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perltie (1)
  • >> perltie (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • perltie (1) ( Разные man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


         perltie - how to hide an object class in a simple variable


          $object = tied VARIABLE
          untie VARIABLE


         Prior to release 5.0 of Perl, a programmer could use
         dbmopen() to connect an on-disk database in the standard
         Unix dbm(3x) format magically to a %HASH in their program.
         However, their Perl was either built with one particular dbm
         library or another, but not both, and you couldn't extend
         this mechanism to other packages or types of variables.
         Now you can.
         The tie() function binds a variable to a class (package)
         that will provide the implementation for access methods for
         that variable.  Once this magic has been performed,
         accessing a tied variable automatically triggers method
         calls in the proper class.  The complexity of the class is
         hidden behind magic methods calls.  The method names are in
         ALL CAPS, which is a convention that Perl uses to indicate
         that they're called implicitly rather than explicitly--just
         like the BEGIN() and END() functions.
         In the tie() call, `VARIABLE' is the name of the variable to
         be enchanted.  `CLASSNAME' is the name of a class
         implementing objects of the correct type.  Any additional
         arguments in the `LIST' are passed to the appropriate
         constructor method for that class--meaning TIESCALAR(),
         TIEARRAY(), TIEHASH(), or TIEHANDLE().  (Typically these are
         arguments such as might be passed to the dbminit() function
         of C.) The object returned by the "new" method is also
         returned by the tie() function, which would be useful if you
         wanted to access other methods in `CLASSNAME'. (You don't
         actually have to return a reference to a right "type" (e.g.,
         HASH or `CLASSNAME') so long as it's a properly blessed
         object.)  You can also retrieve a reference to the
         underlying object using the tied() function.
         Unlike dbmopen(), the tie() function will not `use' or
         `require' a module for you--you need to do that explicitly
         Tying Scalars
         A class implementing a tied scalar should define the
         following methods:  TIESCALAR, FETCH, STORE, and possibly
         Let's look at each in turn, using as an example a tie class
         for scalars that allows the user to do something like:
             tie $his_speed, 'Nice', getppid();
             tie $my_speed,  'Nice', $$;
         And now whenever either of those variables is accessed, its
         current system priority is retrieved and returned.  If those
         variables are set, then the process's priority is changed!
         We'll use Jarkko Hietaniemi <>'s BSD::Resource
         class (not included) to access the PRIO_PROCESS, PRIO_MIN,
         and PRIO_MAX constants from your system, as well as the
         getpriority() and setpriority() system calls.  Here's the
         preamble of the class.
             package Nice;
             use Carp;
             use BSD::Resource;
             use strict;
             $Nice::DEBUG = 0 unless defined $Nice::DEBUG;
         TIESCALAR classname, LIST
             This is the constructor for the class.  That means it is
             expected to return a blessed reference to a new scalar
             (probably anonymous) that it's creating.  For example:
                 sub TIESCALAR {
                     my $class = shift;
                     my $pid = shift || $$; # 0 means me
                     if ($pid !~ /^\d+$/) {
                         carp "Nice::Tie::Scalar got non-numeric pid $pid" if $^W;
                         return undef;
                     unless (kill 0, $pid) { # EPERM or ERSCH, no doubt
                         carp "Nice::Tie::Scalar got bad pid $pid: $!" if $^W;
                         return undef;
                     return bless \$pid, $class;
             This tie class has chosen to return an error rather than
             raising an exception if its constructor should fail.
             While this is how dbmopen() works, other classes may
             well not wish to be so forgiving.  It checks the global
             variable `$^W' to see whether to emit a bit of noise
         FETCH this
             This method will be triggered every time the tied
             variable is accessed (read).  It takes no arguments
             beyond its self reference, which is the object
             representing the scalar we're dealing with.  Because in
             this case we're using just a SCALAR ref for the tied
             scalar object, a simple $$self allows the method to get
             at the real value stored there.  In our example below,
             that real value is the process ID to which we've tied
             our variable.
                 sub FETCH {
                     my $self = shift;
                     confess "wrong type" unless ref $self;
                     croak "usage error" if @_;
                     my $nicety;
                     local($!) = 0;
                     $nicety = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, $$self);
                     if ($!) { croak "getpriority failed: $!" }
                     return $nicety;
             This time we've decided to blow up (raise an exception)
             if the renice fails--there's no place for us to return
             an error otherwise, and it's probably the right thing to
         STORE this, value
             This method will be triggered every time the tied
             variable is set (assigned).  Beyond its self reference,
             it also expects one (and only one) argument--the new
             value the user is trying to assign.
