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dtdtsfile (4)
  • >> dtdtsfile (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         dtdtsfile - format and location of  desktop  data  type  and
         action files
         set DtDbVersion=version_number
         set VariableName=variable_value
         RecordType record_name
              # Comment
              FieldName field_value
              FieldName field_value
         The CDE data types database  provides  definitions  for  the
         data types and actions recognized by CDE clients.
         The general syntax of the data types files is  as  described
         above  in the SYNOPSIS section of this man page.  The set of
         general constructs composing the database entries is as fol-
         Any line whose first non-space character is # is treated  as
         a  comment  line,  and  is ignored during the reading of the
         database file.
      Database Version
         The database loader supports a version number,  which  indi-
         cates  the version of the database syntax used by a particu-
         lar database file.  If a  database  version  number  is  not
         specified,  then  the  database loader assumes that the file
         uses the version 1.0 syntax, described here.  If a  database
         file  specifies  a version number, then it must be the first
         non-blank, non-comment line in the  database  file;  if  the
         version  is  specified  anywhere  else  in the file, then an
         error message is generated, and the remainder of that  data-
         base file is ignored.  The database version number is speci-
         fied using the following syntax:
              set DtDbVersion=version_number
      String Variables
         Database records can reference string variables that are set
         within the database file.  The scope of a string variable is
         restricted to only those record definitions within the data-
         base  file  defining the string variable.  A string variable
         is defined using the following syntax:
              set VariableName=variable_value
         String variables are referenced using either of the standard
         shell  variable  referencing  syntaxes:   $variable_name  or
         ${variable_name}.  A variable name can be made up of any  of
         the alphanumeric characters and the underscore.
      Environment Variables
         Database records may refer to environment  variables,  using
         either  of the standard shell variable referencing syntaxes:
         $environment_variable or  ${environment_variable}.   If  the
         environment  variable  name conflicts with a string variable
         name, the string variable takes precedence.
      Line Continuation
         Any field within a record can be continued onto another line
         by  ending  the  line  with  a  \  character.  The \ and any
         <blank>s following the \ and preceding the newline are  dis-
         carded; leading <blank>s on the following line are preserved
         in the continued field.
      Record Name
         The first line of a record is made up of  the  record  type,
         RecordType   (one  of:   DATA_ATTRIBUTES,  DATA_CRITERIA  or
         ACTION), followed by the record name, record_name, which  is
         henceforth  used  to  identify this record.  The record_name
         string must be coded in ASCII and  must  be  uniquely  named
         across  the  data  attributes,  data  criteria  and  actions
      Record Delimiters
         After  the  record  name  has  been  located,  the  set   of
         corresponding fields is delimited by the { and } characters.
         Each of these characters must appear on a line by itself.
         The fields are all of the non-comment  lines  found  between
         the  record  delimiters.  They are composed of keyword/value
         pairs.  The FieldName string must be coded  in  ASCII.   The
         field_value  may  be  coded  in  additional, implementation-
         dependent, code sets, except that any literal string  values
         shown  in  Data Criteria Format, below, string must be coded
         in ASCII.
      Record Types
         There are three recognized record types  in  database  files
         used for data types (and actions):
            o DATA_CRITERIA
            o DATA_ATTRIBUTES
            o ACTION
         These three kinds of database record can appear together  in
         the same file or they can be segregated into separate files.
         See dtaction(4) for the file format of ACTION records.
         The first seven subsections of  this  section  describe  the
         FieldName  s  supported  for  data  criteria  records.   The
         remaining subsections describe formatting and sorting infor-
         mation for data criteria records.
      NAME_PATTERN Field
         A shell  pattern-matching  expression  describing  the  file
         names  that  could  match  this  data.  See Pattern Matching
         Notation.  The default is an empty string,  which  means  to
         ignore file patterns in matching.
         If the data to be matched is in  a  buffer,  rather  than  a
         file,  the  NAME_PATTERN expression is evaluated against the
         opt_name value given to DtDtsBufferToDataType(3) and related
      PATH_PATTERN Field
         A shell pattern-matching expression describing the  absolute
         pathnames  that could match this data.  See Pattern Matching
         Notation.  The default is an empty string,  which  means  to
         ignore path patterns in matching.
