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"Как победить карявую кодеровку WEB-стрвницы?? Apache/1.3.34"
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"Как победить карявую кодеровку WEB-стрвницы?? Apache/1.3.34"  
Сообщение от zxprsl (??) on 13-Фев-08, 06:55 
Добрый день..

Подскажите как победить карявую кодеровку при отображении апачей (Apache/1.3.34) веб-страницы..??

Веб-старинца простенькая, написана полностью в блокноте на HTML, в виндовс-кодеровке..
Заталкиваю его в апач, и он отображает каракули, причём смена кодировки в браузере не помогает.. меняется кодеровка, но в нужный формат не преобразовывает..прочитать ничего на русском не возможно..

вот кусок конфига относительно кодировок:


<IfModule mod_charset.c>
# Select charset codepages
# Format: CharsetDecl charset_name lang [flags
CharsetDecl ISO-8859-5 ru
CharsetDecl ibm866 ru
CharsetDecl windows-1251 ru
CharsetDecl koi8-r ru

#CharsetRecodeTable charset1 charset2 table1-2 [table2-1]
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r ISO-8859-5 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r ibm866 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r windows-1251 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/  /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/

# Recoding rules for windows-1251 source encoding
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ISO-8859-5 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ibm866 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/cyrillic/

#### DO NOT FORGET TO ADD CharsetRecodeTable directives if your
#### html files are stored on disk in different (neither koi8-r nor
#### windows-1251) encodings. Server MUST know all possible
#### Client<->file translations

# Aliases of charsets
# Format: CharsetAlias real_name alias1 alias2 alias3 ...
CharsetAlias ISO-8859-5 iso_8859-5:1988 iso-ir-144 iso_8859-5 cyrillic
CharsetAlias ISO-8859-5 iso8859-5 iso-8859.5 iso8859.5 iso
CharsetAlias ibm866 csibm866 866 cp866 x-cp866 x-ibm866 cp-866 alt
CharsetAlias windows-1251 win x-cp1251 cp1251 cp-1251
CharsetAlias koi8-r koi-8-r koi8 koi-8 koi

# Priority of charsets
CharsetPriority  koi8-r windows-1251 ISO-8859-5 ibm866

# default charset for real or virtual server (selected if all other charset-
# selectons methods fails)
CharsetDefault koi8-r

#Default source (on-disk) charset
CharsetSourceEnc koi8-r

# Types for mod_charset handling
CharsetProcessType text/ application/x-javascript

# Order in which charset selection rules  applied
#CharsetSelectionOrder Portnumber Hostname UriHostname EnvVariable Dirprefix Useragent

# Associate file (on-disk) charset with extension
# CharsetByExtension windows-1251 .htm

# Strip <META HTTP-EQUIV ...> from this extension (NOTE! this is mutually
# exclusive with SSI and other non-default file processing)
AddHandler strip-meta-http .htm .html

#Select substrings for different clients identification and charsets for
# each charset
# No CharsetAgent directives - no User-Agent charset selection on server
CharsetAgent windows-1251 AIR_Mosaic IWENG/1 MSIE WinMosaic (Windows (WinNT;
CharsetAgent windows-1251 (Win16; (Win95; (Win98; (16-bit) Opera/3.0
CharsetAgent koi8-r Arena Ariadna OmniWeb Sextant PRD (X11 X11) Lynx/
CharsetAgent ibm866 DosLynx Lynx2/OS/2

# Agents that can't understand MIME
CharsetBadAgent arena Lynx/2.0 Lynx/2.1 Lynx/2.2 Lynx/2.3 Lynx/2.4 "MSIE 2.0;" Lynx2/OS/2

# Uncomment this if server must reject queries with illegal charset
#CharsetErrReject on

# Add charset= to Content-Type in all replies - default
#CharsetUseMultiViews off

# Uncomment, if you want to recode response headers (turned off by
# default for compatibility with older versions)
# CharsetRecodeHeaders on

# Comment out, if you want to recode filenames. Not recommended
CharsetRecodeFilenames Off

# CharsetDisable directive turns off all charset processing.
# Sample:
# <Directory /some/where/sub/dir>
# CharsetDisable on
# </Directory>