                 sub STORE {
                     my $self = shift;
                     confess "wrong type" unless ref $self;
                     my $new_nicety = shift;
                     croak "usage error" if @_;
                     if ($new_nicety < PRIO_MIN) {
                         carp sprintf
                           "WARNING: priority %d less than minimum system priority %d",
                               $new_nicety, PRIO_MIN if $^W;
                         $new_nicety = PRIO_MIN;
                     if ($new_nicety > PRIO_MAX) {
                         carp sprintf
                           "WARNING: priority %d greater than maximum system priority %d",
                               $new_nicety, PRIO_MAX if $^W;
                         $new_nicety = PRIO_MAX;
                     unless (defined setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, $$self, $new_nicety)) {
                         confess "setpriority failed: $!";
                     return $new_nicety;
         DESTROY this
             This method will be triggered when the tied variable
             needs to be destructed.  As with other object classes,
             such a method is seldom necessary, because Perl
             deallocates its moribund object's memory for you
             automatically--this isn't C++, you know.  We'll use a
             DESTROY method here for debugging purposes only.
                 sub DESTROY {
                     my $self = shift;
                     confess "wrong type" unless ref $self;
                     carp "[ Nice::DESTROY pid $$self ]" if $Nice::DEBUG;
         That's about all there is to it.  Actually, it's more than
         all there is to it, because we've done a few nice things
         here for the sake of completeness, robustness, and general
         aesthetics.  Simpler TIESCALAR classes are certainly
         Tying Arrays
         A class implementing a tied ordinary array should define the
         following methods: TIEARRAY, FETCH, STORE, FETCHSIZE,
         STORESIZE and perhaps DESTROY.
         FETCHSIZE and STORESIZE are used to provide `$#array' and
         equivalent `scalar(@array)' access.
         The methods POP, PUSH, SHIFT, UNSHIFT, SPLICE, DELETE, and
         EXISTS are required if the perl operator with the
         corresponding (but lowercase) name is to operate on the tied
         array. The Tie::Array class can be used as a base class to
         implement the first five of these in terms of the basic
         methods above.  The default implementations of DELETE and
         EXISTS in Tie::Array simply `croak'.
         In addition EXTEND will be called when perl would have pre-
         extended allocation in a real array.
         This means that tied arrays are now complete. The example
         below needs upgrading to illustrate this. (The documentation
         in Tie::Array is more complete.)
         For this discussion, we'll implement an array whose indices
         are fixed at its creation.  If you try to access anything
         beyond those bounds, you'll take an exception.  For example:
             require Bounded_Array;
             tie @ary, 'Bounded_Array', 2;
             $| = 1;
             for $i (0 .. 10) {
                 print "setting index $i: ";
                 $ary[$i] = 10 * $i;
                 $ary[$i] = 10 * $i;
                 print "value of elt $i now $ary[$i]\n";
         The preamble code for the class is as follows:
             package Bounded_Array;
             use Carp;
             use strict;
         TIEARRAY classname, LIST
             This is the constructor for the class.  That means it is
             expected to return a blessed reference through which the
             new array (probably an anonymous ARRAY ref) will be
             In our example, just to show you that you don't really
             have to return an ARRAY reference, we'll choose a HASH
             reference to represent our object.  A HASH works out
             well as a generic record type: the `{BOUND}' field will
             store the maximum bound allowed, and the `{ARRAY}' field
             will hold the true ARRAY ref.  If someone outside the
             class tries to dereference the object returned
             (doubtless thinking it an ARRAY ref), they'll blow up.
             This just goes to show you that you should respect an
             object's privacy.
                 sub TIEARRAY {
                     my $class = shift;
                     my $bound = shift;
                     confess "usage: tie(\@ary, 'Bounded_Array', max_subscript)"
                         if @_ || $bound =~ /\D/;
                     return bless {
                         BOUND => $bound,
                         ARRAY => [],
                     }, $class;
         FETCH this, index
             This method will be triggered every time an individual
             element the tied array is accessed (read).  It takes one
             argument beyond its self reference: the index whose
             value we're trying to fetch.
                 sub FETCH {
                   my($self,$idx) = @_;
                   if ($idx > $self->{BOUND}) {
                     confess "Array OOB: $idx > $self->{BOUND}";
                   return $self->{ARRAY}[$idx];
             As you may have noticed, the name of the FETCH method
             (et al.) is the same for all accesses, even though the
             constructors differ in names (TIESCALAR vs TIEARRAY).