         The PATH_PATTERN expression is used only for  matching  data
         in files; it does not affect matching of data in buffers.
      CONTENT Field
         Strings that match on the contents  of  a  file,  buffer  or
              offset type value(s)
         The offset string is a positive decimal  integer  number  of
         octets  from  the beginning of the file or buffer, where the
         first value is tested.  The offset value is ignored for  the
         filename type.
         The type string is one of the following:
            string     The value is a single string that is  compared
                       against  the data starting at the offset loca-
            long       Each <blank>-separated value  is  an  unsigned
                       integer:   decimal, octal (leading 0) or hexa-
                       decimal (leading 0x or 0X).   Multiple  values
                       are  matched  against  multiple  byte (octet),
                       short (two octets) or long (four octets) loca-
                       tions  starting  at  offset  octets  from  the
                       beginning of the file or data.
            filename   The value is a string that is compared against
                       the filenames located anywhere in a directory.
                       The use of filename on non-directory data pro-
                       duces undefined results.
         The default CONTENT is an empty field, which means to ignore
         contents in matching.
         The CONTENT field applies to data in both files and buffers.
         Examples of two data criteria records  with  CONTENT  fields
              DATA_CRITERIA PCL1
                  DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME    PCL
                  CONTENT         0 byte 033 0105
                  MODE            f&!x
                  CONTENT         0 string %!
                  MODE            f&!x
      MODE Field
         A string of zero to four  characters  that  match  the  mode
         field  of a stat structure (see stat(2)).  The first charac-
         ter indicates:
            d  match a directory
            s  match a socket
            l  match a symbolic link
            f  match a regular file
            b  match a block file
            c  match a character special file
            D  match a door
            p  match a fifo (or "named pipe") special file
         The first, or subsequent characters, can also be:
            r  match any file with any of its user, group,  or  other
               read permission bits set
            w  match any file with any of its user, group,  or  other
               write permission bits set
            x  match any file with any of its user, group,  or  other
               execute or directory-search permission bits set
         For example, the MODE field of frw matches any regular  file
         that is readable or writable; x matches any file with any of
         its executable or search bits set.
         The default is an empty field, which  means  to  ignore  the
         mode in matching.
         If the data to be matched is in  a  buffer,  rather  than  a
         file, the buffer is processed as if it had a mode of fr.
      LINK_NAME Field
         A shell pattern-matching expression describing the  filename
         component  (basename)  of  the  filename  the  symbolic link
         points to that could match this data.  See Pattern  Matching
         Notation.   The  default is an empty expression, which means
         to ignore symbolic link names in matching.  LINK_NAME points
         to the file itself, not to the name of the file.
         The LINK_NAME expression is used only for matching  data  in
         files; it does not affect matching of data in buffers.
      LINK_PATH Field
         A shell pattern-matching expression describing the  absolute
         pathname  of  the  file pointed to by the symbolic link that
         could match this data.  See Pattern Matching Notation.   The
         default  is  an empty expression, which means to ignore sym-
         bolic link name in matching.
         The LINK_PATH expression is used only for matching  data  in
         files; it does not affect matching of data in buffers.
         The name of this type of data.  This value is a  record_name
         in the data attributes table.
      Pattern Matching Notation
         The pattern-matching text field permits  use  of  the  shell
         pattern-matching  characters *, ?, and [].  The asterisk (*)
         matches any set of characters, the question mark (?) matches
         a  single  character, and the square brackets ([]) match any
         one of a set of characters enclosed in the square  brackets.
         The  full  definition  of  shell  pattern matching is in the
         X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities, Issue 4.
      Logical Expressions
         The logical operators AND (&), OR (|) and NOT  (!)   can  be
         used  in  any  of  the  data  criteria  fields,  except  for
         DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME, as  shown  in  Data  Criteria  Format,
         below.  The resultant expressions are evaluated from left to
      White Space
         White space is used to  delimit  tokens,  as  shown  by  the
         blanks and newline terminals in Data Criteria Format, below.