# Charset Selection by portnumber
# do not forget to COMMENT OUT ALL Port directive above
# Listen 80  
# Listen 8100
# Listen 8101
# Listen 8102
# Listen 8103
# Listen 8104
# CharsetByPort koi8-r 8100
# CharsetByPort windows-1251 8101
# CharsetByPort ibm866 8102
# CharsetByPort iso-8859-5 8103
# CharsetByPort x-mac-cyrillic 8104
# "AutoRedirect" setup
# CharsetAutoRedirect koi8-r :8100
# CharsetAutoRedirect windows-1251 :8101
# CharsetAutoRedirect ibm866 :8102
# CharsetAutoRedirect iso-8859-5 :8103
# CharsetAutoRedirect x-mac-cyrillic :8104
# CharsetNormalizeTypes image/ application/ video/ audio/
# CharsetNormalizeToURL :80 200
#   Do not redirect if charset determined as charsetdefault
# CharsetNoAutoRedirectForDefaultCharset On
#   When redirect, use original unparsed URI instead of parsed one
#   (useful with mod_rewrite)
#  CharsetRedirectFromOriginalURL On
#  Additional notes:
# Use
# CharsetAutoRedirect koi8-r none
# and
# CharsetNormalizeToUrl none
# in .htaccess/<Directory>/<Location>/<Files> if you wish to
# disable AutoRedirect for some particular URL

CharsetBrokenAccept "Mozilla/4." "iso-8859-1,*,utf-8"
# Uncomment next line if you want strict hostname/dirname <->charset match
# (see documentation)
# CharsetStrictURIMatch On

# Ukrainian language support
# 1. Tables, sent to me by Vadim Chekan <>
# If you want to enable Ukrainian support - uncomment next lines
#CharsetDecl koi8-u ua
#CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 koi8-u /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian/
#CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u ibm866 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian/
#CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u x-mac-cyrillic etc/apache/tables/ukrainian/
# 2. Tables (and configuration lines from Serhii Hlodin <>
# AddLanguage uk .ua

# CharsetDecl koi8-u uk
# CharsetDecl cp866u uk
# CharsetDecl ISO-8859-5 uk
# CharsetDecl ibm866 uk
# CharsetDecl windows-1251 uk
# CharsetDecl koi8-r uk
# CharsetDecl x-mac-cyrillic uk
# CharsetDecl translit uk

# CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u cp866u /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u ISO-8859-5 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u ibm866 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u windows-1251 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u koi8-r /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# CharsetRecodeTable koi8-u x-mac-cyrillic /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# CharsetWideRecodeTable koi8-u translit /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/

# # Recoding rules for windows-1251 source encoding
# #CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 koi8-u /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# #CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 cp866u /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# #CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ISO-8859-5 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# #CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ibm866 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# #CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 koi8-r /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# #CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 x-mac-cyrillic /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# #CharsetWideRecodeTable windows-1251 translit /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/

# # Recoding rules for RUSCII source encoding
# #CharsetRecodeTable cp866u koi8-u /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# #CharsetRecodeTable cp866u windows-1251 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# #CharsetRecodeTable cp866u ISO-8859-5 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# #CharsetRecodeTable cp866u ibm866 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/
# #CharsetRecodeTable cp866u koi8-r /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# #CharsetRecodeTable cp866u x-mac-cyrillic /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/ /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/russian/
# #CharsetWideRecodeTable cp866u translit /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/ukrainian2/

# CharsetAlias ISO-8859-5 iso_8859-5:1988 iso-ir-144 iso_8859-5 cyrillic
# CharsetAlias ISO-8859-5 iso8859-5 iso-8859.5 iso8859.5 iso
# CharsetAlias ibm866 csibm866 866 cp866 x-cp866 x-ibm866 cp-866 alt
# CharsetAlias windows-1251 win x-cp1251 cp1251 cp-1251
# CharsetAlias koi8-r koi-8-r koi8 koi-8 koi
# CharsetAlias koi8-u koi-8-u
# CharsetAlias cp866u 866u x-cp866u x-ibm866u cp-866u uk_UA altu ruscii
# CharsetAlias x-mac-cyrillic cmac x-mac-ce

