10, (6)  

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1. "Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  +1 +/
Сообщение от shadow_alone (ok) on 07-Апр-10, 20:37 
Может, если нет каких-то комманд, стоит обратить внимание на прошивку.

И уж лучше Вы здесь дайте свой конфиг.

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2. "Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  +/
Сообщение от McS5555 on 08-Апр-10, 11:41 
>Может, если нет каких-то комманд, стоит обратить внимание на прошивку.
>И уж лучше Вы здесь дайте свой конфиг.

Спасибо. Я разобрался :)
Всем Удачи!!

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3. "Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  +/
Сообщение от McS555 (ok) on 08-Апр-10, 15:42 
Блин. Рано радовался. Вроде и все получилось, но.... ровно через 2 минуты после установки соединения - обрывается :(((

interface Serial0/1/0
physical-layer async
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0.92
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
async mode dedicated
peer default ip address dhcp-pool test-dialup
ppp authentication chap pap callin
ppp chap refuse
ppp pap refuse
line 0/1/0
password cisco
absolute-timeout 10000
modem InOut
transport input all
escape-character BREAK
autoselect during-login
autoselect ppp
stopbits 1
speed 57600
flowcontrol hardware

show debugging

*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.214 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 23
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.214 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x00000000 (0x020600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x05D13849 (0x050605D13849)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    Callback 6  (0x0D0306)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.222 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: Fast-starting PPP
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Using dialer call direction
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Session handle[B8000098] Session id[67]
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Passive Open
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: State is Listen
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Authorization required
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O CONFREQ [Listen] id 15 len 25
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x000A0000 (0x0206000A0000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x6733AA48 (0x05066733AA48)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O CONFREJ [Listen] id 1 len 7
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    Callback 6  (0x0D0306)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/1/0, changed state to up
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 15 len 25
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x000A0000 (0x0206000A0000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x6733AA48 (0x05066733AA48)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 20
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x00000000 (0x020600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x05D13849 (0x050605D13849)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 20
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x00000000 (0x020600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x05D13849 (0x050605D13849)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: State is Open
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 21 len 25 from "rt05"
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I IDENTIFY [Open] id 3 len 18 magic 0x05D13849 MSRASV5.10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I IDENTIFY [Open] id 4 len 24 magic 0x05D13849 MSRAS-0-DELLBOOK
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 21 len 26 from "cisco"
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, Unauthenticated User
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Received LOGIN Response PASS
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, Authenticated User
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sent LCP AUTHOR Request
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sent IPCP AUTHOR Request
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 21 len 4
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is UP
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Process pending ncp packets
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 CCP: I CONFREQ [Not negotiated] id 5 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 CCP:    MS-PPC supported bits 0x00000001 (0x120600000001)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O PROTREJ [Open] id 16 len 16 protocol CCP (0x80FD0105000A120600000001)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 6 len 40
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    CompressType VJ 15 slots CompressSlotID (0x0206002D0F01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x030600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryDNS (0x810600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryWINS (0x820600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryDNS (0x830600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryWINS (0x840600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.806 UTC: Se0/1/0 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address, we want
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.806 UTC: Se0/1/0 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address, we want
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Timeout: State REQsent
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFREQ [REQsent] id 2 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Pool returned
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up prim DNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up prim NBNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up sec DNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up sec NBNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFREJ [REQsent] id 6 len 34
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    CompressType VJ 15 slots CompressSlotID (0x0206002D0F01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryDNS (0x810600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryWINS (0x820600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryDNS (0x830600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryWINS (0x840600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: ID 1 didn't match 2, discarding packet
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 2 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 7 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x030600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFNAK [ACKrcvd] id 7 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C29)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.122 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 8 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C29)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 8 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C29)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: State is Open
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Install route to
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.130 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Add link info for cef entry