         Within the pattern terminal, however, leading  and  trailing
         white  space not explicitly shown in the grammar is signifi-
         cant to the expression.  For example,
              NAME_PATTERN   abc | def
         is matched by either ``abc '' (with a trailing  <space>)  or
         ``  def'' (with a leading <space>).
      Escape Character
         Shell pattern-matching and logical expression characters can
         be  escaped  and used as literal characters by preceding the
         character with a backslash (\).  For example, \*  is  inter-
         preted  as  an  asterisk,  \? as a question mark and \[\] as
         square brackets.  Backslash itself can be escaped by preced-
         ing it with a backslash (\\).
      Data Criteria Format
         The following pseudo-BNF describes the data  criteria  vari-
         able definition:
    DataCriteriaDefn   ::= `DATA_CRITERIA' blanks record_name
    data_criteria_defn ::= (
                           `PATH_PATTERN' blanks pattern_datas newline
                        |  `NAME_PATTERN' blanks pattern_datas newline
                        |  `LINK_PATH' blanks pattern_datas newline
                        |  `LINK_NAME' blanks pattern_datas newline
                        |  `CONTENT' blanks content_fields newline
                        |  `MODE' blanks mode_specs newline
                        |  `DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME' blanks name newline
    pattern_datas      ::= pattern_data [(`&' | `|') pattern_datas]
    pattern_data       ::= [`!'] pattern
    pattern            ::= a shell pattern matching expression, as
                           defined in sh(1)
    mode_specs         ::= mode_spec [(`&' | `|') mode_specs]
    mode_spec          ::= (
                           type_spec [permission_spec]
                        |  type_spec (`&' | `|') permission_spec
    type_spec          ::= [`!'] type_char {type_char}
    type_char          ::= (`d' | `l' | `f' | `s' | `b' | `c' )
    permission_spec    ::= [`!'] permission_char {permission_char}
    permission_char    ::= (`r' | `w' | `x')
    content_fields     ::= content_field [(`&' | `|') content_fields]
    content_field      ::= (
                           [`!'] offset blanks `string' blanks string
                        |  [`!'] offset blanks `byte'  blanks data_values
                        |  [`!'] offset blanks `short' blanks data_values
                        |  [`!'] offset blanks `long'  blanks data_values
                        |  [`!'] offset blanks `filename' blanks string
    offset             ::= an unsigned decimal integer
    data_values        ::= data_value [blanks data_values]
    data_value         ::= an unsigned integer:  decimal, octal (leading
                           0) or hexadecimal (leading 0x or 0X)
    name               ::= ( "A-Z" | "a-z" ) [name_char]
    name_char          ::= { "A-Z" | "a-z" | "0-9" | "-" }
    string             ::= a character string, not including <newline>
    newline            ::= `\n'
    blanks             ::= one or more <blank>s (spaces and/or tabs)
      Data Criteria Sorting
         There may be multiple data criteria records that could match
         a  file or data.  This subsection describes the sorting pro-
         cess used by  the  XCDE  data  typing  services.   The  more
         specific  criteria are sorted toward the top of the list and
         the more general criteria toward the bottom.  The data  cri-
         teria  record  selected  is  the  first  match  found on the
         resulting sorted list.
         The following sorting rules are applied in sequence to  each
         possible  pair  of  data criteria records.  If a rule deter-
         mines that one data criteria record is  more  specific  than
         another,  the two records are positioned in the list so that
         the more specific comes before the less specific; otherwise,
         the next rule in sequence is applied.
            1. Records are ordered by  the  fields  specified  within
                  a. Records with both  content  and  pattern  fields
                     (most specific)
                  b. Records with only pattern fields
                  c. Records with only content fields
                  d. Records with neither content nor pattern  fields
                     (least specific)
            2. Records are ordered based on the presence of any shell
               pattern-matching  characters  in  their file name pat-
               terns (NAME_PATTERN or PATH_PATTERN):
                  a. File names with no shell pattern-matching  char-
                     acters (most specific)
                  b. File names with no shell pattern-matching  char-
                     acters in the final suffix (such as *.c)
                  c. Others (least specific)
            3. Records with a path pattern  are  more  specific  than
               records with a name pattern.
            4. Records with a name pattern of *  are  treated  as  if
               they have no name pattern.