# CharsetPriority koi8-u windows-1251 koi8-r ISO-8859-5 cp866u ibm866 translit x-mac-cyrillic

# CharsetDefault koi8-u
# CharsetSourceEnc koi8-u

# CharsetByExtension koi8-u .html

# CharsetAgent windows-1251 AIR_Mosaic IWENG/1 MSIE WinMosaic (Windows (WinNT;
# CharsetAgent windows-1251 (Win16; (Win95; (Win98; (16-bit) Opera/3.0
# CharsetAgent koi8-r Arena Ariadna OmniWeb Sextant PRD (X11
# CharsetAgent koi8-u Lynx/
# CharsetAgent cp866u DosLynx Lynx2/OS/2
# CharsetAgent x-mac-cyrillic Macintosh

# Listen 80
# Listen 8100
# Listen 8101
# Listen 8102
# Listen 8103
# Listen 8104
# Listen 8105
# Listen 8106
# Listen 8107
# CharsetByPort koi8-u 8100
# CharsetByPort koi8-r 8101
# CharsetByPort windows-1251 8102
# CharsetByPort iso-8859-5 8103
# CharsetByPort x-mac-cyrillic 8104
# CharsetByPort cp866u 8105
# CharsetByPort ibm866 8106
# CharsetByPort translit 8107

# CharsetAutoRedirect koi8-u :8100
# CharsetAutoRedirect koi8-r :8101
# CharsetAutoRedirect windows-1251 :8102
# CharsetAutoRedirect iso-8859-5 :8103
# CharsetAutoRedirect x-mac-cyrillic :8104
# CharsetAutoRedirect cp866u :8105
# CharsetAutoRedirect ibm866 :8106
# CharsetAutoRedirect translit :8107

### Sample of Czech language support

#CharsetDecl cp437 cs
#CharsetDecl cp1250 cs
#CharsetDecl 8859-1 cs
#CharsetDecl 8859-2 cs
#CharsetDecl cp895 cs
#CharsetDecl koi8cs cs
#CharsetDecl latin2 cs
#CharsetDecl cmac cs

#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 cp437 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/
#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 8859-1 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/
#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 8859-2 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/
#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 cp895 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/
#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 koi8cs /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/
#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 latin2 /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/
#CharsetRecodeTable cp1250 cmac /opt/local/apache/conf/tables/czech/

#CharsetAlias cp1250 windows-1250 x-cp1250 cp1250 cp-1250
#CharsetAlias 8859-1 iso_8859-1 CISO8859-1
#CharsetAlias 8859-2 iso_8859-2 CISO8859-2
#CharsetAlias cp895 x-cp895 cp895 cp-895 KEYBCS2 CKAM x-kam-cs
#CharsetAlias koi8cs CKOI8CS KOI8-CS
#CharsetAlias cmac x-mac-ce

#CharsetSourceEncoding cp1250

#Listen 8200
#Listen 8201
#Listen 8202
#Listen 8203
#Listen 8204
#Listen 8205
#Listen 8206
#Listen 8207

#CharsetByPort cp437 8200
#CharsetByPort cp1250 8201
#CharsetByPort 8859-1 8202
#CharsetByPort 8859-2 8203
#CharsetByPort cp895 8204
#CharsetByPort koi8cs 8205
#CharsetByPort latin2 8206
#CharsetByPort cmac 8207

################# End of Czech sample #######################################


Пробывал менять здесь:

# Priority of charsets
CharsetPriority  koi8-r windows-1251 ISO-8859-5 ibm866

# default charset for real or virtual server (selected if all other charset-
# selectons methods fails)
CharsetDefault koi8-r

#Default source (on-disk) charset
CharsetSourceEnc koi8-r

Но это кроме как кодеровки по дефаулку ничего не меняет...

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1. "Как победить карявую кодеровку WEB-стрвницы?? Apache/1.3.34"  
Сообщение от CSX email(ok) on 14-Фев-08, 16:59 
Вообще уберите mod_charset и все что с ним связано. Все будет хорошо.
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