*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.214 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 23
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.214 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x00000000 (0x020600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x05D13849 (0x050605D13849)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.218 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    Callback 6  (0x0D0306)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.222 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: Fast-starting PPP
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Using dialer call direction
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Session handle[B8000098] Session id[67]
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Passive Open
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: State is Listen
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Authorization required
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O CONFREQ [Listen] id 15 len 25
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x000A0000 (0x0206000A0000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x6733AA48 (0x05066733AA48)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O CONFREJ [Listen] id 1 len 7
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    Callback 6  (0x0D0306)

*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.226 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/1/0, changed state to up
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 15 len 25
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x000A0000 (0x0206000A0000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x6733AA48 (0x05066733AA48)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.426 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 20
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x00000000 (0x020600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x05D13849 (0x050605D13849)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 20
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACCM 0x00000000 (0x020600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    MagicNumber 0x05D13849 (0x050605D13849)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    PFC (0x0702)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP:    ACFC (0x0802)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: State is Open
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.430 UTC: Se0/1/0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 21 len 25 from "rt05"
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I IDENTIFY [Open] id 3 len 18 magic 0x05D13849 MSRASV5.10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: I IDENTIFY [Open] id 4 len 24 magic 0x05D13849 MSRAS-0-DELLBOOK
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 21 len 26 from "cisco"
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, Unauthenticated User
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Received LOGIN Response PASS
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING, Attempting Forward
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, Authenticated User
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sent LCP AUTHOR Request
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sent IPCP AUTHOR Request
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.638 UTC: Se0/1/0 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 21 len 4
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is UP
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.642 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Process pending ncp packets
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 CCP: I CONFREQ [Not negotiated] id 5 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 CCP:    MS-PPC supported bits 0x00000001 (0x120600000001)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: O PROTREJ [Open] id 16 len 16 protocol CCP (0x80FD0105000A120600000001)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 6 len 40
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    CompressType VJ 15 slots CompressSlotID (0x0206002D0F01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x030600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryDNS (0x810600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryWINS (0x820600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryDNS (0x830600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.802 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryWINS (0x840600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.806 UTC: Se0/1/0 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address, we want

*Apr  8 2010 11:32:37.806 UTC: Se0/1/0 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address, we want

*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Timeout: State REQsent
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFREQ [REQsent] id 2 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.634 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Pool returned
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up prim DNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up prim NBNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up sec DNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: DHCP: look up sec NBNS for Se0/1/0 from any any ret: fail
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFREJ [REQsent] id 6 len 34
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    CompressType VJ 15 slots CompressSlotID (0x0206002D0F01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryDNS (0x810600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    PrimaryWINS (0x820600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryDNS (0x830600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    SecondaryWINS (0x840600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: ID 1 didn't match 2, discarding packet
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 2 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.810 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C01)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 7 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x030600000000)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFNAK [ACKrcvd] id 7 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:39.970 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C29)

*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.122 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 8 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C29)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 8 len 10
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP:    Address (0x03060A005C29)
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: State is Open
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.126 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Install route to
*Apr  8 2010 11:32:40.130 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Add link info for cef entry

*Apr  8 2010 11:38:09.306 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[15A]
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.306 UTC: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/1/0, changed state to reset
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.306 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: State is Closed
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.306 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Remove link info for cef entry
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.306 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.306 UTC: Se0/1/0 LCP: State is Closed
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.306 UTC: Se0/1/0 PPP: Phase is DOWN
*Apr  8 2010 11:38:11.314 UTC: Se0/1/0 IPCP: Remove route to

И вот почему оно шлет PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[15A] ???

Кто мож знает, че подкрутить надо???

Заранее, Спасибо

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4. "Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  +/
Сообщение от McS555 (ok) on 09-Апр-10, 15:27 
Ну что?? Хоть какие то есть идеи :((
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5. "Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  +/
Сообщение от McS555 (ok) on 09-Апр-10, 18:26 
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6. "Cisco 2811 + Dialup"  +/
Сообщение от McS555 (ok) on 13-Апр-10, 12:55 
????? плизззз
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