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Containers (3)
  • >> Containers (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
                           Standard C++ Library
                 Copyright 1998, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
          - A standard template library (STL) collection.
         Within the standard template library, collection classes are
         often  described as containers. A container stores a collec-
         tion of other objects and includes basic functions that sup-
         port  the  use of generic algorithms. Containers come in two
         types:  sequences  and  associative  containers.  They   are
         further distinguished by the type of iterator they support.
         A sequence supports a linear arrangement of single elements.
         vector,  list,  deque,  bitset,  and  string  fall into this
         category. Associative containers map values onto keys, which
         allows  for  retrieval  of the values based on the keys. The
         STL includes the map, multimap, set, and  multiset  associa-
         tive  containers.  map  and multimap store the value and the
         key separately, and allow for fast retrieval of  the  value,
         based upon fast retrieval of the key. set and multiset store
         only keys allowing fast retrieval of the key itself.
         Containers within the STL must meet the  following  require-
         ments.  Sequences  and associative containers must also meet
         their own separate sets of  requirements.  The  requirements
         for containers are:
         o    A container allocates all storage for  the  objects  it
         o    A container X of objects of type T includes the follow-
              ing types:
         X::value_type   a T
         X::reference    lvalue of T
         X::const_reference   const lvalue of T
         X::iterator   an iterator type pointing  to  T.  X::iterator
                       cannot be an output iterator
         X::const_iterator   an iterator type pointing  to  const  T.
                             X::iterator cannot be an output iterator
         X::difference_type   a signed integral  type  (must  be  the
                              same   as   the   distance   type   for
                              X::iterator and X::const_iterator)
         X::size_type   an unsigned integral  type  representing  any
                        non-negative value of difference_type
         X::allocator_type   type of allocator used to obtain storage
                             for elements stored in the container
         o    A container includes a default constructor, a copy con-
              structor, an assignment operator, and a full complement
              of comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=).
         o    A container includes the following member functions:
         begin()   Returns an iterator or a  const_iterator  pointing
                   to the first element in the collection
         end()   Returns an iterator  or  a  const_iterator  pointing
                 just beyond the last element in the collection
         swap(container)   Swaps elements between this container  and
                           the swap's argument
         clear()   Deletes all the elements in the container
         size()   Returns the number of elements in the collection as
                  a size_type
         max_size()   Returns the largest possible number of elements
                      for this type of container as a size_type
         empty()   Returns true if the container is empty, false oth-
         get_allocator()   Returns the allocator used  by  this  con-
         A container may be  reversible.  Essentially,  a  reversible
         container  includes a reverse iterator that allows traversal
         of the collection  in  a  direction  opposite  that  of  the
         default  iterator. A reversible container must meet the fol-
         lowing requirements in addition to those listed above:
         o    A reversible container includes the following types:
         X::reverse_iterator   An iterator type pointing to T
         X::const_reverse_iterator   An  iterator  type  pointing  to
                                     const T
         o    A reversible container includes  the  following  member
         rbegin()      Returns    a     reverse_iterator     or     a
                    const_reverse_iterator  pointing  past the end of
                    the collection
         rend()       Returns     a     reverse_iterator     or     a
                  const_reverse_iterator  pointing  to the first ele-
                  ment in the collection
         In addition to the requirements for containers, the  follow-
         ing requirements hold for sequences:
         o    iterator and const_iterator must be forward  iterators,
              bidirectional iterators or random access iterators.