            5. Records are  ordered  based  on  the  types  of  shell
               pattern-matching characters in their patterns:
                  a. Patterns with any ? (most specific)
                  b. Patterns with any []
                  c. Patterns with any * (least specific)
            6. Records with path patterns that share leading pathname
               components are ordered as follows:
                  a. The leading pathname  components  without  shell
                     pattern-matching  characters  are  selected  for
                     comparison.   (For  example,  /foo/bar/bam/baz.?
                     and /foo/bar/*/baz are evaluated as /foo/bar/bam
                     and /foo/bar for this rule.)
                  b. The selected paths are ordered so that the long-
                     est is more specific.
                  c. If the selected paths are equal, the  full  path
                     patterns  are  ordered  based  on the number and
                     types of shell  pattern-matching  characters  in
                     their patterns, in the following sequence:
                        i. Path patterns with fewer * characters  are
                           more specific.
                           Path patterns with fewer [] characters are
                           more specific.
                           Path patterns with fewer ? characters  are
                           more specific.
                  d. If the path patterns are still of equal specifi-
                     city,  the one with the larger number of literal
                     characters (those not  used  as  shell  pattern-
                     matching  special  characters)  in  its  pattern
                     after the first non-literal  character  is  more
            7. Records are ordered based on a  character  sorting  of
               the  path patterns, with the lowest value in collation
               sequence being more specific.
            8. Records are ordered so that the one with more criteria
               is  more  specific.   (For  example,  a  record with a
               PATH_PATTERN, CONTENT and MODE is more  specific  than
               one with only a PATH_PATTERN.)
         Two records still equal after executing the preceding  rules
         are ordered in an unspecified sequence.
         The following FieldNames are supported  for  data  attribute
         records.   Each  of  the  FieldNames  is  identical  to  the
         corresponding name member string of a DtDtsAttribute  struc-
         ture; see <Dt/Dts.h>.
         A textual description of  the  data  that  is  suitable  for
         presentation  to  a  user  requesting  information about the
         data.  The description should contain no formatting informa-
         tion  such  as  tab or newline characters. Keywords (special
         words enclosed in % characters) are not evaluated and should
         not  be used.  The application that presents the information
         to the user formats the information.  If this field is  NULL
         or is not included in the data attribute record, the name of
         the data attribute should be used.
      ICON Field
         The name of the icon to use for this data.  If this field is
         NULL  or  is  not  included  in the data attribute record, a
         default value (Dtactn for an executable file or  Dtdata  for
         other data) should be used.
         Icons are found by using the standard CDE icon search  path,
         so  the  value  can  be  either  an  absolute  pathname (for
         example, /foo/icons/,  a  relative  pathname  (for
         example,  icons/  or a partial filename (for exam-
         ple, myicon).  Partial filenames are preferred because  they
         allow  the  CDE  icon  search path to find the icon with the
         optimum size and depth for the current environment.
         The name of the icon to use for this instance of data.   The
         contents  of  this  field  are  as  described in ICON Field,
         above.  If INSTANCE_ICON is set, the application should  use
         it  instead  of  ICON.   If  this  field  is  NULL or is not
         included in the data attribute record, the ICON field should
         be used.
         An example value  of  INSTANCE_ICON  is  %name%.icon,  which
         would  select  an  icon based on a specific filename, rather
         than on a generic data type.
      PROPERTIES Field
         Keywords to indicate properties for this data.  Valid values
         are  visible  and  invisible.   These provide guidance to an
         application such as a file  manager  about  whether  a  file
         should be visibly displayed to the user.
         If this field is NULL or is not included in the data  attri-
         bute record, the visible property should be assumed.
      ACTIONS Field
         A comma-separated list of actions that can be  performed  on
         this  data.   This  list refers to names in the action table
         for actions that can be performed on  this  data.   If  this
         field  is  NULL  or  is  not  included in the data attribute
         record, no action is available.
         A string used to create a new file for data  of  this  type.
         The  string  is intended to be passed to sprintf(3) with the
         file name as the single  argument.   For  example:   %s.mif.
         The  default  is  empty.  (This field is contrasted with the
         NAME_PATTERN field of the data criteria table  in  that  the
         template  is  used  to create a specific file, such as %s.c,
         whereas the pattern is used to find files, such as *.c).