             While in theory you could have the same class servicing
             several tied types, in practice this becomes cumbersome,
             and it's easiest to keep them at simply one tie type per
         STORE this, index, value
             This method will be triggered every time an element in
             the tied array is set (written).  It takes two arguments
             beyond its self reference: the index at which we're
             trying to store something and the value we're trying to
             put there.  For example:
                 sub STORE {
                   my($self, $idx, $value) = @_;
                   print "[STORE $value at $idx]\n" if _debug;
                   if ($idx > $self->{BOUND} ) {
                     confess "Array OOB: $idx > $self->{BOUND}";
                   return $self->{ARRAY}[$idx] = $value;
         DESTROY this
             This method will be triggered when the tied variable
             needs to be destructed.  As with the scalar tie class,
             this is almost never needed in a language that does its
             own garbage collection, so this time we'll just leave it
         The code we presented at the top of the tied array class
         accesses many elements of the array, far more than we've set
         the bounds to.  Therefore, it will blow up once they try to
         access beyond the 2nd element of @ary, as the following
         output demonstrates:
             setting index 0: value of elt 0 now 0
             setting index 1: value of elt 1 now 10
             setting index 2: value of elt 2 now 20
             setting index 3: Array OOB: 3 > 2 at line 39
                     Bounded_Array::FETCH called at testba line 12
         Tying Hashes
         As the first Perl data type to be tied (see dbmopen()),
         hashes have the most complete and useful tie()
         implementation.  A class implementing a tied hash should
         define the following methods: TIEHASH is the constructor.
         FETCH and STORE access the key and value pairs.  EXISTS
         reports whether a key is present in the hash, and DELETE
         deletes one.  CLEAR empties the hash by deleting all the key
         and value pairs.  FIRSTKEY and NEXTKEY implement the keys()
         and each() functions to iterate over all the keys.  And
         DESTROY is called when the tied variable is garbage
         If this seems like a lot, then feel free to inherit from
         merely the standard Tie::Hash module for most of your
         methods, redefining only the interesting ones.  See the
         Tie::Hash manpage for details.
         Remember that Perl distinguishes between a key not existing
         in the hash, and the key existing in the hash but having a
         corresponding value of `undef'.  The two possibilities can
         be tested with the `exists()' and `defined()' functions.
         Here's an example of a somewhat interesting tied hash class:
         it gives you a hash representing a particular user's dot
         files.  You index into the hash with the name of the file
         (minus the dot) and you get back that dot file's contents.
         For example:
             use DotFiles;
             tie %dot, 'DotFiles';
             if ( $dot{profile} =~ /MANPATH/ ||
                  $dot{login}   =~ /MANPATH/ ||
                  $dot{cshrc}   =~ /MANPATH/    )
                 print "you seem to set your MANPATH\n";
         Or here's another sample of using our tied class:
             tie %him, 'DotFiles', 'daemon';
             foreach $f ( keys %him ) {
                 printf "daemon dot file %s is size %d\n",
                     $f, length $him{$f};
         In our tied hash DotFiles example, we use a regular hash for
         the object containing several important fields, of which
         only the `{LIST}' field will be what the user thinks of as
         the real hash.
         USER whose dot files this object represents
         HOME where those dot files live
              whether we should try to change or remove those dot
         LIST the hash of dot file names and content mappings
         Here's the start of
             package DotFiles;
             use Carp;
             sub whowasi { (caller(1))[3] . '()' }
             my $DEBUG = 0;
             sub debug { $DEBUG = @_ ? shift : 1 }
         For our example, we want to be able to emit debugging info
         to help in tracing during development.  We keep also one
         convenience function around internally to help print out
         warnings; whowasi() returns the function name that calls it.
         Here are the methods for the DotFiles tied hash.
         TIEHASH classname, LIST
             This is the constructor for the class.  That means it is
             expected to return a blessed reference through which the
             new object (probably but not necessarily an anonymous
             hash) will be accessed.