         o    A sequence includes the following constructors:
         X(n, t)   Constructs a container with n copies of t
         X(i, j)   Constructs a  container  with  elements  from  the
                   range [i,j)
         o    A sequence includes the following member functions:
         insert(p,t)   Inserts the element t in front of the position
                       identified by the iterator p
         insert(p,n,t)   Inserts n copies of t in front of the  posi-
                         tion identified by the iterator p
         insert(p,i,j)   Inserts elements from  the  range  [i,j)  in
                         front  of  the  position  identified  by the
                         iterator p
         erase(q)   Erases the element pointed to by the iterator q
         erase(q1,q2)   Erases the elements in the range [q1,q2)
         o    A sequence may also include the following member  func-
              tions  if  they  can  be implemented with constant time
         front()   Returns the element pointed to by begin()
         back()   Returns the element pointed to by  end() - 1
         push_front(x)   Inserts the element x at begin()
         push_back(x)   Inserts the element x at end()
         pop_front()   Erases the element at begin()
         pop_back()   Erases the element at end() - 1
         operator[](n)   Returns the element at a.begin() + n
         at(n)    Returns  the  element  at  a.begin()  +  n;  throws
                 out_of_range if n is invalid
         In addition to the requirements for a container, the follow-
         ing requirements hold for associative containers:
         o    For   an    associative    container    iterator    and
              const_iterator must be bidirectional iterators. Associ-
              ative containers are inherently sorted. Their iterators
              proceed  through  the  container  in the non-descending
              order of keys (where non-descending order is defined by
              the  comparison  object  that was used to construct the
         o    An associative container includes the following types:
         X::key_type   the type of the Key
         X::key_compare   the type of the comparison to  use  to  put
                          the keys in order
         X::value_compare   the type of the comparison used on values
         o    The default constructor and copy constructor for  asso-
              ciative  containers  use  the  template  parameter com-
              parison class.
         o    An associative container includes the  following  addi-
              tional constructors:
         X(c)   Constructs an empty container using  c  as  the  com-
                parison object
         X(i,j,c)   Constructs a container  with  elements  from  the
                    range [i,j) and the comparison object c
         X(i, j)   Constructs a  container  with  elements  from  the
                   range   [i,j)   using   the   template   parameter
                   comparison object
         o    An associative container includes the following  member
         key_comp()   Returns the  comparison  object  used  in  con-
                      structing the associative container
         value_comp()   Returns the value comparison object  used  in
                        constructing the associative container
         insert(t)   If the container does NOT support redundant  key
                     values,  then  this  function  only inserts t if
                     there is no key present that is equal to the key
                     of  t.  If  the container DOES support redundant
                     keys, then this function always inserts the ele-
                     ment  t. Returns a pair<iterator,bool>. The bool
                     component of the  returned  pair  indicates  the
                     success  or  failure  of  the  operation and the
                     iterator component points to  the  element  with
                     key equal to key of t.
         insert(p,t)   If the container does  NOT  support  redundant
                       key  values, then this function only inserts t
                       if there is no key present that  is  equal  to
                       the  key  of  t. If the container DOES support
                       redundant  keys,  then  this  function  always
                       inserts  the  element t. The iterator p serves
                       as a hint of where to start searching,  allow-
                       ing for some optimization of the insertion. It
                       does not restrict the algorithm from inserting
                       ahead of that location if necessary.
         insert(i,j)   Inserts  elements  from  the  range  [i,j).  A
                       prerequisite  is that i and j cannot be itera-
                       tors into the container.
         erase(k)   Erases all elements with key equal to k.  Returns
                    number of erased elements.
         erase(q)   Erases the element pointed to by q
         erase(q1,q2)   Erases the elements in the range [q1,q2)
         find(k)   Returns an iterator pointing to  an  element  with
                   key equal to k or end(), if such an element is not
         count(k)   Returns the number of elements with key equal  to
         lower_bound(k)   Returns an iterator pointing to  the  first
                          element with a key greater than or equal to
         upper_bound(k)   Returns an iterator pointing to  the  first
                          element with a key greater than k
         equal_range(k)   Returns a pair of iterators such  that  the
                          first  element of the pair is equivalent to
                          lower_bound(k)  and  the   second   element
                          equivalent to upper_bound(k)
         bitset,    deque,    list,    map,    multimap,    multiset,
         priority_queue, queue, set, stack, vector

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