         A string-Boolean value that tells users of  this  data  type
         that it can be executed as an application.  If IS_EXECUTABLE
         is a true value (as determined by  the  DtDtsIsTrue()  func-
         tion), the data is executable; if this field is NULL, is not
         included in the data attribute record or is not  true,  then
         the data is considered not executable.
      MOVE_TO_ACTION Field
         The name of an action to be invoked when an object is  moved
         to the current object using a drag and drop operation.
         cause  an  action  to be invoked with the drop target as the
         first of the DtActionArg arguments to  the  DtActionInvoke()
         function,  and the drag sources as the remaining DtActionArg
         arguments.  However, if the drop target is an action itself,
         it is omitted from the DtActionArg list.  For example, using
         the syntax of the dtaction utility, if objects A and  B  are
         dropped onto non-action object C:
              dtaction action-name C A B
         If C is an action:
              dtaction action-name A B
      COPY_TO_ACTION Field
         The name of an action to be invoked when an object is copied
         to the current object using a drag and drop operation.
      LINK_TO_ACTION Field
         The name of an action to be invoked when an object is linked
         to the current object using a drag and drop operation.
      IS_TEXT Field
         A string-Boolean value that tells users of  this  data  type
         that it is suitable for manipulation (viewing or editing) in
         a text editor or text widget.  The IS_TEXT field  should  be
         set  to  a  true  value  (as determined by the DtDtsIsTrue()
         function) if the data is textual in nature and if it  should
         be presented to the user in textual form.  Criteria for mak-
         ing this determination include whether the data:
            o  consists of human language, or
            o  is generated and maintained manually, or
            o  is usefully viewable and editable in a text editor, or
            o  contains no (or only minimal) structuring and  format-
               ting information.
         If the IS_TEXT field is a true value,  this  indicates  that
         the data is eligible to be displayed directly by an applica-
         tion.  That is, the application can load the  data  directly
         into  a text editing widget (for example, XmText) instead of
         invoking an action on the data.  An example of  this  occurs
         in  the CDE mail services:  if the first part of a multipart
         message has IS_TEXT true, then it is displayed in  the  text
         area  of  the message view window.  Otherwise, the text area
         will contain only message headers and the first part of  the
         message will be displayed as an icon in the attachment pane.
         The data can be binary or text, and when the  IS_TEXT  field
         is a true value, this indicates that the data is text.
         Note that the IS_TEXT field differs from the text  attribute
         of  the  MIME_TYPE field, which is the MIME content-type, as
         described in RFC 1341.   The  MIME  content-type  determines
         whether  the  data  consists  of  textual characters or byte
         values.  If the data consists of textual characters  and  is
         labelled  as text/*, the IS_TEXT field determines whether it
         is appropriate for the data to be presented to users in tex-
         tual form.
         Examples of common data types include recommendations of the
         appropriate value of IS_TEXT:
    Human language encoded in ASCII:
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT true
         Note, however, that not everything that is ASCII  should  be
         presented directly to the user.
    Human language encoded in EUC, JIS,  Unicode,  or  an  ISO  Latin
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain; charset=XXX
              IS_TEXT true
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT false
         Calendar appointments should be treated  as  opaque  objects
         (editable  only  by the appointment editor) and not shown to
         the user as text.
    HTML (HyperText Markup Language):
              MIME_TYPE   text/html
              IS_TEXT true
              MIME_TYPE   application/postscript
              IS_TEXT false
    C program source (C_SRC):
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT true
    Bitmaps and pixmaps (XBM and XPM):
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT false
    Project or module files for the  CDE  application  building  ser-
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT false
    Shell scripts:
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT false
    Encoded text produced by
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT false
    Manual pages:
              MIME_TYPE   text/plain
              IS_TEXT false
      MEDIA Field
         The names in the MEDIA name space describe the form  of  the
         data  itself.   MEDIA names are used as ICCCM selection tar-
         gets; they are  named  in  the  MEDIA  field  of  data  type
         records; and they are used in the type parameter of ToolTalk
         Media Exchange messages.