             Here's the constructor:
                 sub TIEHASH {
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $user = shift || $>;
                     my $dotdir = shift || '';
                     croak "usage: @{[&whowasi]} [USER [DOTDIR]]" if @_;
                     $user = getpwuid($user) if $user =~ /^\d+$/;
                     my $dir = (getpwnam($user))[7]
                             || croak "@{[&whowasi]}: no user $user";
                     $dir .= "/$dotdir" if $dotdir;
                     my $node = {
                         USER    => $user,
                         HOME    => $dir,
                         LIST    => {},
                         CLOBBER => 0,
                     opendir(DIR, $dir)
                             || croak "@{[&whowasi]}: can't opendir $dir: $!";
                     foreach $dot ( grep /^\./ && -f "$dir/$_", readdir(DIR)) {
                         $dot =~ s/^\.//;
                         $node->{LIST}{$dot} = undef;
                     closedir DIR;
                     return bless $node, $self;
             It's probably worth mentioning that if you're going to
             filetest the return values out of a readdir, you'd
             better prepend the directory in question.  Otherwise,
             because we didn't chdir() there, it would have been
             testing the wrong file.
         FETCH this, key
             This method will be triggered every time an element in
             the tied hash is accessed (read).  It takes one argument
             beyond its self reference: the key whose value we're
             trying to fetch.
             Here's the fetch for our DotFiles example.
                 sub FETCH {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $dot = shift;
                     my $dir = $self->{HOME};
                     my $file = "$dir/.$dot";
                     unless (exists $self->{LIST}->{$dot} || -f $file) {
                         carp "@{[&whowasi]}: no $dot file" if $DEBUG;
                         return undef;
                     if (defined $self->{LIST}->{$dot}) {
                         return $self->{LIST}->{$dot};
                     } else {
                         return $self->{LIST}->{$dot} = `cat $dir/.$dot`;
             It was easy to write by having it call the Unix cat(1)
             command, but it would probably be more portable to open
             the file manually (and somewhat more efficient).  Of
             course, because dot files are a Unixy concept, we're not
             that concerned.
         STORE this, key, value
             This method will be triggered every time an element in
             the tied hash is set (written).  It takes two arguments
             beyond its self reference: the index at which we're
             trying to store something, and the value we're trying to
             put there.
             Here in our DotFiles example, we'll be careful not to
             let them try to overwrite the file unless they've called
             the clobber() method on the original object reference
             returned by tie().
                 sub STORE {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $dot = shift;
                     my $value = shift;
                     my $file = $self->{HOME} . "/.$dot";
                     my $user = $self->{USER};
                     croak "@{[&whowasi]}: $file not clobberable"
                         unless $self->{CLOBBER};
                     open(F, "> $file") || croak "can't open $file: $!";
                     print F $value;
             If they wanted to clobber something, they might say:
                 $ob = tie %daemon_dots, 'daemon';
                 $daemon_dots{signature} = "A true daemon\n";
             Another way to lay hands on a reference to the
             underlying object is to use the tied() function, so they
             might alternately have set clobber using:
                 tie %daemon_dots, 'daemon';
             The clobber method is simply:
                 sub clobber {
                     my $self = shift;
                     $self->{CLOBBER} = @_ ? shift : 1;
         DELETE this, key
             This method is triggered when we remove an element from
             the hash, typically by using the delete() function.
             Again, we'll be careful to check whether they really
             want to clobber files.
                 sub DELETE   {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $dot = shift;
                     my $file = $self->{HOME} . "/.$dot";
                     croak "@{[&whowasi]}: won't remove file $file"
                         unless $self->{CLOBBER};
                     delete $self->{LIST}->{$dot};
                     my $success = unlink($file);
                     carp "@{[&whowasi]}: can't unlink $file: $!" unless $success;
             The value returned by DELETE becomes the return value of
             the call to delete().  If you want to emulate the normal
             behavior of delete(), you should return whatever FETCH
             would have returned for this key.  In this example, we
             have chosen instead to return a value which tells the
             caller whether the file was successfully deleted.
         CLEAR this
             This method is triggered when the whole hash is to be
             cleared, usually by assigning the empty list to it.
