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Три критические уязвимости в Exim, позволяющие удалённо выполнить код на сервере, opennews (?), 28-Сен-23, (0) [смотреть все]

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99. "Три критические уязвимости в Exim, позволяющие удалённо выпо..."  +/
Сообщение от aaaaa (?), 02-Окт-23, 07:28 
Six 0day exploits were filed against Exim.

None of these issues is related to transport security (TLS) being
on or off.

* 3 of them are related to SPA/NTLM, and EXTERNAL auth. If you do not use
SPA/NTLM, or EXTERNAL authentication, you're not affected.
These issues are fixed.

* One issue is related to data received from a proxy-protocol proxy. If
you do not use a proxy in front of Exim, you're not affected. If your
proxy is trustworthy, you're not affected. We're working on a fix.

* One is related to libspf2. If you do not use the `spf` lookup type
or the `spf` ACL condition, you are not affected.

* The last one is related to DNS lookups. If you use a trustworthy
resolver (which does validation of the data it receives), you're
not affected. We're working on a fix.

Currently we're in contact with the major distros and aim to release
those fixes that are available as soon as possible. (Aiming Monday, Oct

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100. "Три критические уязвимости в Exim, позволяющие удалённо выпо..."  +/
Сообщение от aaaaa (?), 02-Окт-23, 16:29 
походу релизнули фикс:


Dear Exim Users,

we released the available fixes for the issues mentioned in the recent

See this link for a summary:

Distribution points:
- git://
- spa-auth-fixes (based on the current master) [commit IDs: 7bb5bc2c6 0519dcfb5 e17b8b0f1 04107e98d]
- exim-4.96+security (based on exim-4.96) [gpg signed]
- exim-4.96.1+fixes (based on exim-4.96.1 with the fixes from exim-4.96+fixes) [gpg signed]
- exim-4.96.1 [gpg signed]

- tarballs for exim-4.96.1: [gpg signed]

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