         The MEDIA name space is a subset of the name space of selec-
         tion  target  atoms  as defined by the ICCCM.  All selection
         targets that specify a data format are  valid  MEDIA  names,
         and  all valid MEDIA names can be used directly as selection
         targets.  Some selection targets specify an attribute of the
         selection  (for  example,  LIST_LENGTH)  or a side effect to
         occur (for example, DELETE),  rather  than  a  data  format.
         These  attribute selection targets are not part of the MEDIA
         name space.
      MIME_TYPE Field
         MEDIA is the CDE internal, unique name for data types.  How-
         ever,  other  external  naming  authorities  have also esta-
         blished name spaces.  MIME  (Multipurpose  Internet  Message
         Extensions),  as  described  in the referenced MIME RFCs, is
         one of those external registries, and is the  standard  type
         name space for the CDE mail system.
      X400_TYPE Field
         X.400 types are similar in structure to the MEDIA type,  but
         are  formatted using different rules and have different nam-
         ing authorities.
      DATA_HOST Attribute
         The DATA_HOST attribute is not a field that can be added  to
         the  data  attributes table when it is in a file, but it may
         be returned to an application reading  attributes  from  the
         table.  The data typing service adds this attribute automat-
         ically to indicate the host system from which the data  type
         was loaded.  If this field is NULL or is not included in the
         data attribute record, the data type  was  loaded  from  the
         local system.
         The following modifiers can be used in  the  values  of  the
         data attributes to modify the runtime values:
            %file%    The full pathname of the file.
            %dir%     The directory component of the  pathname.   For
                      example,    for   /usr/src/file.c,   %dir%   is
            %name%    The filename of the  file.   For  example,  for
                      /usr/src/file.c, %name% is file.c.
            %suffix%  The suffix  of  the  file.   For  example,  for
                      /usr/src/file.c, %suffix% is c.
            %base%    The basename of the  file.   For  example,  for
                      /usr/src/file.c, %base% is file.
         Strings enclosed in backquotes (`) are  processed  with  the
         popen()  function and the output replaces the backquotes and
      Data Attributes Format
         The following pseudo-BNF describes the data attributes vari-
         able definition:
    DataAttributesDefn   ::= `DATA_ATTRIBUTES' blanks record_name
    data_attributes_defn ::= (
                             `DESCRIPTION' blanks string newline
                          |  `ICON' blanks string newline
                          |  `INSTANCE_ICON' blanks string newline
                          |  `PROPERTIES' blanks string {`,' string} newline
                          |  `ACTIONS' blanks name {`,' name} newline
                          |  `NAME_TEMPLATE' blanks string newline
                          |  `IS_EXECUTABLE' blanks string newline
                          |  `MOVE_TO_ACTION' blanks string newline
                          |  `COPY_TO_ACTION' blanks string newline
                          |  `LINK_TO_ACTION' blanks string newline
                          |  `IS_TEXT' blanks string newline
                          |  `MEDIA' blanks string newline
                          |  `MIME_TYPE' blanks string newline
                          |  `X400_TYPE' blanks string newline
                          |  unique_string blanks string newline
                          |  `#' string newline
    string               ::= a character string, not including <newline>
    newline              ::= `\n'
    unique_string        ::= a uniquely named string for implementation
    blanks               ::= one or more <blank>s (spaces and/or tabs)
         The following are examples of data attribute and  data  cri-
         teria entries in the data typing database:
                      ACTIONS         Open,Make,Print
                      ICON            DtdotC
                      IS_TEXT         true
                      NAME_TEMPLATE   %s.c
                      DESCRIPTION     A C_SRC file is a source file in the C \
                                      programming language.
              DATA_CRITERIA C_SRC1
                      DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME C_SRC
                      MODE            f
                      NAME_PATTERN    *.c
                      ACTIONS         Open,Print
                      ICON            Dtps
                      MEDIA           POSTSCRIPT
                      MIME_TYPE       application/postscript
                      MODE            fr
                      NAME_PATTERN    *.ps
         Errors encountered when loading database files  are  written
         to  the  CDE  errorlog  file.  Records containing errors are
         dttypes(1), DtDtsIsTrue(3), dtdtfile(4), dtactionfile(4).

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