             In our example, that would remove all the user's dot
             files!  It's such a dangerous thing that they'll have to
             set CLOBBER to something higher than 1 to make it
                 sub CLEAR    {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     croak "@{[&whowasi]}: won't remove all dot files for $self->{USER}"
                         unless $self->{CLOBBER} > 1;
                     my $dot;
                     foreach $dot ( keys %{$self->{LIST}}) {
         EXISTS this, key
             This method is triggered when the user uses the exists()
             function on a particular hash.  In our example, we'll
             look at the `{LIST}' hash element for this:
                 sub EXISTS   {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $dot = shift;
                     return exists $self->{LIST}->{$dot};
         FIRSTKEY this
             This method will be triggered when the user is going to
             iterate through the hash, such as via a keys() or each()
                 sub FIRSTKEY {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $a = keys %{$self->{LIST}};          # reset each() iterator
                     each %{$self->{LIST}}
         NEXTKEY this, lastkey
             This method gets triggered during a keys() or each()
             iteration.  It has a second argument which is the last
             key that had been accessed.  This is useful if you're
             carrying about ordering or calling the iterator from
             more than one sequence, or not really storing things in
             a hash anywhere.
             For our example, we're using a real hash so we'll do
             just the simple thing, but we'll have to go through the
             LIST field indirectly.
                 sub NEXTKEY  {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
                     my $self = shift;
                     return each %{ $self->{LIST} }
         DESTROY this
             This method is triggered when a tied hash is about to go
             out of scope.  You don't really need it unless you're
             trying to add debugging or have auxiliary state to clean
             up.  Here's a very simple function:
                 sub DESTROY  {
                     carp &whowasi if $DEBUG;
         Note that functions such as keys() and values() may return
         huge lists when used on large objects, like DBM files.  You
         may prefer to use the each() function to iterate over such.
             # print out history file offsets
             use NDBM_File;
             tie(%HIST, 'NDBM_File', '/usr/lib/news/history', 1, 0);
             while (($key,$val) = each %HIST) {
                 print $key, ' = ', unpack('L',$val), "\n";
         Tying FileHandles
         This is partially implemented now.
         A class implementing a tied filehandle should define the
         following methods: TIEHANDLE, at least one of PRINT, PRINTF,
         WRITE, READLINE, GETC, READ, and possibly CLOSE and DESTROY.
         The class can also provide: BINMODE, OPEN, EOF, FILENO,
         SEEK, TELL - if the corresponding perl operators are used on
         the handle.
         It is especially useful when perl is embedded in some other
         program, where output to STDOUT and STDERR may have to be
         redirected in some special way. See nvi and the Apache
         module for examples.
         In our example we're going to create a shouting handle.
             package Shout;
         TIEHANDLE classname, LIST
             This is the constructor for the class.  That means it is
             expected to return a blessed reference of some sort. The
             reference can be used to hold some internal information.
                 sub TIEHANDLE { print "<shout>\n"; my $i; bless \$i, shift }
         WRITE this, LIST
             This method will be called when the handle is written to
             via the `syswrite' function.
                 sub WRITE {
                     $r = shift;
                     my($buf,$len,$offset) = @_;
                     print "WRITE called, \$buf=$buf, \$len=$len, \$offset=$offset";
         PRINT this, LIST
             This method will be triggered every time the tied handle
             is printed to with the `print()' function.  Beyond its
             self reference it also expects the list that was passed
             to the print function.
                 sub PRINT { $r = shift; $$r++; print join($,,map(uc($_),@_)),$\ }
         PRINTF this, LIST
             This method will be triggered every time the tied handle
             is printed to with the `printf()' function.  Beyond its
             self reference it also expects the format and list that
             was passed to the printf function.
                 sub PRINTF {
                     my $fmt = shift;
                     print sprintf($fmt, @_)."\n";
         READ this, LIST
             This method will be called when the handle is read from
             via the `read' or `sysread' functions.
                 sub READ {
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $$bufref = \$_[0];
                     my(undef,$len,$offset) = @_;
                     print "READ called, \$buf=$bufref, \$len=$len, \$offset=$offset";
                     # add to $$bufref, set $len to number of characters read
         READLINE this
             This method will be called when the handle is read from
             via <HANDLE>.  The method should return undef when there
             is no more data.
                 sub READLINE { $r = shift; "READLINE called $$r times\n"; }
         GETC this
             This method will be called when the `getc' function is
                 sub GETC { print "Don't GETC, Get Perl"; return "a"; }
         CLOSE this
             This method will be called when the handle is closed via
             the `close' function.
                 sub CLOSE { print "CLOSE called.\n" }
         DESTROY this
             As with the other types of ties, this method will be
             called when the tied handle is about to be destroyed.
             This is useful for debugging and possibly cleaning up.
                 sub DESTROY { print "</shout>\n" }
         Here's how to use our little example:
             print FOO "hello\n";
             $a = 4; $b = 6;
             print FOO $a, " plus ", $b, " equals ", $a + $b, "\n";
             print <FOO>;
         The `untie' Gotcha
         If you intend making use of the object returned from either
         tie() or tied(), and if the tie's target class defines a
         destructor, there is a subtle gotcha you must guard against.
         As setup, consider this (admittedly rather contrived)
         example of a tie; all it does is use a file to keep a log of
         the values assigned to a scalar.
             package Remember;
             use strict;
             use warnings;
             use IO::File;
             sub TIESCALAR {
                 my $class = shift;
                 my $filename = shift;
                 my $handle = new IO::File "> $filename"
                                  or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
                 print $handle "The Start\n";
                 bless {FH => $handle, Value => 0}, $class;
             sub FETCH {
                 my $self = shift;
                 return $self->{Value};
             sub STORE {
                 my $self = shift;
                 my $value = shift;
                 my $handle = $self->{FH};
                 print $handle "$value\n";
                 $self->{Value} = $value;
             sub DESTROY {
                 my $self = shift;
                 my $handle = $self->{FH};
                 print $handle "The End\n";
                 close $handle;
         Here is an example that makes use of this tie:
             use strict;
             use Remember;
             my $fred;
             tie $fred, 'Remember', 'myfile.txt';
             $fred = 1;
             $fred = 4;
             $fred = 5;
             untie $fred;
             system "cat myfile.txt";
         This is the output when it is executed:
             The Start
             The End
         So far so good.  Those of you who have been paying attention
         will have spotted that the tied object hasn't been used so
         far.  So lets add an extra method to the Remember class to
         allow comments to be included in the file -- say, something
         like this:
             sub comment {
                 my $self = shift;
                 my $text = shift;
                 my $handle = $self->{FH};
                 print $handle $text, "\n";
         And here is the previous example modified to use the
         `comment' method (which requires the tied object):
             use strict;
             use Remember;
             my ($fred, $x);
             $x = tie $fred, 'Remember', 'myfile.txt';
             $fred = 1;
             $fred = 4;
             comment $x "changing...";
             $fred = 5;
             untie $fred;
             system "cat myfile.txt";
         When this code is executed there is no output.  Here's why:
         When a variable is tied, it is associated with the object
         which is the return value of the TIESCALAR, TIEARRAY, or
         TIEHASH function.  This object normally has only one
         reference, namely, the implicit reference from the tied
         variable.  When untie() is called, that reference is
         destroyed.  Then, as in the first example above, the
         object's destructor (DESTROY) is called, which is normal for
         objects that have no more valid references; and thus the
         file is closed.
         In the second example, however, we have stored another
         reference to the tied object in $x.  That means that when
         untie() gets called there will still be a valid reference to
         the object in existence, so the destructor is not called at
         that time, and thus the file is not closed.  The reason
         there is no output is because the file buffers have not been
         flushed to disk.
         Now that you know what the problem is, what can you do to
         avoid it?  Well, the good old `-w' flag will spot any
         instances where you call untie() and there are still valid
         references to the tied object.  If the second script above
         this near the top `use warnings 'untie'' or was run with the
         `-w' flag, Perl prints this warning message:
             untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist
         To get the script to work properly and silence the warning
         make sure there are no valid references to the tied object
         before untie() is called:
             undef $x;
             untie $fred;


         See the DB_File manpage or the Config manpage for some
         interesting tie() implementations.


         Tied arrays are incomplete.  They are also distinctly
         lacking something for the `$#ARRAY' access (which is hard,
         as it's an lvalue), as well as the other obvious array
         functions, like push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), and
         You cannot easily tie a multilevel data structure (such as a
         hash of hashes) to a dbm file.  The first problem is that
         all but GDBM and Berkeley DB have size limitations, but
         beyond that, you also have problems with how references are
         to be represented on disk.  One experimental module that
         does attempt to address this need partially is the MLDBM
         module.  Check your nearest CPAN site as described in the
         perlmodlib manpage for source code to MLDBM.


         Tom Christiansen
         TIEHANDLE by Sven Verdoolaege <> and
         Doug MacEachern <>

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